The Red Line: Part Deux

Kerry cites proof of Sarin gas attack in building case against Syria | Fox News

This whole admin is full of fail. Several attacks since the red-line-part-un? No decision is made until the president makes it? So if Congress says no, then Barry can still legally say yes? They are blaming Assad straight up and the jury is still out on exactly who supplied the CWs?

Jury still out ?

First, I believe I read that we intercepted the order and we have imagery of the rockets being fired.

Second, all that has been shared with the leadership and all seem convinced.

This is not remotely like Bush II and Iraq.
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Jury still out ?

First, I believe I read that we intercepted the order and we have imagery of the rockets being fired.

Second, all that has been shared with the leadership and all seem convinced.

This is not remotely like Bush II and Iraq.

intelligence from the same CIA that completely botched the whole Iraq thing?
Jury still out ?

First, I believe I read that we intercepted the order and we have imagery of the rockets being fired.

Second, all that has been shared with the leadership and all seem convinced.

This is not remotely like Bush II and Iraq.

Yeah LG, although WMD's weren't found in Iraq...we know Saddam used chemical warfare agents against his own people. Right?
Jury still out ?

First, I believe I read that we intercepted the order and we have imagery of the rockets being fired.

Second, all that has been shared with the leadership and all seem convinced.

This is not remotely like Bush II and Iraq.

Jury still out ?

First, I believe I read that we intercepted the order and we have imagery of the rockets being fired.

Second, all that has been shared with the leadership and all seem convinced.

This is not remotely like Bush II and Iraq.

Is this the same intelligence organization that didn't know Benghazi was going to happen, per POTUS thought it was over a video and still can't find the guys responsible a year later?
Yeah LG, although WMD's weren't found in Iraq...we know Saddam used chemical warfare agents against his own people. Right?

Yep and where did they come from?

Reagan supplied Saddam with chemical weapons. Sadddam and Reagan shared the same enemy, Iran.

We have a terrible habit of creating powerful enemies.


Yes we do and our government appears to never learn from our mistakes. The worse FP our nation has continued to have is to befriend and support the enemy of our enemy.
CNN was skewering Obamas handing of the whole thing this morning Zakaria in particular nailed it.
He is finally being exposed, even the press can't cover for him now.
He is finally being exposed, even the press can't cover for him now.

I wouldn't get too excited just yet. Just like the phone tapping "scandal," the lamestream media will back on its collective knees for the Imposter in a week or so.
These are fair criticisms.

Personally, I think the administration was caught off guard by the UK waffling like it did then backing out.

At any rate, there is still a decision to be made.

I only hope it's the right decision but you know they'll f*** it up for damn sure just like everything else they do.
I only hope it's the right decision but you know they'll f*** it up for damn sure just like everything else they do.


You do know Obama saved Detroit and the auto industry?

That little thing of Detroit filing bankruptcy was just a small hiccup in Obama's plan.
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You do know Obama saved Detroit and the auto industry?

That little thing of Detroit filing bankruptcy was just a small hiccup in Obama's plan.

Obama saved Detroit? I think not.

My tax dollars did.

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