The Red Line: Part Deux

If you are correct and Al Qaeda does have them we need to go on high alert and tighten our borders. They would love to use them on US soil.

CWs are not that effective, they killed and can kill more people using other methods.

It's the fear factor with CWs.

even MSNBC thought the presser sucked

Chris Matthews has been arguing against it from Day 1. Say what you will about him, and the network on the whole, they are not as in the hip pocket of Obama as you would think, at least not on this. Not at all.
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Chris Matthews has been arguing against it from Day 1. Say what you will about him, and the network on the whole, they are not as in the hip pocket of Obama as you would think, at least not on this. Not at all.

Well that is because they are natural born p#ssies so of course they will attempt to avoid any confrontation.
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Did Obama not learn ANY US History when in school in Indonesia? I mean seriously this guy is the poorest person ever elected to the office and has really given Bush a run for it in the intelligence category as well.
Poll: Majority Of Americans Approve Of Sending Congress To Syria | The Onion - America's Finest News Source


Send those two old bags on the left for damn sure. Those two are worthless to all in Congress.

No Syria Attack Without Congressional Approval, Obama Aide Says - ABC News

Hope Congress says "NO". Love the whole - I could do it anyway if I want but I won't if they don't agree.

We've gone from "I don't have to and won't seek authority" to "I don't have to but will seek but will still do what I want" to "I don't have to but will seek and will not if they say no"

All this from the guy who keeps telling us about sending a message
There may have just been another chemical attack outside of Damascus, nothing official yet.
in my mind it's even less likely this came from Assad. If the US attacks now, he's dead

He has nothing to gain from a chemical attack at this point. The guy isn't stupid. I'd put money on it being from the rebels.
Rebels that send their own children into suicidal plans to “claim victory” over their enemy cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the use of chemical weapons on their own villages.

Straight up.
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