The Red Line: Part Deux

The Brit parliamentary vote, that was scheduled for tomorrow, seems to have been delayed to next week, good. Now we gotta demand Congressional hearings and an authorization vote here as well.
The Brit parliamentary vote, that was scheduled for tomorrow, seems to have been delayed to next week, good. Now we gotta demand Congressional hearings and an authorization vote here as well.


Also, U.N. Inspector's report.
Speaking of credibility tests, this is a good one for all those who peddled the WMD hysteria a decade ago.
There need to be Congressional hearings because without them not enough opportunity for the Repubs to blame Obama for everything.

I suppose as long as your man is in the White House, unilateral military action is acceptable.

I wonder if you and Code Pink are going to be protesting outside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue if our Dear Leader decides to bomb Syria?
There need to be Congressional hearings because without them not enough opportunity for the Repubs to blame Obama for everything.

You're hating it aren't you? Obama has been nothing at all liked his voters hoped.

He's really earning that Nobel Peace Prize.

Syria kills it's own citizens with chemical weapons and Obama's answer to chemical weapons is to kill more Syrians.
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The Brit parliamentary vote, that was scheduled for tomorrow, seems to have been delayed to next week, good. Now we gotta demand Congressional hearings and an authorization vote here as well.

Being reported this morming that the British waiting on the UN inspectors report.

Obama is planning on meeting with Congress per Fox.
Democratic congressman Jerrold Nadler appears to be warning President Obama in a statement released today on striking Syria. "Constitution Requires Congressional Authorization on Use of Force Against Syria," reads the title of Nadler's statement.
The decision to go to war -- and we should be clear, launching a military strike on another country, justified or not, is an act of war -- is reserved by the Constitution to the American people acting through their elected representatives in Congress.

Since there is no imminent threat to the United States, there is no legal justification for bypassing the Constitutionally-required Congressional authorization. “Consultation” with Congress is not sufficient. The Constitution requires Congressional authorization.
Nadler is the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.
Dem. Congressman: 'Constitution Requires Congressional Authorization on Use of Force Against Syria' | The Weekly Standard
they don't know who did it
On Wednesday, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf admitted as much. “The commander-in-chief of any military is ultimately responsible for decisions made under their leadership, even if … he’s not the one that pushes the button or said, ‘Go,’ on this,” Harf said. “I don’t know what the facts are here….”
I am amazed that a ranking dem called Barry out on that...never thought that would happen. Its wonderful.
Al B. Damm
^^Even the Dems smell the stink on this one.

Not to mention I think you'll see them run away from him in droves as we get closer to the mid-terms.
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That British P.M. dude Cameron sounds like Piers Morgan when he's talking. He's live on CNN right now talking about what possibilities & options are on the table for dealing w/Syria. They are having a very lively debate that's interesting. Oh well, now CNN has cut back to their regular BS show.
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Putin weighed in on the anointed ones role in Syria using the analogy of comparing Owebama to a "monkey with a hand grenade "
Putin weighed in on the anointed ones role in Syria using the analogy of comparing Owebama to a "monkey with a hand grenade "

Really ticks me off that a foreign leader describes our POTUS in such terms.

Really pisses me off that he is correct.
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