The Red Line: Part Deux

I do not understand how he thinks a "limited strike" is going to accomplish anything .

He has given Assad plenty of time to hide aircraft, tanks, troops and anything he has chosen to protect.

Do like Israel. If you are going to attack.... attack quick with no warning.

Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to move or hide anything he wanted. Obama now giving Assad plenty of time. That is dumb strategy.

The entire thing is a cluster and he keeps digging hole deeper. Now we absolutely have to take some action.

Also ironic that he is now talking bad about the UN given his prior love for leading from behind the UN

Ye ole pooch has been screwed
The entire thing is a cluster and he keeps digging hole deeper. Now we absolutely have to take some action.

Also ironic that he is now talking bad about the UN given his prior love for leading from behind the UN

Ye ole pooch has been screwed

No doubt. I tried to give him benefit of doubt during his first term due to the mess he took over. He is a disaster.
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I do not understand how he thinks a "limited strike" is going to accomplish anything .

He has given Assad plenty of time to hide aircraft, tanks, troops and anything he has chosen to protect.

Do like Israel. If you are going to attack.... attack quick with no warning.

Bush gave Saddam plenty of time to move or hide anything he wanted. Obama now giving Assad plenty of time. That is dumb strategy.

The CW are now back in Iraq........
Our voices have been heard! Hopefully Congress votes against authorization but I have a feeling they still will.
Let the rest of the world worry about it. Let the rest of the world worry about the whole damn middle east. If England and the other European countries don't want to get invoved, why should we? When things boil over and start to creep into Europe, maybe then they'll get off their pansy asses and do something. I'm ready to just let the middle east go to **** if we're going to be seen as the bad guys every time something new pops up. Israel has proven itself capable of defending themselves. American soldiers need to come home.
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I love the "I didn't have to ask Congress but am anyway" BS along with a hint of blaming Congress for playing politics. It's absurd.
Received this from a friend. Thoughts?

Posted August 26, 2013
By Paul Martin Why Syria? It’s not what we’ve been told.

Aug 25, 2013

Sun Tzu said that “All war is deception.” Syria like Iraq and Afghanistan before it is no different. Let us look at the real reason why the globalist corporations and banking interests are fixated on this nation. A fixation that started over a decade ago. A fixation that has the potential to lead to a major global war as key world powers are now involved.

If one remembers in the late 90′s the ruling party in Afghanistan was the Taliban. They have wrested most of the control of the nation from their Northern Alliance adversaries and were enjoying favor from Washington. Then it was discovered that this mountainous grave yard of empires can serve a purpose in running a gas as well as an oil pipeline dubbed the famous Caspian Pipeline. Ring a bell?

The objective of the pipeline was to run a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Azerbaijan, through Georgia and into to Turkey on to the destined Euro-Mediterranean markets. All the while bypassing Russia and allowing at that time the European Economic Community to be free of Russian Natural Gas and Gazprom.

In Early 2000 there was a meeting between leaders of the Taliban and Assistant Secretary of State, Political Crony and Known Leaker of the Valerie Plame CIA agent scandal, Richard Armitage. Armitage gave them an offer that they could not refuse. Run a secondary pipeline through Afghanistan as well and into Pakistan, out to the Arabian Sea. All facilitated by Unocal and their now famous or infamous, depends how you look at it, employee Hamid Karzai. Unfortunately for the Taliban they refused. Armitage, it was reported, stated to the visiting Taliban delegation, “You can take the offer either with a carpet of Gold or a Carpet of Bombs.”

Fast forward one year and Afghanistan is invaded, the Taliban overthrown and Unocal employee Hamid Karzai is put in power as president. The shocking thing is this: if one takes the time to look at the Afghanistan map, large US military bases are on the very path of the proposed pipeline. This, as well that some of the proceeds from the lucrative opium trade will find it’s way back to US banks -- which will launder the money in order to help fund Unocal in the proposed pipe building project. Win Win.

So what does this have to do with Syria. Syria is the final chess piece of a move to cut Russia’s lucrative lock in Natural Gas and Oil that it supplies to Europe. If this connection is cut in any way, it will bring severe consequences to the Russian economy as well as to Russia’s natural gas company Gazprom. This is a move that the US stands to gain from.

The trouble for Syria began with two things. First the discovery of natural gas in the Mediterranean right off the coast of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Read that list again, especially LEBANON and SYRIA. Is the picture becoming clearer? This discovery took place about a decade ago. The thing is, though, there already exists within the middle east a Liquid Natural Gas Producing power house. That my friends is the tiny nation of Qatar.

Now here is where you need to put your thinking caps on. Qatar is floating in LNG (Liquid Natural Gas). It has over 77 Billion Tonnes in Reserve and that is with a moratorium in place. The problem is that Qatar would love to sell its LNG to the EU and the hot Mediterranean markets. The problem for Qatar in achieving this is their regional big brother Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have already said “NO” to an overland pipe cutting across the Land of Saud. So what is the oil rich micro mite to do? Simple. Cut a deal with the biggest bully in the neighborhood, you guessed it, the US.

As recently as May of this year deals have been put in place by Exxon Mobile and Qatar Petroleum International, a $10 Billion deal that allows Exxon Mobile to sell natural gas through a port in Texas to the UK and Mediterranean markets… So little Qatar is anxious, power hungry and dangerous; the only thing standing in the way of their aspirations is Syria.

The US plays into this in that it has vast wells of natural gas, in fact the largest known supply in the world. There is a reason why Natural Gas prices have been suppressed for so long in the US. This is to set the stage for US involvement in the Natural Gas market in Europe while smashing the monopoly that the Russians have enjoyed for so long.

Enter Nabucco. Signed by a handful of European nations and Turkey back in 2009, it was an agreement to run a natural gas pipeline across Turkey into Austria, bypassing Russia. Again with Qatar in the mix as a supplier to a feeder pipeline via the proposed Arab pipeline from Libya to Egypt to Nabucco. (Is the picture getting clearer?) The problem with all of this is that a Russian-backed Syria stands in the way.

Is it not interesting that the main cities of turmoil and conflict in Syria right now, the ones so spoken of in the news, are Damascus, Homs, and Aleppo. Coincidentally folks, those happen to be the same cities that the proposed gas pipelines happen to run through. Qatar is the biggest financier of the Syrian uprising, having spent over $3 billion so far in conflict. The other side of the story is that Saudi Arabia also finances anti-Assad groups in Syria. You see, the Saudis do not want to be marginalized by their ambitious little brother. Thus they too want to topple Assad and implant their own puppet government, one that would sign off on a pipeline deal and charge Qatar for running their pipes through to Nabucco.

Hence this is the reason why you have two somewhat opposing factions in Syria. On one side you have the Qatari-backed Muslim Brotherhood and its subsidiaries who have very close ties with the Emir of Qatar. On the other side you have the Saudi backed Wahhabi Al-Queda and its subsidiaries. Hence you have various levels of atrocities from the cannibalism of the Wahabis to the Christian slaughter of the “Brotherhood”. These all have Qatari and Saudi fingerprints all over them.

In the background of this den of Jackals is the chief Hyena, the US, ready to spread Love and Democracy not by war but “Kinetic Action”. You see, as the economy in the US crumbles, Pax Americana is in its final death rattles; it desires to see its age old rival Russia knocked off its energy pedestal in the highly lucrative Euro market. It also is anxious to get a piece of the Natural Gas Pie. Folks, you have to understand that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are proxy puppet states to the Anglo-American powers. The US will stand to gain immensely no matter which faction topples Assad. In fact deals have been cut since 2009. Again the problem is Russia stands in the way.

The recent Cyprus bail in was not something that was just a simple bank failure, which was inevitable. But it was primarily designed to go after the wealth of the Russian Oligarchs who coincidentally have strong ties with the Russian energy sector. Lucky for them they were warned in advanced by a Cypriot banker and they were able to liquidate before they lost everything. This has not gone unnoticed by Putin. Why do you think that immediately after the Cyprus fiasco, Russian warships docked there the following week. This was Putin sending a very strong message to the Western Banksters that Russian interests will not be messed with.
Russia is now forced to draw the line, a very hard line in the sand. Syria is much more than losing a strategic port in the Natural Gas rich middle east. It is about losing the entire European region to Middle Eastern and Caspian Energy interests. Russia cannot allow that. This is why they are moving their military assets in place, This is also why resource-hungry China cannot have its natural gas flow interrupted as well, and have sided with the Russians when it comes to Syria.

Folks, this is the real reason for Benghazi. It is much more than giving arms to Al-Queda, and theories about shooting down Western Airliners. It about arming a large rag tag mercenary army that will help engage the Russians on the ground when the time comes. That is what Benghazi is all about -- another Bear trap just like Afghanistan was for the Russians. Facing Guerrilla tactics in the desert by religious zealots is a situation that Russia is trying to avoid. So the answer to ending all of these problems for Russia is to engage the Americans directly. We are leaving them no choice. This is the reason for Benghazi.
Why Syria? It is THE way to break Russia.
I love the "I didn't have to ask Congress but am anyway" BS along with a hint of blaming Congress for playing politics. It's absurd.

History shows he doesn't need Congress approval.
It is smart to get it, but is not required.

Reagan and Clinton both acted without Congress approval.

This is Obama's out for his red line comment.
He should have asked for approval a week or so ago. I like that Congress has to take a stand , one way or the other.

Waiting this late in the game , then ask for congress approval is another blunder by Obama.

If an attacked is required, why wait 10 days for Congress to start debating it. Congress should end their recess, get back to DC and vote on this. Waiting another 1 1/2 -2 weeks is giving Assad plenty of time to get prepared.
Watching Fox this am. The cry from the GOP two days ago was that Obama wasn't conferring with Congress under the WPA. Today they are whining that he is.

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Watching Fox this am. The cry from the GOP two days ago was that Obama wasn't conferring with Congress under the WPA. Today they are whining that he is.


Whining? I didn't see the program. Could you provide me with some quotes?

And the WPA is unconstitutional. Moreover, if our national security is at stake, what's taking Obama so long to act?
Whining? I didn't see the program. Could you provide me with some quotes?

And the WPA is unconstitutional. Moreover, if our national security is at stake, what's taking Obama so long to act?

They were complaining that he's weak and indecisive. Ridiculous since they were complaining just days ago that he's moving too fast.
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They were complaining that he's weak and indecisive. Ridiculous since they were complaining just days ago that he's moving too fast.

:whistling: Nah, just an empty suit will do. Besides, he'd rather be on vacation again.
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Funny how John Kerry was against the Vietnam war and how he hopes Congress will approve military action against Syria. What a hypocrite.
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Let the rest of the world worry about it. Let the rest of the world worry about the whole damn middle east.

How far we've come in just a few years.

I love how Obama spent the first two years of his first term on a world apology tour for the US. Constantly espousing the theme that America is not special, we are not exceptional, we are the same as everyone else. Now, it is his belief that we are the ones that have to lead the charge to do the right thing. That said, we need to gather up some friends before we can do the right thing. This guy is all over the place. Just an absolute amateur we have leading this country.

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