Ok..my turn, which will get flamed and I dont care.
Love the policy by NFL..it's privately owned business. Don't like it, go play in Canada or arena. Don't care. Simple.
Also... I take the flag very seriously, and could not care less who doesnt agree with me. My pappaw taught me before I even started kindergarten that the flag which flies in front of his house would be treated with the utmost respect...and should it ever touch the ground it would be folded in a specific triangular manner and be buried, or respectfully burned to dispose of it and then replaced. It still flies to this day, and he is now 86 and fading fast. Will see him tomorrow night praise God. He served for 26 years, and has several hundred thousand dollars, vehicles, etc..when he asked me what i want in his will...I told him all I want is His shadow box on the wall with all his medals and a copy of MacArthurs "duty,honor,and country" in it. My dad who just passed from cancer also served for 26 years under that flag, and my mom was just presented the triangular folded flag from his 21 gun salute at his funeral, as I held her trembling arm to hold her up as she wept. That flag doesnt represent "some country, or some soldier" ...it represents the 2 men who taught me how to BE a man. It is a part of them, and a tribute to all men like them.
People may have a right to burn pur flag, but they will do well to never try it aroind me. Because i will beat the Hell out of someone if I see it. Flame away. Don't care. That's just a random flag, that they purchased or stole. The flags from my families retirements and now funeral, those are sacred. If they were molested, I may actually be angry enough to kill someone. Period. They belong to my mom, and my granny, who earned them as well being military wives. You clowns who disrespect the flag have a right to do so...best you don't do it around me, or folks like me (there are many of us) because at the very least ypure gonna wear an azz whippin. Minimum.
As you were.