The shut down thread

The FBI has lost several informants that had penetrated groups at the center of terrorism investigations.
A task force targeting interstate meth and heroin traffickers has run out of funds to pay for controlled purchases.
Agents working a multi-year MS-13 investigation have resorted to conference calls to communicate with Spanish-speaking sources.
"The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," an agent working undercover counterintelligence cases said in the report. "The fear is our enemies know they can run freely."
In the meantime, FBI leadership has had to spread out a dwindling operational budget to agents across the globe, at times tying the hands of investigators who said in the report that they were unable to pay for grand jury subpoenas and informants who deliver critical information.
"We have lost several sources who have worked for months, and years, to penetrate groups and target subjects," said one joint terrorism task force coordinator.
"Not being able to pay Confidential Human Sources risks losing them and the information they provide FOREVER. It is not a switch that we can turn on and off," another official said.

For some strange reason I have doubts about the loyalty of someone being paid more than the other side is offering ... for the moment; or someone who has a get out of jail card issued by the blackmailing authority.

I personally would say screw the FBI and pay the Coast Guard, and perhaps the FBI should talk to the CIA about creative funding ... seems like the FBI doesn't have all that much integrity these days.
For some strange reason I have doubts about the loyalty of someone being paid more than the other side is offering ... for the moment; or someone who has a get out of jail card issued by the blackmailing authority.

I personally would say screw the FBI and pay the Coast Guard, and perhaps the FBI should talk to the CIA about creative funding ... seems like the FBI doesn't have all that much integrity these days.

The FBI and CIA both need to get furloughed. I would trade them for the Coast Guard and Secret Service any day.
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But yet Chuck and Nancy came screeching out of your mouth so effortlessly.

Things would go a lot smoother if Chuck and Nancy became a couple more of those bodies piling up in the streets. Dims cheated after the previous CRs, and Trump called them on it; now the Dims are having a hissy fit because they didn't get their way again.

The FBI has lost several informants that had penetrated groups at the center of terrorism investigations.
A task force targeting interstate meth and heroin traffickers has run out of funds to pay for controlled purchases.
Agents working a multi-year MS-13 investigation have resorted to conference calls to communicate with Spanish-speaking sources.
"The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," an agent working undercover counterintelligence cases said in the report. "The fear is our enemies know they can run freely."
In the meantime, FBI leadership has had to spread out a dwindling operational budget to agents across the globe, at times tying the hands of investigators who said in the report that they were unable to pay for grand jury subpoenas and informants who deliver critical information.
"We have lost several sources who have worked for months, and years, to penetrate groups and target subjects," said one joint terrorism task force coordinator.
"Not being able to pay Confidential Human Sources risks losing them and the information they provide FOREVER. It is not a switch that we can turn on and off," another official said.


It won't be long before your side can blame the FBI for being racist pigs again.
But yet Chuck and Nancy came screeching out of your mouth so effortlessly.
Actually their names were typed, that screeching you heard must have been one of the many voices in your head that you've been listening to.
In your alternative universe. Neither side looks blameless for this fiasco.
And yet, we will always have these words on video, won't we?

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. ... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it." - President Donald Trump, speaking directly to Senator Chuck Schumer on December 11, 2018 in the Oval Office.
And yet, we will always have these words on video, won't we?

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. ... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it." - President Donald Trump, speaking directly to Senator Chuck Schumer on December 11, 2018 in the Oval Office.

You accuse Trump of lying about pretty much everything else, yet this time you believe him? Do libs actually take a solid stand on anything except being (at least temporarily) against what an antagonist says?
as discussed before, it's mostly a delay rather than a loss.

so a year long shutdown would mean we would be in serious recession? 5.2% loss in GDP? hard to believe that's correct.

It's all about loss of productivity ... those bodies piling up in the streets and the cost to remove and process them. Besides, you know that in just a couple more days planes won't fly, trains won't run, trucks will be idled; but it will be short tern ... we're under 12 years until the end of everything we know ... there's always a silver lining.

Trump could have his stupid border wall... but he has to put more on the table than a temporary fix to DACA. If he was to offer amnesty to the 3.6 million "Dreamers", he would get a lot more than just $5.7 billion for the additional steel barrier. There is no indication that this group of people poses any security threat to the rest of the country. Most of them have already lived in the country for more than 10 years and are already fully assimilated into American society... some of them don't even speak Spanish at all. Trump won't do it, because he is afraid of his base.
Each week of shutdown shaves an estimated 0.1% off GDP.

10% of TSA agents are calling in sick every day. That number is growing. They don't make much money anyway and won't work for free much longer. If flights start getting cancelled, air traffic backs up and a major airport or two closes that .1% is going to be low. If those things happen the shutdown will end.
10% of TSA agents are calling in sick every day. That number is growing. They don't make much money anyway and won't work for free much longer. If flights start getting cancelled, air traffic backs up and a major airport or two closes that .1% is going to be low. If those things happen the shutdown will end.
I’m surprised any of them are showing up. If they had any balls and brains they wouldn’t.
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Trump could have his stupid border wall... but he has to put more on the table than a temporary fix to DACA. If he was to offer amnesty to the 3.6 million "Dreamers", he would get a lot more than just $5.7 billion for the additional steel barrier. There is no indication that this group of people poses any security threat to the rest of the country. Most of them have already lived in the country for more than 10 years and are already fully assimilated into American society... some of them don't even speak Spanish at all. Trump won't do it, because he is afraid of his base.

You never learn, do you? Condoning illegal behavior simply creates more of it. If part of an amnesty plan was to eliminate the anchor baby provision by denying citizenship to babies born of parents illegally in the US and to immediately deport and prohibit reentry forever to parents of amnesty applicants, I could see some of us looking favorably on the program. However, that's dreaming ... not gonna happen ... libs and "human rights" activists would throw a major hissy fit. Your side always wants something and is unwilling to compromise; it's always our way - all or nothing; it's why libs are like stubborn little toddler brats and their temper tantrums.
You never learn, do you? Condoning illegal behavior simply creates more of it. If part of an amnesty plan was to eliminate the anchor baby provision by denying citizenship to babies born of parents illegally in the US and to immediately deport and prohibit reentry forever to parents of amnesty applicants, I could see some of us looking favorably on the program. However, that's dreaming ... not gonna happen ... libs and "human rights" activists would throw a major hissy fit. Your side always wants something and is unwilling to compromise; it's always our way - all or nothing; it's why libs are like stubborn little toddler brats and their temper tantrums.
That is rich coming from the party of Trump... what exactly has Trump offered the Dems to get his wall? This "kick the can down the road for 3 years" on DACA isn't going to cut it. There will have to be more.
I’m surprised any of them are showing up. If they had any balls and brains they wouldn’t.

And if the government had any balls or brains, it wouldn't provide back pay to anyone who refused to work during the shutdown. I generally agree with you, but not on this one. Where are the public service unions and their war chests? If this were a strike, they and affiliates would be throwing money at the strikers, so why not help them out in hard times?

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