The Red Line: Part Deux

Anyone else getting tired of people invoking "the children" as rationale for action?

Wonder how many 100s of innocent children we've killed via drone strikes? Don't those children count?

how many children had died in the previous 2 years of the fighting? Why are these so much more important now?
Anyone else getting tired of people invoking "the children" as rationale for action?

Wonder how many 100s of innocent children we've killed via drone strikes? Don't those children count?

For whatever reason, news often treats children deaths as a separate class. A van runs off the road or a building burns down, they'll specify how many children died.
do we really hold the high ground on this?

Suspend military aid to Israel, Amnesty urges Obama after detailing US weapons used in Gaza | World news | The Guardian

Amnesty researchers in Gaza found several weapon fragments after the fighting. One came from a 500lb (227kg) Mark-82 fin guided bomb, which had markings indicating parts were made by the US company Raytheon. They also found fragments of US-made white phosphorus artillery shells, marked M825 A1.
On 15 January, several white phosphorus shells fired by the Israeli military hit the headquarters of the UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza City, destroying medicine, food and aid. One fragment found at the scene had markings indicating it was made by the Pine Bluff Arsenal, based in Arkansas, in October 1991.

The human rights group said the Israeli military had used white phosphorus in densely populated civilian areas, which it said was an indiscriminate form of attack and a war crime. Its researchers found white phosphorus still burning in residential areas days after the ceasefire.
Hadn't seen this - what a disaster of a foreign policy

Official: White House seeks Syria response 'just muscular enough not to get mocked' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

A U.S. official briefed on the military options being considered by President Obama told the Los Angeles Times that the White House is seeking a strike on Syria "just muscular enough not to get mocked."
"They are looking at what is just enough to mean something, just enough to be more than symbolic," the official told the paper, giving credence to similar reports describing a limited military strike in the aftermath of last week's alleged chemical weapons attack.

What a pathetic, disgraceful misuse of America's military capabilities...blowing up a few tents and empty buildings just so that Supreme Generalissimo Obongo won't be mocked.

Really? And how much does each cruise missile and guided bomb cost these days? And fuel for any bombers that head into Syria and get shot at?
What have we become?

The world's first Metro-sexual nation under the world's first Metro-sexual President and I am not just Metrosexual-bashing. This administration, from Reset to Arab Spring have caused the US to lose power, prestige and allies, left and right since January 2009. Look at the President, then look at the VP after that look at Kerry - they're all neutered pretend men.
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What have we become?

The world's first Metro-sexual nation under the world's first Metro-sexual President and I am not just Metrosexual-bashing. This administration, from Reset to Arab Spring have caused the US to lose power, prestige and allies, left and right since January 2009. Look at the President, then look at the VP after that look at Kerry - they're all neutered pretend men.

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Did u stand behind Bush and his attacks? Keep in mind he had congress behind him and 98% of the free world..unlike Obama

Given that the situations are, by your own description, so different, what is the point of the question?

The rationale to invade Iraq was complicity in 9/11 as evidence of a willingness to use WMD. The rationale here is use of WMD.
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What have we become?

The world's first Metro-sexual nation under the world's first Metro-sexual President and I am not just Metrosexual-bashing. This administration, from Reset to Arab Spring have caused the US to lose power, prestige and allies, left and right since January 2009. Look at the President, then look at the VP after that look at Kerry - they're all neutered pretend men.

What is a "metro-sexual" country? :eek:lol:
Given that the situations are, by your own description, so different, what is the point of the question?

The rationale to invade Iraq was complicity in 9/11 as evidence of a willingness to use WMD. The rationale here is use of WMD.

Did you miss the memo? Sadam gassed the Kurds, 100% proof.

What % of proof do we have Assad did this?
Here's Stephen Hadley with another vote of confidence for the moderate rebels.

Shocking video of Syrian rebels executing government soldiers poses new questions for U.S. support – The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

Assuming we've even properly ID'ed them (there's 100 different factions) it's unclear how we arm them, and only them. And were they successful in toppling the government, how we would keep the al Qaeda-leaning factions out of power.

Looks awful messy.

:whistling: bunch of "FREAKING" idiot savages that eat hearts of dead soldiers & just want to kill just for the thrill of killing others. I bet some don't even know why they are doing it. They have to be insane to be like this.
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:whistling: bunch of "FREAKING" idiot savages that eat hearts of dead soldiers & just want to kill just for the thrill of killing others. I bet some don't even know why they are doing it. They have to be insane to be like this.

And the Dums were outraged when our soldiers just pissed on them......LG where is your outrage???
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Finally a sensible proposal for the Syrian situation.

Sen Manchin, Heitkamp propose giving Syria 45 days to sign the chemical weapons convention . This would start the process of securing and dismantling their chemical weapons.

This would put a diplomatic action and test before Obama would be giving the resloution to strike.

I think the 45 days is too long. Some version of a plan like this could work.
Senators who backed Syria resolution got 83 per cent more defense lobby money | Mail Online

Wednesday's 10-7 vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee supporting an authorization of military attacks on Syria may have been affected by varying levels of financial support the senators got from political action committees representing the defense industry, and from the companies' employees.
On average, a 'yes'-voting senator received 83 per cent more money from defense contractors than one who voted 'no.'


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