The Red Line: Part Deux

Finally a sensible proposal for the Syrian situation.

Sen Manchin, Heitkamp propose giving Syria 45 days to sign the chemical weapons convention . This would start the process of securing and dismantling their chemical weapons.

This would put a diplomatic action and test before Obama would be giving the resloution to strike.

I think the 45 days is too long. Some version of a plan like this could work.

Interesting. I know Susan Collins made reference to non-military solutions as well.
Interesting. I know Susan Collins made reference to non-military solutions as well.

If the USA tries such s plan and Assad does not comply, it would give the USA credibility that may pull in some allies. The handling if this has been total failure to this point.
56 minutes of Ahhs and Umms. Nice presser today 0

I watched it. Very detailed and forthright answering of questions. Did not dodge them. Had actual facts and is clearly directly engaged in what is going on. Far better than his predecessor's foolishness.

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Finally a sensible proposal for the Syrian situation.

Sen Manchin, Heitkamp propose giving Syria 45 days to sign the chemical weapons convention . This would start the process of securing and dismantling their chemical weapons.

This would put a diplomatic action and test before Obama would be giving the resloution to strike.

I think the 45 days is too long. Some version of a plan like this could work.

Nice idea in theory, but what happens when they say "no"? And why won't they say "no"?
“i put this before congress for a reason,” obama told reporters. “i believe action is more effective and stronger if we are united. I’m not engaging in parlor games with respect to how congress responds to their constituents’ concerns.”

Im not saying this is like WWII but this is like WWII. Total fail
Nice idea in theory, but what happens when they say "no"? And why won't they say "no"?

We would be giving Syria a chance to dimantle their chemical weapons. If they refuse to, this would give justification for an attack and should be able to pull in a strong group of nations to act with us.

It is giving Assad a chance to do the right thing and not be attacked. It may not be a perfect plan but it is 100% better than what we have on the table now.
We would be giving Syria a chance to dimantle their chemical weapons. If they refuse to, this would give justification for an attack and should be able to pull in a strong group of nations to act with us.

It is giving Assad a chance to do the right thing and not be attacked. It may not be a perfect plan but it is 100% better than what we have on the table now.

What about the ones the rebels have?
What about the ones the rebels have?

Do we know 100% for sure the rebels have any chemical weapons ?

I have saw a few reports but nothing definite.

We should be very concerned if the rebels have any
If true that 50% are Al Qaeda. Who is their number one target? If they do have WMD they will be headed to the USA..
Do we know 100% for sure the rebels have any chemical weapons ?

I have saw a few reports but nothing definite.

We should be very concerned if the rebels have any
If true that 50% are Al Qaeda. Who is their number one target? If they do have WMD they will be headed to the USA..

I'm sure they do have them. Remember the chemical attack from a few months back where everyone was condemning Syria and then had to back off because it was proven to be done by the rebels? This is the same thing all over, except this our leaders have decided to go ahead anyway.
Do we know 100% for sure the rebels have any chemical weapons ?

I have saw a few reports but nothing definite.

We should be very concerned if the rebels have any
If true that 50% are Al Qaeda. Who is their number one target? If they do have WMD they will be headed to the USA..

there are videos of them training and using them. It's also why Obama's red line wasn't crossed a few months ago

chemical weapons don't seem to ever disappear in the ME. They just get transferred to the next hot spot (like Libya)
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I'm sure they do have them. Remember the chemical attack from a few months back where everyone was condemning Syria and then had to back off because it was proven to be done by the rebels? This is the same thing all over, except this our leaders have decided to go ahead anyway.

If you are correct and Al Qaeda does have them we need to go on high alert and tighten our borders. They would love to use them on US soil.

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