The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.

I just don’t get it. Well, people like you mostly….Suppose you actually did graduate from UF with a law degree. Which would suppose some sort of functional, if not exemplary intelligence. How can you follow so blindly? Look, I get the absurdity that is Trump. But you just seem so oblivious, so fervently loyal that you would forsake all common sense.

There are so many that are just like you right now. And what’s terrifying is that all of you are absolutely sure you are right with no hesitation.
LOL. Put on those tap dancing shoes. The acting sec of Def has stated Milley never conferred with him but I'm sure you will tap, tap, tap around that also.

Calm down, you're jumping from argument to argument. What does this have to with Trump hate? You sound like a lunatic.
The other thing that's nuts is the inadvertent admission that China was so paranoid they thought we were gonna start a war.

That's pretty concerning.

The former administration didn't exactly exude stability.
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Think I actually agree with you twice in the same thread. I may need to see a doctor.

1. Investigate it. Fry him if he did anything wrong.
2. You’ll definitely plow off the deep end.

It seems plausible but pretty unlikely that the quote attributed to him is both accurate and as concerning as it’s being taken.

It’s plausible and a bit more likely that he made some unauthorized calls. More reporting now from Fox that he had 15 people including state dept rep on the call with him and the call readouts were circulated. Worst secret call ever, if that’s the case. Contradicting sources regarding whether the calls were authorized by the Secretary.

I think it’s unlikely anything comes out of this. He either resigns or he doesn’t. Likely won’t be a huge issue by 2022. It’s probably a thing where if the Biden admin is satisfied that he’s not actually going to call and give China a heads up in the unlikely event that we decide to do something to them, then he stays.
I am finding it hard to believe Milley rose to the level he’s at if his judgement is that bad in making a call like that. I hope the quote isn’t accurate. If it is fry him.

I’m really concerned by Pelosi, Milley, etc … trying to undermine the office of President I really don’t think that’s getting enough visibility here.
The rhetoric about China has toned down. With that said, you would have to be stupid, to think Trump was going to attack China.
My point was this administration doesn't inspire confidence or the sense of stability either. The way our elections have been going, it'll probably be true of the next administration too. We keep electing idiots.
And this one does?

Have you seen a Biden press conference?

Of all the things to reply with, you chose the "I'm rubber, ur glue" whataboutism? Lol, thanks for weighing in.
The rhetoric about China has toned down. With that said, you would have to be stupid, to think Trump was going to attack China.
Outside of Miley potentially shi**ng the bed in an epic way, how sad would it be that a senior military cabinet member would be that terrified of a presidents mental stability?
Of all the things to reply with, you chose the "I'm rubber, ur glue" whataboutism? Lol, thanks for weighing in.
I'm saying there's an obvious double standard. Dems defend the overreach because "Trump!", yet ignore that Biden isn't completely mentally competent. If Milley did this to him, then they'd be outraged.
I'm saying there's an obvious double standard. Dems defend the overreach because "Trump!", yet ignore that Biden isn't completely mentally competent. If Milley did this to him, then they'd be outraged.

Of course they would, this is how partisan tribalism works.

Truthfully I dgaf if Milley rots under the jail, I'm just here to mock the people who want to crucify the guy based on a book written by Woodward, the same guy who was mercilessly trashed last year as being unreliable by the same.
Of course they would, this is how partisan tribalism works.

Truthfully I dgaf if Milley rots under the jail, I'm just here to mock the people who want to crucify the guy based on a book written by Woodward, the same guy who was mercilessly trashed last year as being unreliable by the same.
I think the Milley accusations should be looked into. If true, he should be court-martialed, not lauded as a hero.
See, this is a problem in delegating so much power to the executive.

Corporations and other organizations do it every day. It's that or rule by committee; and I'll guarantee you it would take thousands of pages of legislation and hours of deliberation for congress to decide anything ... by then the country would be a smoking hole. We should have some clearly delineated guidelines that the president must consider before the use of offensive weapons, but we should never take the first strike nuclear option off the table. Suppose, for example, a president was limited to retaliatory nuclear strikes only if nuclear weapons were used against the US. That would leave us vulnerable to other forms of attack and limit options - the nuclear threat is the thing that keeps other countries "honest". Our nuclear threat is only as good as the belief that the guy in power would use it.
I can think of only one reason. And even if the reason was absolute, I am not sure whether a strike would be ordered.
Reason: an emergency retaliatory strike after another country launched against us.

That's MAD (in both senses of the word). A retaliatory nuclear strike is nothing more than getting even ... unless you are crazy enough to believe nuclear war is survivable and only a blip in the climate change issue.
It is SOP to offer the enemy a pre-attack warning? Going to need to see your source there, sir.

(This assumes the reports of the call are true)

A large part of the country and probably all dems fail to see China as an enemy, and that's a problem. China is becoming more adversarial, is building a huge military, has the world's largest population, has no real ethics, is attempting to corner some of the most significant strategic resources, has conned us into turning over huge portions of our industry, and most of this country remains unconcerned. The same people who released a pandemic on the world provide our drugs or the raw ingredients (some of which have been carcinogenic), and the same people who are building an offensive military might are producing the very materials we need to sustain our military. And we fail to see them as an enemy; it's really pretty incredible.
It’s entirely possible. Mattis and Kelly both stated on the record quotes Woodward attributed to them were unequivocally false.

Woodard isn’t a journalist anymore he’s a book salesman.

I've never been convinced Woodward was an honest, unbiased journalist. He dug up damaging dirt and published without a doubt; but his objectives, reasons, and methods are questionable. However, he certainly satisfied the dem bloodlust to nail Nixon ... for political shenanigans that the dems themselves were no strangers to.
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Of course they would, this is how partisan tribalism works.

Truthfully I dgaf if Milley rots under the jail, I'm just here to mock the people who want to crucify the guy based on a book written by Woodward, the same guy who was mercilessly trashed last year as being unreliable by the same.

Many of my statements on the topic have been "if true"; however, I did say Milley should be fired or step down because through a spokesperson they did not deny Milley made those calls. Add the Afghanistan exit debacle then he has been on the bad end of several decisions.
A large part of the country and probably all dems fail to see China as an enemy, and that's a problem. China is becoming more adversarial, is building a huge military, has the world's largest population, has no real ethics, is attempting to corner some of the most significant strategic resources, has conned us into turning over huge portions of our industry, and most of this country remains unconcerned. The same people who released a pandemic on the world provide our drugs or the raw ingredients (some of which have been carcinogenic), and the same people who are building an offensive military might are producing the very materials we need to sustain our military. And we fail to see them as an enemy; it's really pretty incredible.

I heard a someone running for congress in TN say China is actually buying our farmland here in Middle TN. I'm not sure how accurate that is.
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Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.
Sounds like this guy is just as dumb as you when it comes to Trump. No doubt Trump fired off at the mouth plenty but to think that would translate to firing off nuclear weapons is so far beyond dumb that you would have to go all the way to ludicrous and even that seems to fall short of the massive idiocy it requires to think like you do when it comes to Trump.
I'm saying there's an obvious double standard. Dems defend the overreach because "Trump!", yet ignore that Biden isn't completely mentally competent. If Milley did this to him, then they'd be outraged.
Of course there is a double standard. EVERYONE has one, some more than others.....continuum.
I've never ignored that Biden was to old for the job. I believe his mental competency has suffered and continues to suffer.
BUT....he is infinitely more likely to acknowledge his own limitations and seek the advice and guidance of others for support.
Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that critical difference between Trump and Biden is scoring really low on that double standard continuum.....wink, wink
Of course there is a double standard. EVERYONE has one, some more than others.....continuum.
I've never ignored that Biden was to old for the job. I believe his mental competency has suffered and continues to suffer.
BUT....he is infinitely more likely to acknowledge his own limitations and seek the advice and guidance of others for support.
Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that critical difference between Trump and Biden is scoring really low on that double standard continuum.....wink, wink
Did you see how badly Biden and that support system of his screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, or are you just choosing to ignore that?

Double standard....wink, wink.

If it had been Trump, Dems would be seeking to impeach, again, and you'd be all for it.
Of course there is a double standard. EVERYONE has one, some more than others.....continuum.
I've never ignored that Biden was to old for the job. I believe his mental competency has suffered and continues to suffer.
BUT....he is infinitely more likely to acknowledge his own limitations and seek the advice and guidance of others for support.
Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that critical difference between Trump and Biden is scoring really low on that double standard continuum.....wink, wink
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Of course there is a double standard. EVERYONE has one, some more than others.....continuum.
I've never ignored that Biden was to old for the job. I believe his mental competency has suffered and continues to suffer.
BUT....he is infinitely more likely to acknowledge his own limitations and seek the advice and guidance of others for support.
Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that critical difference between Trump and Biden is scoring really low on that double standard continuum.....wink, wink
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