The shut down thread

I remember the Dems, after the Bohner fiasco, pushing for clean CR's. Nothing has changed on that stance. Trump waited til the last minute to make demands and try to use the shutdown as a bargaining chip.
I am with someone else ITT, I forget who, not a fan of CRs. that's an agreement to continue screwing us all over while they refuse to do their jobs.
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At this point it's to save face. What other "win" is he going to be able to hang his hat on in the foreseeable future?
nothing as of yet but RBG is lurking out there. if he had a clue what was going on outside of his own skull there could be some geo-political wins.
You're suggesting that Trumps hard on for the wall isn't for political gain? This is your position?
Yes. He wants to make the country safer and wants to save the billions we spend on non US citizens. It's the same thing he said in 2014. He hasn't changed on it. But the dems sure have changed now that he is the POTUS.
Still....I just don't get the need to constantly lie. I mean, why? What actual purpose does it serve?
If he's not lying and some did call him there's no use even mentioning it. They would never admit it because if they did they would get blackballed.
I oppose the wall, simply because I don't believe it will work. But blaming the shutdown entirely on Trump is idiotic. Politicians are supposed to work together and find compromises to the benefit of the country. None of them, to include Trump, appear to be doing that. They're playing their games while continuing to collect their own salaries(they made sure to protect that), pointing fingers at each other rather than getting off their asses and finding solutions.

To wish ill on others because of their political leanings, you must not be a very good person. You need to reevaluate your priorities in life, because politics isn't worth blind hatred.
Blind hatred is all the left has.
I could only hope that a good portion of the people who are about to lose their homes, cars, boats, etc, because they aren't getting their government paycheck due to the shutdown are the very same people that voted for Trump. The unfortunate truth is that even the non-guilty voters are caught up in it too.

You're pathetic.
went to a doctor. told I have high cholesterol, did I want the meds? no. I have changed my diet. obv, doesn't work for everything. but a lot of the problems we face health wise are driven from what we put into our body.
I had the same thing, your cholesterol is high I’m calling in a scrip. I never picked it up. Go back a year later, I see your cholesterol is down those meds are working. Lol.
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went to a doctor. told I have high cholesterol, did I want the meds? no. I have changed my diet. obv, doesn't work for everything. but a lot of the problems we face health wise are driven from what we put into our body.

For years I rarely even took an aspirin.

And then rheumatoid arthritis came along . . .
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went to a doctor. told I have high cholesterol, did I want the meds? no. I have changed my diet. obv, doesn't work for everything. but a lot of the problems we face health wise are driven from what we put into our body.
I agree that diet changing and having a healthier lifestyle is the preferred option and maybe that worked for you but ignoring a doctor's advice can have fatal and unnecessary consequences.

Example, a guy here at my work had a general distrust of anything doctor related. He thought everything was a scam by pharmaceuticals to take his money. He died of untreated diabetes while only in his mid-50's. Something he could have managed had he seen a doctor and taken his advice.
I agree that diet changing and having a healthier lifestyle is the preferred option and maybe that worked for you but ignoring a doctor's advice can have fatal and unnecessary consequences.

Example, a guy here at my work had a general distrust of anything doctor related. He thought everything was a scam by pharmaceuticals to take his money. He died of untreated diabetes while only in his mid-50's. Something he could have managed had he seen a doctor and taken his advice.
not saying to ignore a doctors advice. just saying we can cut down the amount of scripts that need to go out if we had a better handle on our health via what we intake. costs wouldn't be an issue if so many weren't needing it.
For years I rarely even took an aspirin.

And then rheumatoid arthritis came along . . .

My cousin was diagnosed with stage 4 myeloma. The best drug is $253,000. Not a typo.
He told them he would rather die. A week later they dropped the price to $44,,000.
went to a doctor. told I have high cholesterol, did I want the meds? no. I have changed my diet. obv, doesn't work for everything. but a lot of the problems we face health wise are driven from what we put into our body.
Unfortunately , high cholesterol is caused primarily by heredity. Diet should bring it down some for most people.
not saying to ignore a doctors advice. just saying we can cut down the amount of scripts that need to go out if we had a better handle on our health via what we intake. costs wouldn't be an issue if so many weren't needing it.
I don't disagree. Unfortunately I think a lot of Americans find taking a prescription is easier than changing lifestyle habits. The 2 should go hand in hand IMO
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