The Problems with Trans-ideology

That sounds like a really, really weak charge.

Guy: finds poor conduct from doctors
Response: you weren’t supposed to know that!

A doctor violating HIPAA (on minors) isn't something you could call "weak," regardless of how you feel about it.

I'm not a supporter of GRS on kids, but that sort of conduct isn't acceptable.
A doctor violating HIPAA (on minors) isn't something you could call "weak," regardless of how you feel about it.

I'm not a supporter of GRS on kids, but that sort of conduct isn't acceptable.

That’s a weak HIPPA violation. Political prosecution more than anything.

Finding information about poor conduct of other doctors isn’t what HIPPA was intended to prevent.

To my knowledge he released the names of no one, right? That’s the intent of HIPPA
That’s a weak HIPPA violation. Political prosecution more than anything.

Finding information about poor conduct of other doctors isn’t what HIPPA was intended to prevent.

To my knowledge he released the names of no one, right? That’s the intent of HIPPA

What do you think he was going to do as a whostlblower, exactly?
Didn't this guy get a doctor from that hospital indicted for illegally obtaining child patient information on children that weren't his patients?
Yes, the first whistleblower is under indictment. He is facing 4 felony counts for potentially 10 years in prison. The patients name, DOB, and medical file # were redacted in the information he provided.

This is a second one, the nurse who said she was being intimated. From the article:

The FBI had sent two special agents, Paul Nixon and David McBride, to her home. The agents knocked on the door, asked her about “some of the things that have been going on at [her] work lately,” and then asked to enter her home. She was terrified. (The FBI declined to comment.)

The agents told Sivadge that she was a “person of interest” in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who had exposed the child sex-change program. They told her that the whistleblower had broken federal privacy laws. “They threatened me,” Sivadge said. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”
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What do you think he was going to do as a whostlblower, exactly?

You think the “whistle” he was blowing was “hey this kid is trans”? I’m not sure you have any understanding of this case at this point.

He was exposing unethical medical practices by other providers. Not the names of private information of these kids
You think the “whistle” he was blowing was “hey this kid is trans”? I’m not sure you have any understanding of this case at this point.

He was exposing unethical medical practices by other providers. Not the names of private information of these kids

I'm asking you a question, Rain Man. You're assuming my intentions.
I'm asking you a question, Rain Man. You're assuming my intentions.

Unless you thought he was going to release personal information about these people, your question makes no sense.

So let’s hear it. You seem to have a moral objection to this although you also claim to oppose what the doctor’s were doing.

So the man charged, what was this great evil that you so strongly object to?
Unless you thought he was going to release personal information about these people, your question makes no sense.

So let’s hear it. You seem to have a moral objection to this although you also claim to oppose what the doctor’s were doing.

So the man charged, what was this great evil that you so strongly object to?

Where did I say it was a great evil? Why are you using such exaggerated language? Did the wife accidentally move your toothbrush two inches away from where it normally is this morning?

Cobb gave more clarification without being a little cockmunch about it.

Thanks Cobb!
A doctor violating HIPAA (on minors) isn't something you could call "weak," regardless of how you feel about it.

I'm not a supporter of GRS on kids, but that sort of conduct isn't acceptable.

So this isn’t something you’d could call weak “regardless of how you feel about it”

Or is this weak?
Cry about it all you want, but you came at me first on this issue, like always. Maybe learn what you’re talking about next time, first

Actually, you came at me first. Sadly, I reduced myself to responding to you afterwards because I have yet to learn my lesson that arguing with you is like arguing with a WalMart version of Bobby Fischer.
Actually, you came at me first. Sadly, I reduced myself to responding to you afterwards because I have yet to learn my lesson that arguing with you is like arguing with a WalMart version of Bobby Fischer.

Whatever makes you feel better. Weak personal shots at me are your hobby at this point. And then you cry about how uncivil you feel I respond to your questions.

I’m sorry for all the offense.
Whatever makes you feel better. Weak personal shots at me are your hobby at this point. And then you cry about how uncivil you feel I respond to your questions.

I’m sorry for all the offense.

I'm not whining at all. I'm just correcting your version of events, Ted Kaczynski.
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I haven't followed this story very much. Is giving info that isn't personal or protected a violation of HIPPA? What information are they saying he gave that is protected?
I haven't followed this story very much. Is giving info that isn't personal or protected a violation of HIPPA? What information are they saying he gave that is protected?

The only allegation I’ve seen is that he accessed the information. So even though he didn’t release the names of anyone who was treated, he accessed their information without their consent
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Here are the FBI coming by the second whistleblowers home. What is even the reason for them to make this a law enforcement issue, other than to intimidate?

1. Not opening my door for a LEO unless he has a warrant. Definitely not inviting them in they don't need a warrant to search without my permission.

2. Ask them thru the door " Do you have a warrant? No? Then GTFOff my property. That simple. Any more (forced by them) communication between them and I will only take place in the presence of my lawyer.

Do not talk to LEOs. At all. Any lawyer will advise you exactly this. Both my kids have been taught this. Other than their names, when appropriate, we have nothing to discuss with the State. Sad it has to be this way, but now more than ever the DOJ and their agencies cannot be trusted.
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Remember this image? Oh how the democrats have "evolved" to where they now openly embrace genetial mutilation of children and uses the power of government to enforce it and intimadate anyone who tries to stop it.

Edit - Agreed and removed.
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