The sissification and emasculation of the American male

Have you witnessed the press conferences, interviews, and overall job performance of the highest ranking woman in the democrat party, the VP?

No one has to tear her down brother. She is completely inept and her own party recognizes it.

Inept is one thing. But the tear down of Hillary and Harris began with calling one a cuck and the other a whore.
Inept is one thing. But the tear down of Hillary and Harris began with calling one a cuck and the other a whore.

Well, Hillary is definitely an enabler and has known about Bills screwing around forever. She was the hatchet who cleaned up - I dont say she liked it though.

Kamala? - absolutely slept her way to the top of California politics and then just flopped into being VP because they needed a black woman who would do/say anything. They just didnt guess she would be so unpopular or so stupid.

Whatever you want to say about Hillary, nobody has called her stupid (and survived).
Well, Hillary is definitely an enabler and has known about Bills screwing around forever. She was the hatchet who cleaned up - I dont say she liked it though.

Kamala? - absolutely slept her way to the top of California politics and then just flopped into being VP because they needed a black woman who would do/say anything. They just didnt guess she would be so unpopular or so stupid.

Whatever you want to say about Hillary, nobody has called her stupid (and survived).

Conservatives like to tear down female Democrats. They must scare them. This hatred of Harris, like the hatred of Clinton before her, is vile and speaks volumes about how contemptible and ugly the right wing can be. Yea, it's a damn shame she's not as bright and dynamic as Mike Pence! :eek: Maybe she'll work on modeling herself on...Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene! Oh, my. Some of these opinions are funny.
Conservatives like to tear down female Democrats. They must scare them. This hatred of Harris, like the hatred of Clinton before her, is vile and speaks volumes about how contemptible and ugly the right wing can be. Yea, it's a damn shame she's not as bright and dynamic as Mike Pence! :eek: Maybe she'll work on modeling herself on...Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene! Oh, my. Some of these opinions are funny.


Pence is as charismatic as a brick but he is no cackling idiot who screwed their way up the ladder. There are a lot of Dem women who are very smart and capable, even if I despise their policy ideas. Kamala Harris is not one of them. Kamala would scare me as President because her confident stupidity would pour on the gas as we went off a cliff.

Hillary scares me because she would know darn well what she was doing.

Kamala Harris is truly the POSTER CHILD of the evils of affirmative action.
Soccer! When soccer became popular in the US and boys started playing soccer instead of football and baseball is when the downfall began.
Same thing happened in the NBA. In the 80s, Power Forwards were out there clotheslining people. Then the European players that grew up playing and watching soccer invaded the league. Within a decade or 2 everyone got soft and started flopping for foul calls. Just like in soccer.
Maybe start by stop politicizing everything just to post a dig at people not affiliated with the far right? I'm an independent voter, for example, and found the cartoon both funny, and also sad for the reasons you state. That is, without the politicized junk. I also think angry and, yes, dare I say it? bigoted feminist are starting to pay the price for their anti-male bigotry. So now we got Passport Bros, men shying away from commitment, men avoiding women within and outside the workplace. Some even avoiding gyms where these exhibitionist things dress in outfits so tight, you see the creases that house their orifices. And if you so much as wipe sweat from your brow and happen almost gaze their way, you get MeToo accused.

OK, lets give the commitment thing a tiny bit more attention. You work hard to gain your job skills and/or education. You get a good job. You marry, it doesn't work out for whatever reason. Nine times out of ten, judges auto-blame and penalize you even if the wife is at fault, even to the point of having committed adultery and it's proven. You lose the house you bought before you married her, you pay alimony, child support, even if she has a job as good or better than yours. And in some cases, she in or out of wedlock has another kid and gets a court to increase your child support payment as a result. You see some other guy living in what should be your house. Maybe even abusing your kids, and the court still side with your now, ex. Having your child visitation shackled, and your kids weaponized for bullying you around as well. Little wonder more men are gradually wising up and leaving the fem things alone. Congratulations self-centered, angry feminists, Congratulations.

Independent voter translation I vote straight democratic ticket but an above the gray so I am independent
Soccer! When soccer became popular in the US and boys started playing soccer instead of football and baseball is when the downfall began.

Soccer the sport that gave us the participation trophy and coined the phrase "Insurmountable 1-0 lead"
Independent voter translation I vote straight democratic ticket but an above the gray so I am independent

Why thank you vols40 for explaining your political preference. I had assumed you were a Republiar, but you just admitted you're a Democreep. Well, I guess it just shows you can't judge even a Republiar by its cover. Thanks for sharing, but don't be too proud of that. It will pizz off the real Republiars. Just trying to help, child.
Conservatives like to tear down female Democrats. They must scare them. This hatred of Harris, like the hatred of Clinton before her, is vile and speaks volumes about how contemptible and ugly the right wing can be. Yea, it's a damn shame she's not as bright and dynamic as Mike Pence! :eek: Maybe she'll work on modeling herself on...Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene! Oh, my. Some of these opinions are funny.

I don't cotton to Miss Kam, but gave you a like because of the truths stated about the right-wing hate. So blinded are they by it, they can't see anything else. Including the filth within their own party.
As long as we still have people saying nonsense like this, we'll never solve this. Here we are in the 21st century and we can't even agree that only women can get pregnant
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I don't cotton to Miss Kam, but gave you a like because of the truths stated about the right-wing hate. So blinded are they by it, they can't see anything else. Including the filth within their own party.
I dislike Kamala because she is annoying and unqualified for her job. She also made it where people will think twice about having a woman in such a high position, which they did not take into consideration when placing her as filling a quota. That's what happens when people don't put the most qualified person in a position. Had she been a competent woman, who comported herself with dignity, and was professional and effective, that would be a whole other discussion. Same thing for what I didn't like about Hillary, she was always constantly insulting half of the country, and she could not help herself. Lol.. just be professional and do a competent job. Say what you will about Republicans, they tend to have the same expectations of you to do your job competently, you do not get a free pass...and that is as it should be. Biden's quota filling appointments are really biting him in the a$$..see Pete Buttgieg, Kamala, Yellen, the WH press secretary, I'm sure there are more.
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Conservatives like to tear down female Democrats. They must scare them. This hatred of Harris, like the hatred of Clinton before her, is vile and speaks volumes about how contemptible and ugly the right wing can be. Yea, it's a damn shame she's not as bright and dynamic as Mike Pence! :eek: Maybe she'll work on modeling herself on...Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene! Oh, my. Some of these opinions are funny.
I personally hate democrats all equally regardless of which of the 75 genders they claim to be
Same thing happened in the NBA. In the 80s, Power Forwards were out there clotheslining people. Then the European players that grew up playing and watching soccer invaded the league. Within a decade or 2 everyone got soft and started flopping for foul calls. Just like in soccer.
Bull. Soft like Uros?
I dislike Kamala because she is annoying and unqualified for her job. She also made it where people will think twice about having a woman in such a high position, which they did not take into consideration when placing her as filling a quota. That's what happens when people don't put the most qualified person in a position. Had she been a competent woman, who comported herself with dignity, and was professional and effective, that would be a whole other discussion. Same thing for what I didn't like about Hillary, she was always constantly insulting half of the country, and she could not help herself. Lol.. just be professional and do a competent job. Say what you will about Republicans, they tend to have the same expectations of you to do your job competently, you do not get a free pass...and that is as it should be. Biden's quota filling appointments are really biting him in the a$$..see Pete Buttgieg, Kamala, Yellen, the WH press secretary, I'm sure there are more.

There are many more examples. Here are two huge examples of hiring based on boxes checked rather than competence:

Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD

Sam Brinton - Wikipedia
There are many more examples. Here are two huge examples of hiring based on boxes checked rather than competence:

Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD

Sam Brinton - Wikipedia
I mean, I get what Biden was trying to do, but I think it really set everyone back about thirty years lol..I am fairly confident that there were more qualified people out there for appointments's a giant cluster____.
Conservatives like to tear down female Democrats. They must scare them. This hatred of Harris, like the hatred of Clinton before her, is vile and speaks volumes about how contemptible and ugly the right wing can be. Yea, it's a damn shame she's not as bright and dynamic as Mike Pence! :eek: Maybe she'll work on modeling herself on...Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene! Oh, my. Some of these opinions are funny.
Are there any female democrats any more? I thought they were all transitioning, no?
Drawing blood is a little excessive IMO. But I've had my fair share of switch spankings, the real punishment was picking out the right one.

My Mammaw was the only one to ever make me "pick a switch" and as you said...that probably 40ft walk out to the hickory at the corner of the driveway and the street was actually somehow worse than the "bee stings" of her wearing out the backs of my knees once i got back..crying of course. I was 7yo the last time. Not because she changed, because she died in her sleep and went to be with the Lord. I love her and miss her...she was the 1st person who ever read scripture to me. Devout Christian who had 13 kids, each delivered at home in a holler in Sevier county.

As Weezer said, I deserved every single spanking I ever got...and have thanked my parents for them, as I would have probably ended up in prison without them. I was ALWAYS wild. Even as a kid. I had to pop my 21yo son 2 or 3 times as a small kid. Explained to him why I had to do it first. Open handed, couple pops. Wait 5 minutes and then went and hugged him and told him that i loved him and we moved on. I have never laid a hand on my 14yo daughter. Neither have ever been in any trouble or given me reason to. I have been super blessed in that area, I dont deserve the kids that I have.

Btw Hog...worst part about getting the backs of my knees lit up with a switch was in summertime. For what seemed like a week afterwards, when i got sweaty from running around playing etc those little whelts back there would burn and sting from the salt in my sweat getting into them. It was a great reminder to not get in trouble again at Mammaws house lol.

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and that wouldn't have worked on me, spankings didn't either. The "I am disappointed in X" talk is what worked on me. doesn't mean that either of the other two forms of punishment were inherently morally wrong.

This is what really worked on me, and to an extent still would since their approval does still matter to me at 46yo...and would wreck either of my kids to this day as well. I cant see a circumstance where i would truly be disappointed in my kids as human beings ..but if I was to tell either of them that I am disappointed in their actions, or a decision etc it would really hurt them. Conversely, if I said that frequently, or had not invested a great deal of time and love in likely would mean nothing to them. When a person doesn't speak much, folks tend to listen when they actually do speak. I have benefitted from this for my entire life honestly. While I type novels here on VN...i am exceptionally quiet in real life.
I dislike Kamala because she is annoying and unqualified for her job. She also made it where people will think twice about having a woman in such a high position, which they did not take into consideration when placing her as filling a quota. That's what happens when people don't put the most qualified person in a position. Had she been a competent woman, who comported herself with dignity, and was professional and effective, that would be a whole other discussion. Same thing for what I didn't like about Hillary, she was always constantly insulting half of the country, and she could not help herself. Lol.. just be professional and do a competent job. Say what you will about Republicans, they tend to have the same expectations of you to do your job competently, you do not get a free pass...and that is as it should be. Biden's quota filling appointments are really biting him in the a$$..see Pete Buttgieg, Kamala, Yellen, the WH press secretary, I'm sure there are more.
How is Yellen not qualified?
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Spring is in the air and the grass is growing. Gets me to thinking about a pet peeve of mine related to this subject.

Grown men paying other grown men to mow their lawns while junior sits in the house video gaming or instagramming, or whatever.
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