The sissification and emasculation of the American male

I've sent an email out to all my progressive male friends urging them to 1) buy a big truck--RAM with Hemi engine, preferably; 2) buy a smoker; 3) buy a collection of old ball caps and wear one of them AT ALL TIMES; 4) start eating at least once a week at Cracker Barrell (get the chicken-fried steak--extra gravy, plenty of biscuits, grits, meat loaf; 5), starting dressing DOWN--way down; 6) grow a beard; 7), shower less frequently; 8) scream at the wife and kids a bit more, 9) of course they'll need to get themselves some guns and commence shooting cans off of fence posts; 10) stop reading and all other cultural activities and join either a softball league or "fast-draw" club. That should get them all started on the road to machismo! And after that will come the steroids! GRRRR!

I think you have confused being masculine with being a redneck. Not entirely surprising, considering.

I am going to need you to explain how this Edict or citizenship removed the feeling of real responsibility.

the problem with Rome was the leadership. Strong men put themselves in power, and thought that made them good rulers. and then later someone would either get tired of that strong man's bad leadership and revolt, or another strong man would come take his place. Rome stopped working, when Rome stopped working for its people. And thats largely because those in charge ignored the problems while focusing on their own goals. <--thats a problem for the strong and the sissies.

When citizenship was earned or paid for it was more limited. Those were also the people paying taxes - but they were also the only ones who got to vote. When citizenship went wide, to everyone without cost or responsibility, they discovered that they could vote themselves increases in the dole (a Roman word). The fall of Rome was due to many factors but chiefly among them were the cultural collapse, where people understood what it meant to be Roman (and endeavored to live up to that), and the aforementioned acts of giving votes to people who were not responsible citizens and who then voted in their personal interest and not the public's.
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It's troubling that you cannot figure out how to discipline a child without hitting them.

Even when that child is waltzing through a school with either an AR-15 or AR-47? OK, got it. Hey kid, how old are you?
I'm 7. Cool, I'm going to order something to prepare you for age 12 or 16 so if someone pisses you off. OK. And when you do it for real, don't worry, you're a kid. Nobody will lay a finger on you. Cool.
Robot or human?

FTR, my kids are grown, working, got families, and are still a pain in the patootie. Dad, why didn't you call for the third time this week? Can I come over for lunch and chat with you? Please meet me at 11;20 this morning. I'll be at the Kroger just 4 miles away from you. I must have done something wrong, I can't get rid of them.
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Same here. My oldest maybe 2-3 spankings(not hitting for the slower folks on here). My youngest maybe 8-10 spankings ( again not hitting for the really really slower folks on here).

Me and the boy went through a rough patch when he was 16 or so, he was really feeling his oats decided he was a man and we weren't going to tell him what to do. Jacked him up against the wall once so hard it broke some drywall which I made him fix, I don't think we're had a cross word since.
A lot of the bad kids are raised without parental involvement or discipline. I put fear of misbehaving into my child by being on the PTA including many years as president and being involved in her life. She knew I get wind of any shenanigans. I also raised my daughter without much involvement from her mother.
Well, kudos I applaud you, and without being intrusive, why in hades was the mama not involved? I cannot imagine
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Now can you describe the difference in this spanking and hitting. I’ve been told they were the same thing.

The difference is in the "rationale" of the hitter/spanker. The act of spanking requires hitting. It is dumb to argue otherwise.
Well, kudos I applaud you, and without being intrusive, why in hades was the mama not involved? I cannot imagine

She is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 13 attempts at rehab with several of those lasting 9 months each. Oddly, enough I was worried about raising my daughter alone. One day, I realized I already was doing just that.
My Dad only ever spanked me with his hand, which hurt like a MF. I took some legitimate lumps from Mom. The authorities would have taken me away, had they seen it, but they were few and far between. I imagine a lot of us grew up in a house like that. It starts with spanking and then it can easily escalate. Back to my earlier point that everybody is different. It was much more traumatizing for my sisters. They still get together and have a few drinks and then somebody will bring up one particular incident (that I had totally forgotten about).
Yep. I understand the spanking folks are talking about ITT is a different animal than what you and I experienced, but it can get out of control. I know I was abused and it's one of the reasons I do not have children.
She is an alcoholic. I stayed with her through 13 attempts at rehab with several of those lasting 9 months each. Oddly, enough I was worried about raising my daughter alone. One day, I realized I already was doing just that.
Awww 🥰 I have a friend in Louisiana raising his daughter alone because the mom was bipolar and hung herself.. he is doing a fantastic job, and is into ballet as well as hunting and fishing 😂 She’s gonna be fine, and your daughter will too
The difference is in the "rationale" of the hitter/spanker. The act of spanking requires hitting. It is dumb to argue otherwise.
This is like arguing ballistics and uppers/lowers with a lib.

If you cannot accept that your definition of hitting is subjective and not like everyone else’s then you are not capable of understanding.

When you start calling other’s opposition to your opinion dumb then you are basically admitting you can’t be open minded to be educated on the other side of the issue.
This is like arguing ballistics and uppers/lowers with a lib.

If you cannot accept that your definition of hitting is subjective and not like everyone else’s then you are not capable of understanding.

When you start calling other’s opposition to your opinion dumb then you are basically admitting you can’t be open minded to be educated on the other side of the issue.

You weren't arguing the rationale. You said spanking was not hitting. It is. The definition of hitting is not subjective. If you spank someone you hit them by definition.

I have been educated on the other side of the issue. I was spanked as a child. I made a conscious decision to avoid it as a parent. More often than not children are spanked when the parent is angry and frustrated with the behavior of the child. I view that as a weakness when your only solution when frustrated is to hit the child. I do believe there are better ways than showing your children that violence is acceptable as long as you're angry and have a good reason.
You weren't arguing the rationale. You said spanking was not hitting. It is. The definition of hitting is not subjective. If you spank someone you hit them by definition.

I have been educated on the other side of the issue. I was spanked as a child. I made a conscious decision to avoid it as a parent. More often than not children are spanked when the parent is angry and frustrated with the behavior of the child. I view that as a weakness when your only solution when frustrated is to hit the child. I do believe there are better ways than showing your children that violence is acceptable as long as you're angry and have a good reason.
I never spanked my children out of anger. Most folks view spanking as a form of discipline. And hitting as a closed fisted way of fighting.

Now if you say that spanking is striking then I will agree.

Maybe if we had more strong dads in urban areas willing to strike/spank their children things would get better.

Meanwhile we have one side supporting dudes dressed as girls taking leading roles. What could go wrong?
I never spanked my children out of anger. Most folks view spanking as a form of discipline. And hitting as a closed fisted way of fighting.

Now if you say that spanking is striking then I will agree.

Maybe if we had more strong dads in urban areas willing to strike/spank their children things would get better.

Meanwhile we have one side supporting dudes dressed as girls taking leading roles. What could go wrong?

Striking is hitting is spanking. Result is the result.

Maybe if the inner city parents were merely present in their children's lives you'd see better results in the inner city. 95% of being a good parent is just showing up.

Your last comment is just ignorant and unrelated.
Spanking isn't hitting, huh?

Walk up to a stranger in front of a police officer, and spank them. Enjoy the assault charge!
FTR, my kids are grown, working, got families, and are still a pain in the patootie. Dad, why didn't you call for the third time this week? Can I come over for lunch and chat with you? Please meet me at 11;20 this morning. I'll be at the Kroger just 4 miles away from you. I must have done something wrong, I can't get rid of them.

I don't think my kid will ever move out of my house. So, I am moving out and renting it to her.

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