The Red Line: Part Deux

Global leadership is going kaput. Doesn't bode well for bigger problems, e.g., if Iran starts acting up. #Appeasement
Global leadership is going kaput. Doesn't bode well for bigger problems, e.g., if Iran starts acting up. #Appeasement

Its not appeasement. It is minding our own business and focusing on Americans, at least it should be. I commend the British for show what democracy really should look like.
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Its not appeasement. It is minding our own business and focusing on Americans, at least it should be. I commend the British for show what democracy really should look like.

Yeah it's democracy that's all. We just don't want to get involved. We may be wrong, we may be right but the vote speaks for itself. I have to say I'm not David Cameron's biggest fan (to put it nicely) but it's refreshing that he has recognized the vote and has stated that he will act accordingly meaning no military involvement from the UK.
Yeah it's democracy that's all. We just don't want to get involved. We may be wrong, we may be right but the vote speaks for itself. I have to say I'm not David Cameron's biggest fan (to put it nicely) but it's refreshing that he has recognized the vote and has stated that he will act accordingly meaning no military involvement from the UK.

Parliament did the right thing. Hopefully we'll take your cue and refuse to participate in another 'moral obligation' excursion into the Middle East.
Yeah it's democracy that's all. We just don't want to get involved. We may be wrong, we may be right but the vote speaks for itself. I have to say I'm not David Cameron's biggest fan (to put it nicely) but it's refreshing that he has recognized the vote and has stated that he will act accordingly meaning no military involvement from the UK.

They did the right thing
Its not appeasement. It is minding our own business and focusing on Americans, at least it should be. I commend the British for show what democracy really should look like.

Is what happens in Iran and Saudi Arabia any of our business?

I can't believe I'm sounding like a freakin' neocon, but at some point you've got to look at on going atrocities, in a strategically important region, and say, "Hey, maybe this is our concern."
Is what happens in Iran and Saudi Arabia any of our business?

I can't believe I'm sounding like a freakin' neocon, but at some point you've got to look at on going atrocities, in a strategically important region, and say, "Hey, maybe this is our concern."

We are in a tough position. While I see no immediate or direct threat to US interests, the fact is that if Asad is allowed to do this its going to get worse and it's a matter of time until it becomes extremely destabilizing to the region, on the whole.

I have mideast war fatigue, too. But I also get that the military views this as worrisome.

I don't know what the right answer is.
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Here's a question, what is VN's view on trading getting rid of Barrycare for letting him strike Syria?
Is what happens in Iran and Saudi Arabia any of our business?

I can't believe I'm sounding like a freakin' neocon, but at some point you've got to look at on going atrocities, in a strategically important region, and say, "Hey, maybe this is our concern."

It will become our business as soon as Iranian and Saudi bombers are over the Atlantic.

And this nonsense of strategic importance is why we're despised throughout the Middle East. We've meddled in the affairs of that region for decades, supporting dictators and war profiteers. They want nothing to do with the American people or rotten American culture. Naturally, the neocons run around talking about how we're going to free everyone. They just want American-style freedom, right? Bulls**t.

It's time to close-up shop and leave that part of the world.
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Here's a question, what is VN's view on trading getting rid of Barrycare for letting him strike Syria?

As long as he's allowed to set off one firecracker on a remote beach head, I'm all for it. We can all say we "got 'em" and throw a ticker tape parade on 6th Avenue in Manhattan.
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See a pattern? Past 2 days

@JimAcostaCNN: CNN has learned a cabinet-level "Principals Committee" meeting was held at the WH this evening on Syria. No POTUS.
And this
@AprilDRyan: At last night's WH #mlkdream50 reception, the Obama's met with Trayvon Martin's family. It is believed to be their first meeting.

Tonight this

@AmbassadorRice: Sec. Kerry, Sec. Hagel, Dir. Clapper and I held a call earlier tonight with members of Congress to consult on the situation in #Syria
And this
@MagicJohnson: There was great information and strategy that was laid out in the meeting today at the White House with Pres. Obama!

Does he even want to be potus?
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We are in a tough position. While I see no immediate or direct threat to US interests, the fact is that if Asad is allowed to do this its going to get worse and it's a matter of time until it becomes extremely destabilizing to the region, on the whole.

I have mideast war fatigue, too. But I also get that the military views this as worrisome.

I don't know what the right answer is.

This is almost as dumb as your previous post. I'm starting to think you don't know jack about anything.
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See a pattern? Past 2 days

And this

Tonight this

And this

Does he even want to be potus?

Awesome - add UN Ambassador Powers (who is rumored to be the architect of the redline comment) missed the UN Security Council emergency meeting on Syria because she was on vacation after a grueling 19 days on the job...

In the words of Walter Sobchak - "F'n amateurs".

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