The sissification and emasculation of the American male

Spring is in the air and the grass is growing. Gets me to thinking about a pet peeve of mine related to this subject.

Grown men paying other grown men to mow their lawns while junior sits in the house video gaming or instagramming, or whatever.

My regular guy moved away this year so Saturday morning, I got out my mower and thought heck yeah, I'll do this myself. Go to the gas station, fill up the tank. Gorgeous day, Im having a cigar (my yard is easily a 2 Churchill event) and feeling very proud of myself, my manliness is in full display as I enjoy going round and round. I cut it once and then just as I start the second round, I break the belt. So, next day after church, I go get a new belt, then come home and put it on, then spend the rest of the day mowing. Once again, I am a manly man who can fix things and do things, ugh ugh! Meanwhile, having a lot more sun tanned than I intended and still didn't touch the trimmer or all the flowerbeds.

So that evening while speaking to my neighbor he says he has someone to do it all for $100 a pop and the only thing I can think to say is "can he be here next Saturday?" :p

I've sent an email out to all my progressive male friends urging them to 1) buy a big truck--RAM with Hemi engine, preferably; 2) buy a smoker; 3) buy a collection of old ball caps and wear one of them AT ALL TIMES; 4) start eating at least once a week at Cracker Barrell (get the chicken-fried steak--extra gravy, plenty of biscuits, grits, meat loaf; 5), starting dressing DOWN--way down; 6) grow a beard; 7), shower less frequently; 8) scream at the wife and kids a bit more, 9) of course they'll need to get themselves some guns and commence shooting cans off of fence posts; 10) stop reading and all other cultural activities and join either a softball league or "fast-draw" club. That should get them all started on the road to machismo! And after that will come the steroids! GRRRR!

All of that is better than banging dudes.
My regular guy moved away this year so Saturday morning, I got out my mower and thought heck yeah, I'll do this myself. Go to the gas station, fill up the tank. Gorgeous day, Im having a cigar (my yard is easily a 2 Churchill event) and feeling very proud of myself, my manliness is in full display as I enjoy going round and round. I cut it once and then just as I start the second round, I break the belt. So, next day after church, I go get a new belt, then come home and put it on, then spend the rest of the day mowing. Once again, I am a manly man who can fix things and do things, ugh ugh! Meanwhile, having a lot more sun tanned than I intended and still didn't touch the trimmer or all the flowerbeds.

So that evening while speaking to my neighbor he says he has someone to do it all for $100 a pop and the only thing I can think to say is "can he be here next Saturday?" :p
did you say "I am going to sore tomorrow"? If not, then it was a failed attempt.
I didn't have a tough childhood. I grew up pretty damn privileged. Tennis courts and stables kind of privileged.

I think spanking is effective when kids are especially small and cannot understand other punishments or rewards. I also believe that too often as kids are older is utilized by frustrated parents and crosses over into abuse.

As far as I am concerned, spanking was something I endured. Occasionally, I would be left with welts, but I would not say that I was abused especially in light of the time period. However, spanking was wholly ineffective as a form of discipline on me. I simply didn't care and I have a high pain threshold. My father simply wasn't going to make a significant impression with any form of spanking short of abuse. Though it took him years to figure out, I responded better to reasoning, grounding and positive reinforcement. If I knew a spanking was the punishment for staying out late as a kid. I would understand the tradeoff and take it.

When raising my daughter, I just decided that I would try the other approaches instead of spanking.

Well this explains A LOT!
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The general definition of manliness is comical these days. It's often confused with peer-induced expectations and overcompensation.
overcompensation? I honestly don't know what you mean by that.

Edit: Sorry... just getting to this thread. Feel free to ignore this post.
"We're making progress!" says the leftist filth.

Facts and Figures

Qualified youth: 71% of youth do not qualify for military service because of obesity, drugs, physical and mental health problems, misconduct, and aptitude
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Since they dont know how to do any work anymore, all they know how to do is grievance grift.

They've created a new term for it. I think we may have discussed on the board. It's called quiet quitting. They don't work hard, only do what they are asked, and assess that based on what they get paid. There is no above and beyond work.
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Interesting article, though I disagree with their conclusions regarding mental health issues among men.

It makes sense that if women are living longer that men will die earlier. I think there really might be something to the mental health thing ... just run that by a few husbands for confirmation.

Interesting article, though I disagree with their conclusions regarding mental health issues among men.
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