The Red Line: Part Deux

damn right....he's the emperor.

Part of Obama's speech to graduating cadets at the Air Force Academy last year. I can just see our Dear Leader flying over the hump. :)

After Pearl Harbor some said, the United States has been reduced to a third-rate power. Well, we rallied. We flew over The Hump and took island after island. We stormed the beaches and liberated nations. And we emerged from that war as the strongest power on the face of the Earth.
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What I find humorous about this Syria situation is that he talked a tough game and absolutely didn't back it up. He made a lose lose decision and ran with it and fumbled along the way. At least Clinton actually shot a few missiles.

It's actually quite embarrassing. I wonder if he got hawkish and then went into full blown limp wrist lib mode afterwards after realizing you better have a pair of balls when making ballsy statements...
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Maybe it's because Assad and Syria is Iran's number one ally and with those relations most likely broken after a revolution, Iran would lose its influence in that region. With Syrias hand, Iran could easily arm Hezbollah groups in Lebanon or etc,. It probz has to do with Israel in the end.

It's a proxy war with doubt about that.
I don't want to link to infowars, but there are articles there claiming the rebels are behind the chemical attack. Only it wasn't an attack, the rebels were poorly trained and mis-handled the weapons.

If this is true, and Obama launches an attack against Assad, forget about "Bush lied, people died".

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

I have thought that too. Did there seem to be a military target involved in this strike?
Part of Obama's speech to graduating cadets at the Air Force Academy last year. I can just see our Dear Leader flying over the hump. :)

If you know what he was talking about (or thought he was talking about) you know that we didn't fly over the hump and take islands. The hump was in the Burma Road and it was a fight to keep Japan out of China. What an f'ing idiot.

Read The Ragged, Rugged, Warriors by Martin Caidin or God Is My Copilot by Robert Scott. Two awesome books about that theater. The RRW not so much but it includes the action of the AVG.
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What I find humorous about this Syria situation is that he talked a tough game and absolutely didn't back it up. He made a lose lose decision and ran with it and fumbled along the way. At least Clinton actually shot a few missiles.

It's actually quite embarrassing. I wonder if he got hawkish and then went into full blown limp wrist lib mode afterwards after realizing you better have a pair of balls when making ballsy statements...

Heh heh, that's what Monica said.......
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U.N. inspectors leave Syria as Obama weighs military action -

U.N. inspectors leave Syria as Obama weighs military action

Obama declared himself "war-weary," but said he is determined to hold Syria accountable for the chemical attacks against its own people. The administration said it is sure he killed hundreds of civilians with poison gas in multiple attacks.

The Syrians have claimed that jihadists fighting with the rebels carried out the chemical weapons attacks on August 21 to turn global sentiments against it.
Obama is scheduled to brief senators today on Syria.

Lester Holt on the Today show said a strike could come within hours.
Obama is scheduled to brief senators today on Syria.

Lester Holt on the Today show said a strike could come within hours.

Shoot, what's the hurry? Obama to show his hand huh? Assad's probably in the Bahamas sitting by a pool w/feet in the water by now.
Shoot, what's the hurry? Obama to show his hand huh? Assad's probably in the Bahamas sitting by a pool w/feet in the water by now.

I do not understand how he thinks a "limited strike" is going to accomplish anything .

He has given Assad plenty of time to hide aircraft, tanks, troops and anything he has chosen to protect.

Do like Israel. If you are going to attack.... attack quick with no warning.

Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to move or hide anything he wanted. Obama now giving Assad plenty of time. That is dumb strategy.
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I do not understand how he thinks a "limited strike" is going to accomplish anything .

He has given Assad plenty of time to hide aircraft, tanks, troops and anything he has chosen to protect.

Do like Israel. If you are going to attack.... attack quick with no warning.

Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to move or hide anything he wanted. Obama now giving Assad plenty of time. That is dumb strategy.

I guess he's afraid he will offend Muslims & the Al-Quada terrorist.
It would be to give him authority, but have some strings attached. Reason is that GOP does not want to look weak-kneed next to Obama. Does not fit their narrative that he is soft on national defense, and they are strong.

But they will attach some nonsensical condition to it, just so they can say he did not fulfill it. And that way if things go south, they can distance themselves from it. And if things go well, they can say it was all their idea.

Pathetic that such gamesmanship taints such an important decision, but I suppose it is inevitable.

I assume you are including Obama in this pathetic gamesmanship?

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