The Red Line: Part Deux

Nothing like good ol' unilateral military action against a small country involved in civil war to solidify that Nobel Peace Prize.

I'd think we wouldn't want to continually piss off the world, if for no other reason, given our poor economic outlook. We're not in the same position financially that we have been for decades. We might want to tread lightly.
While classified information was lacking, lawmakers said they were assured there is solid evidence that the regime of Bashar al-Assad was behind an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on its own people and that the United States should take action to stop further use.

“Tonight’s briefing reaffirmed for me that a decisive and consequential U.S. response is justified and warranted to protect Syrians, as well as to send a global message that chemical weapons attacks in violation of international law will not stand,” Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said following the call.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the top Republican on the panel, agreed but added that Obama should seek Congressional authorization first.
so no classified material but he's convinced? Glad the burden of proof is set so high
“It is clear that the American people are weary of war. However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security. We must be clear that the United States rejects the use of chemical weapons by Assad or any other regime.”
how is 1300 people being killed in a civil war tied to US security?
And this nonsense of strategic importance is why we're despised throughout the Middle East. We've meddled in the affairs of that region for decades, supporting dictators and war profiteers. They want nothing to do with the American people or rotten American culture. Naturally, the neocons run around talking about how we're going to free everyone. They just want American-style freedom, right? Bulls**t.

I'm not talking about transforming the region, I just don't think heads of state should feel they can gas sleeping children with impunity.

And like it or not, we have, and will, carry the albatross of Middle East policy because of its oil (and Israel). That's just the way the world is made.
Before it was announced we are planning action you all complained about how soft Obama is.

As soon as it was announced, boom, you turn 180 and complain its not in our national interests.
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Before it was announced we are planning action you all complained about how soft Obama is.

As soon as it was announced, boom, you turn 180 and complain its not in our national interests.

Have you even read this thread??

Jesus lg.
Before it was announced we are planning action you all complained about how soft Obama is.

As soon as it was announced, boom, you turn 180 and complain its not in our national interests.

and the Dems have howled from the rooftops about the illegality of action in Iraq yet are completely comfortable with Obama taking action based on similar intelligence and even less authority
and the Dems have howled from the rooftops about the illegality of action in Iraq yet are completely comfortable with Obama taking action based on similar intelligence and even less authority

No one is comfortable with it. I have said here I don't know what the right course of action is.

But that's not my point.

My point is that the knee jerk reaction of the board is really a pretty good gauge of the way the GOP is living life these days: whatever Obama says, we say its horrible, even if it's exactly what we would do.
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No one is comfortable with it. I have said here I don't know what the right course of action is.

But that's not my point.

My point is that the knee jerk reaction of the board is really a pretty good gauge of the way the GOP is living life these days: whatever Obama says, we say its horrible, even if it's exactly what we would do.

how is it knee-jerk to say any decision to use force requires Congressional approval per US law?

I think it's absolutely looney tunes to get involved in yet another ME civil war based on shoddy intelligence (and on the side with AQ) but that's what he has to sell to Congress. He does not have the authority to do this on his own.

quit making this an RvD thing and maybe you'll understand
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Before it was announced we are planning action you all complained about how soft Obama is.

As soon as it was announced, boom, you turn 180 and complain its not in our national interests.

Nobody was complaining about how soft he was. The complaint was that he opened his big mouth with threat of action, and now that Asad has defied his wishes, he looks like a pussy if he doesn't act. He shouldn't act just to avoid looking weak. Would you not agree with that?
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I'm not talking about transforming the region, I just don't think heads of state should feel they can gas sleeping children with impunity.

And like it or not, we have, and will, carry the albatross of Middle East policy because of its oil (and Israel). That's just the way the world is made.

You can use emotional pleas all you like ("gas sleeping children"). I'm very sorry people, especially children, are killed in war. Thousands of people die every day due to unfortunate circumstances. Life isn't fair. Unless this country is directly threatened, we have no business in this conflict. End of story.
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No one is comfortable with it. I have said here I don't know what the right course of action is.

But that's not my point.

My point is that the knee jerk reaction of the board is really a pretty good gauge of the way the GOP is living life these days: whatever Obama says, we say its horrible, even if it's exactly what we would do.

Wrong again. You have your head so far up this imposters arse you can't even see what's right in front of you. Obama is full of hot air, and the threat of a strike on Syria is nothing more than a cover for his big mouth.

Edit: looks like SamRebel and I are on the same page.
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UK out but France is full steam ahead.

Cameron regrets Syria vote, France says strike still on
French President Francois Hollande said his country could go ahead with a strike on Syria for allegedly using chemical weapons against his own people in an attack that killed hundreds of people.

"The chemical massacre of Damascus cannot and must not remain unpunished," Hollande said in an interview with the newspaper Le Monde, published on Friday and reported by CBS News.

Hollande said France wants a "proportional and firm action" but said when asked about the type of intervention that "all options are on the table."
Can't wait to hear the ME belittling our country by saying that the democracy that we are so proud of doesn't work and is weak and ineffective. That we have a president that does what he wants against the will of the people. That he is nothing more than a dictator. That their form of law keeps everyone, even the rulers (which isn't true), in line with the will of the people.

How am I doing Bur???

After being one of the members on the conference call with the White House, Corker will support an attack.
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker said he would support a “surgical” strike against Syria for apparently using chemical weapons against its own people.

In a statement after a classified briefing with senior administration officials Thursday night, Corker, top Republican on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, said he could back only a measured response at this time.

“While I’m opposed to American boots on the ground in Syria, I would support surgical, proportional military strikes given the strong evidence of the Assad regime’s continued use of chemical warfare,” he said. “Whatever limited action is taken should not further commit the U.S. in Syria beyond the current strategy to strengthen the vetted, moderate opposition
Nobody was complaining about how soft he was. The complaint was that he opened his big mouth with threat of action, and now that Asad has defied his wishes, he looks like a pussy if he doesn't act. He shouldn't act just to avoid looking weak. Would you not agree with that?

Wrong again. You have your head so far up this imposters arse you can't even see what's right in front of you. Obama is full of hot air, and the threat of a strike on Syria is nothing more than a cover for his big mouth.

Edit: looks like SamRebel and I are on the same page.

100% with you. The bad part is that he is so egotistical that he can't back down. He has the weakest "free nation" in the world, France, backing him (read: goading) in doing something stupid. There will be a strike, just to satisfy his need to do something. The mess he has made in this country and the world so far, can be fixed. He goes much further down the path he is headed, it won't be able to be fixed in a century.
Can't wait to hear the ME belittling our country by saying that the democracy that we are so proud of doesn't work and is weak and ineffective. That we have a president that does what he wants against the will of the people. That he is nothing more than a dictator. That their form of law keeps everyone, even the rulers (which isn't true), in line with the will of the people.

How am I doing Bur???

The leaders could end the recess and have a vote on this.
Sadly from what I have read if brought to a vote Obama would be given to okay to go ahead with the strike. Congress does not want to go on record with a vote.
so let's say Obama goes ahead and launches 100 cruise missiles at Syria. Let's also say that 1-2 of those missiles don't hit their intended target and instead end up killing a few hundred civilians. Is that still a successful intervention? With the warning we've given Assad are we really likely to hit much of anything besides empty buildings and airstrips?
so let's say Obama goes ahead and launches 100 cruise missiles at Syria. Let's also say that 1-2 of those missiles don't hit their intended target and instead end up killing a few hundred civilians. Is that still a successful intervention? With the warning we've given Assad are we really likely to hit much of anything besides empty buildings and airstrips?

Good point. This is similar to the warnings we gave to Saddam. It is like telling a bank they will be robbed next Friday morning at 10 AM and expect to get sack full of money.
Is what happens in Iran and Saudi Arabia any of our business?

I can't believe I'm sounding like a freakin' neocon, but at some point you've got to look at on going atrocities, in a strategically important region, and say, "Hey, maybe this is our concern."

No, it is not. Let Russia, Europe or whoever else wants to, deal with them.
so no classified material but he's convinced? Glad the burden of proof is set so high

Him and Lamar both need to go.

In reality he said "The admin promised me they wouldn't stand in the way of my next bill". So I'm convinced.

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