The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

I'm suggesting he recognized that Trump had entered the gates of crazy town and did what was necessary to prevent an escalation of military conflict. We should be thankful that we have military leaders who actually do all they can to PREVENT military conflict for a change.

you are inadvertently condemning Milley as guilty of the allegations
you are inadvertently condemning Milley as guilty of the allegations
You seem to be confused on what condemnation means.

I acknowledge he likely called China and it was absolutely the right thing to do. We need more military leaders like him.
That came out right after the Jan 6th thing. She wanted to remove Trump's nuclear authority then.

Of course, violating several laws in the process, but, you know?

the question is why didn't he tell her to pound sand - it's on him for listening (allegedly)
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So what makes them an adversary is that people seeking Senate confirmation are telling psycho repub senators what they want to hear. Good to know that's how we figure out who our adversaries are.

who chose and endorsed those views?

more importantly, who has kept virtually all the policies aimed at China?
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I thought it was their spying.

So they arent an adversary?
They are a rival in some aspects. But they are definitely not a military adversary that we should be escalating tensions with. Any military conflict with China would result in global disaster.
They are a rival in some aspects. But they are definitely not a military adversary that we should be escalating tensions with. Any military conflict with China would result in global disaster.

they're not a military adversary? we better recall our ships from the south pacific and thank God we didn't provoke them around Alaskan territory

US Coast Guard cutters shadowed Chinese warships sailing near remote US territory in Alaska

oh crap, too late

Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group enters South China Sea

why is Biden provoking a non-adversary rival?
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