The Problems with Trans-ideology

If you have and express an opinion on current cultural topics, you're obsessed and were probably molested in a truck stop bathroom.
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Trans is about what's between people's ears, not their legs.

Some people argue it isn’t a mental illness yet one of the main demands of the alphabets is for more/easier access to mental healthcare. Not sure if that’s from the 70+% diagnosed or the ones that want to be.
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Not at all.

It's about as disingenuous as drag queens and trans women being the shiny new object as though neither existed prior to last November.

This crusade is hollow.

Why is it so important to the left to cut the nuts off young boys?

I believe the real pushback from the trans community started when their motivation of indoctrination of young kids started.
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Yawn. It’s the same argument for every minority group, for people fighting desegregation instead of “protect the innocent children from scary groomers!” it was “protect our poor innocent white women from big scary Black monsters!” I’m sure there were people who genuinely believed that, but they were very very stupid

You mad bruh?

What is the lefts infatuation with cutting the nuts off little boys?
''I love America, but only certain parts of it."

Hmmm. Do you love and celebrate locales with a visible white supremacist presence. States that ban teaching CRT? Places with abortion bans? States that have enacted bans upon "gender-affirming" medical interventions?
Hmmm. Do you love and celebrate locales with a visible white supremacist presence. States that ban teaching CRT? Places with abortion bans? States that have enacted bans upon "gender-affirming" medical interventions?

Being an actual patriot and lover of my country, I love the land beneath them as much as the land beneath me, and I fully endorse a system of governance that allows them to have different laws than my state or any other.

If you don't, then you're half-assing being an American.
I fully endorse a system of governance that allows them to have different laws than my state or any other.

I agree with that statement/sentiment. The problem most people don’t, especially so on the left. Most want the federal government to do all the things they like rather than allow states to make their own decision. To the point where many will even scream “racism” as soon as you mention state’s rights
I agree with that statement/sentiment. The problem most people don’t, especially so on the left. Most want the federal government to do all the things they like rather than allow states to make their own decision. To the point where many will even scream “racism” as soon as you mention state’s rights
Especially so on the left?

Every single time I've seen someone endorsing secession, or celebrating any west coast state possibly floating off into the ocean, or saying they *hate* half the people in this country, it's a far righty.

Every. Single. Time.

Screaming racism and saying you genuinely hate someone you don't know just because of how they voted are not the same. Miss me with that hot take.
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Especially so on the left?

Every single time I've seen someone endorsing secession, or celebrating any west coast state possibly floating off into the ocean, or saying they *hate* half the people in this country, it's a far righty.

Every. Single. Time.

Screaming racism and saying you genuinely hate someone you don't know just because of how they voted are not the same. Miss me with that hot take.

Isn’t the entire reason the right wants session because the left believes in top down government? Isn’t that the only possible reason for session?

Why would any state leave if they get to make their own terms?

As far as “screaming racism”, I can “miss you with that” I guess. But it doesn’t change the fact that many on the left proclaim states rights to be racist
I literally NEVER see this "problem," or "issue."

But I feel the effects of economic problems every single day. I worry about world stability, especially the war in Ukraine. We hear about crime every day in our communities and have to take steps to prevent it. Roads need work. Air travel is overburdened. We have a labor shortage and uneven inflation.

I'd prefer the Republicans govern on these issues for at least a little bit before dying on the transgender hill for Army vets.

The GOP priorities are dangerously out of whack and may well explain why they did not have the success they thought they'd have in 2022.

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