The Red Line: Part Deux

Being reported this morming that the British waiting on the UN inspectors report.

Obama is planning on meeting with Congress per Fox.

This thing is really getting nuts. Yesterday Obama goes live with the "we know they did it" and the strategy is a "shot across the bow" that will some how not only stop Assad from ever using chem weapons again but it also somehow directly serves our national interests (don't ask how; just believe me)

Then Cameron goes on record saying there is no smoking gun verifying it was Assad and no action will be taken without 1) a fully confirmatory UN report and 2) support of Parliment.

Don't know why I'm surprised but it seems Obama did it again - he opened his mouth and set a standard without having all his ducks in a row first.

Oh and on a side note, the administration has been leaking "attack" details for days. I assume Holder is on it and soon we'll have indictments.
"The neo-colonialists regimes of Paris, London, and Washington are once again barging into the affairs of a sovereign, Arab country on the orders of the Zionist Occupiers! They are seeking to overthrow the legitimate Presidency of Bashar al-Assad and to destroy our glorious Ba'athist form of government! We shall not turn from our righteous course in defending the Syrian people, land, and resources from warmongering Western Imperialists, or the terrorist armed gangs, or the Zionist occupier! The Syrian Arab Republic and the Syrian people stand shoulder to shoulder in supporting the national mission that our brave armed forces are undertaking throughout the country. The Syrian Nation shall prevail against all foes!"

Its very easy to write propaganda for Middle-Eastern nations :birgits_giggle:

I typed that up in five minutes yesterday, he is what al-Assad said today;

"Syria, with its steadfast people and brave army, will continue eliminating terrorism, which is utilised by Israel and Western countries to serve their interests in fragmenting the region,"

I told you guys it is easy writing propaganda speeches for the Middle-East :eek:lol:

All you have to do is mention three key phrases: Israel/Zionists, the West, and some form Imperialism. :dance:
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Oh and Labour Leader, Ed Miliband, said Cameron is going to have to make a better argument for intervention than he did today. If the Brits don't sign on, this thing will fall apart quick.
Oh and Labour Leader, Ed Miliband, said Cameron is going to have to make a better argument for intervention than he did today. If the Brits don't sign on, this thing will fall apart quick.

That's what I was saying earlier - Obama committed to action (shot across the bow) before he had Britain in pocket to go along.

I'm now betting we do nothing or at most a Tomahawk or 2 for show.
This thing is really getting nuts. Yesterday Obama goes live with the "we know they did it" and the strategy is a "shot across the bow" that will some how not only stop Assad from ever using chem weapons again but it also somehow directly serves our national interests (don't ask how; just believe me)

Then Cameron goes on record saying there is no smoking gun verifying it was Assad and no action will be taken without 1) a fully confirmatory UN report and 2) support of Parliment.

Don't know why I'm surprised but it seems Obama did it again - he opened his mouth and set a standard without having all his ducks in a row first.
Oh and on a side note, the administration has been leaking "attack" details for days. I assume Holder is on it and soon we'll have indictments.

Opening his mouth with his red line remark could cost many lives. Of all his blunders this one has the potential to be by far the worst. I hope thousands of lives are not lost just to back up his bs words
Opening his mouth with his red line remark could cost many lives. Of all his blunders this one has the potential to be by far the worst. I hope thousands of lives are not lost just to back up his bs words

I can't say it enough but he's a bigger Buffoon than W.
That's what I was saying earlier - Obama committed to action (shot across the bow) before he had Britain in pocket to go along.

I'm now betting we do nothing or at most a Tomahawk or 2 for show.

He probably had Cameron agree to back him. The Bristish Parliament msy be puttibg Cameron in his place.

That is what Congress needs to do with Obama. Congress needs to end the recess, get back to DC, debate and vote on this. Sadly they rather not go on record of voting for or against a strike. Our Congress has the backbone of a worm.
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He probably had Cameron agree to back him. The Bristish Parliament msy be puttibg Cameron in his place.

That is what Congress needs to do with Obama. Congress needs to end the recess, get back to DC, debate and vote on this. Sadly they rather not go on record of voting for or against a strike. Our Congress has the backbone of a worm.

Well said got a like from me on that.
"Syria, with its steadfast people and brave army, will continue eliminating terrorism, which is utilised by Israel and Western countries to serve their interests in fragmenting the region,"

Really, though, apart from the Israel/Western part, isn't that basically what every world leader says?
this is truly one of the times Obama can blame Bush for his policy failing

No one wants to give American intelligence the benefit of the doubt anymore.

To be fair, the Middle East was messed up long before either president was even born. Now we can only hope to keep the entire region from disintegration.

Paid attention to what's been happening in Iraq the last few months? We spend all we did trying to fix that country, and they've still got car bombs going off every few days.

Ethnic/religious wars are bad news.
No one wants to give American intelligence the benefit of the doubt anymore.

To be fair, the Middle East was messed up long before either president was even born. Now we can only hope to keep the entire region from disintegration.

Paid attention to what's been happening in Iraq the last few months? We spend all we did trying to fix that country, and they've still got car bombs going off every few days.

Ethnic/religious wars are bad news.

it's American + Israeli intelligence which doesn't help in the ME. We also went down this same road a few months ago and didn't exactly get it right.

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