The sissification and emasculation of the American male

Spring is in the air and the grass is growing. Gets me to thinking about a pet peeve of mine related to this subject.

Grown men paying other grown men to mow their lawns while junior sits in the house video gaming or instagramming, or whatever.
I started mowing grass when I had to reach up to about eye level to hold the handle bars of the mower.
Spring is in the air and the grass is growing. Gets me to thinking about a pet peeve of mine related to this subject.

Grown men paying other grown men to mow their lawns while junior sits in the house video gaming or instagramming, or whatever.

I pay my neighbor's kid to do it.

Totally about character building.
Yea, my kids(daughter and son) cut mine and the neighbor’s yard also. It is a great chore for teens.

I see that as the norm now. Parents don't put their kids to work until 15 or 16.

I was doing landscaping in my neighborhood at 12, and spending every summer working as a helper at a plumbing company full time. I'm not even envious of their freedom. I dread their future when they have to leave the nest and do/think for themselves.
I see that as the norm now. Parents don't put their kids to work until 15 or 16.

I was doing landscaping in my neighborhood at 12, and spending every summer working as a helper at a plumbing company full time. I'm not even envious of their freedom. I dread their future when they have to leave the nest and do/think for themselves.

To leave home and not have developed any kind of work ethic prior seems like trouble in the making. Like you, I was doing any kind of work I could find by around the age of 13.
To leave home and not have developed any kind of work ethic prior seems like trouble in the making. Like you, I was doing any kind of work I could find by around the age of 13.

It's been going on for a while. Most of my friends had their summer's free and did simple chores for allowance.

If their parents didn't buy them a car when they turned 16, they were getting rides from me for most of high school. I bought myself a Tacoma a few months before I turned 16. Lol.

I miss that truck. Had it from 30k miles to 475k. Sold her when I was 27.
I mean, I get what Biden was trying to do, but I think it really set everyone back about thirty years lol..I am fairly confident that there were more qualified people out there for appointments's a giant cluster____.
You were right on when you stated that his choices to check those boxes did a disservice to the minority that was represented. The best example of how to do something like this is Jackie Robinson. Based on performance, not race, Jackie Robinson was a Hall of Famer. Nobody ever had to question whether he was worthy of a place in the Dodgers' starting lineup.
I see that as the norm now. Parents don't put their kids to work until 15 or 16.

I was doing landscaping in my neighborhood at 12, and spending every summer working as a helper at a plumbing company full time. I'm not even envious of their freedom. I dread their future when they have to leave the nest and do/think for themselves.

I grew up on a dairy farm so I don’t remember not working. Friend used to run 2-3 framing crews so I put my son to work with him when he was about 13. Daughter cleaned house, did laundry and a lot of the yard work until she could get a job.
To leave home and not have developed any kind of work ethic prior seems like trouble in the making. Like you, I was doing any kind of work I could find by around the age of 13.
Got a job at 15 and got my motorcycle license and drove myself to work (and school) on my 250 Ninja. Thinking about it now, I can't believe my parents actually let me do that.
You weren't arguing the rationale. You said spanking was not hitting. It is. The definition of hitting is not subjective. If you spank someone you hit them by definition.

I have been educated on the other side of the issue. I was spanked as a child. I made a conscious decision to avoid it as a parent. More often than not children are spanked when the parent is angry and frustrated with the behavior of the child. I view that as a weakness when your only solution when frustrated is to hit the child. I do believe there are better ways than showing your children that violence is acceptable as long as you're angry and have a good reason.

And exhibit A of the sissificstion process. Not surprised. Most progressive liberals believe like you. It’s one of the reasons why we have a generation of weak minded young people coming up. The coddling of feelings m. Snowflake behavior. This is what your side wants. Here is absolutely nothing wrong with spanking. Spanking isn’t violence. You people are pathetic.
I dislike Kamala because she is annoying and unqualified for her job. She also made it where people will think twice about having a woman in such a high position, which they did not take into consideration when placing her as filling a quota. That's what happens when people don't put the most qualified person in a position. Had she been a competent woman, who comported herself with dignity, and was professional and effective, that would be a whole other discussion. Same thing for what I didn't like about Hillary, she was always constantly insulting half of the country, and she could not help herself. Lol.. just be professional and do a competent job. Say what you will about Republicans, they tend to have the same expectations of you to do your job competently, you do not get a free pass...and that is as it should be. Biden's quota filling appointments are really biting him in the a$$..see Pete Buttgieg, Kamala, Yellen, the WH press secretary, I'm sure there are more.

I do believe I stated I gave a like to the OP because of the truths in the posted statements. So not sure why're having this
tirade. Surely, you aren't disagreeing with my agreeing?
I grew up on a dairy farm so I don’t remember not working. Friend used to run 2-3 framing crews so I put my son to work with him when he was about 13. Daughter cleaned house, did laundry and a lot of the yard work until she could get a job.
Wife lived on a dairy form as a child in 50s-60s. Hard never ending work.
And exhibit A of the sissificstion process. Not surprised. Most progressive liberals believe like you. It’s one of the reasons why we have a generation of weak minded young people coming up. The coddling of feelings m. Snowflake behavior. This is what your side wants. Here is absolutely nothing wrong with spanking. Spanking isn’t violence. You people are pathetic.

BOT out here stumping for spanking children's asses.

And exhibit A of the sissificstion process. Not surprised. Most progressive liberals believe like you. It’s one of the reasons why we have a generation of weak minded young people coming up. The coddling of feelings m. Snowflake behavior. This is what your side wants. Here is absolutely nothing wrong with spanking. Spanking isn’t violence. You people are pathetic.

It’s absolutely violence.
I grew up on a dairy farm so I don’t remember not working. Friend used to run 2-3 framing crews so I put my son to work with him when he was about 13. Daughter cleaned house, did laundry and a lot of the yard work until she could get a job.
I made a deal with my kids, work hard in high school, get great grades, get a scholarship and you don't have to get a job. Both my kids did great in school and graduated from college. One a dual major in business analytics/marketing, the other as an electrical engineer. I guess they figured working at school was better than working at McDonald's. They have both helped in my business from an early age.
Why thank you vols40 for explaining your political preference. I had assumed you were a Republiar, but you just admitted you're a Democreep. Well, I guess it just shows you can't judge even a Republiar by its cover. Thanks for sharing, but don't be too proud of that. It will pizz off the real Republiars. Just trying to help, child.

I can feel my IQ getting lower reading this post.

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