The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Did you see how badly Biden and that support system of his screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, or are you just choosing to ignore that?

Double standard....wink, wink.

If it had been Trump, Dems would be seeking to impeach, again, and you'd be all for it.
Trump's secret plan unknown to everyone in the defense department was to pull them out on Jan. 15th.
The withdrawal could have certainly been orchestrated better. (when has that not been the case?)
It also could have gone much worse.
Dems wouldn't have impeached Trump over something similar, they had a list of 20 better reasons.
He'd be stupid to admit it because if true, he absolutely should be court-martialed. It doesn't matter that it was Trump and the left hates Trump. He was the lawfully elected President. The military is not allowed to usurp Presidential powers under any condition.
Except when Dems really really disagree with him.
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They are a rival in some aspects. But they are definitely not a military adversary that we should be escalating tensions with. Any military conflict with China would result in global disaster.

Sounds pretty adversarial in your post.

Who is their adversary? Sounds like they are building up a military, so they must have some.
You guys are insistent on ignoring the big picture.....but in a way, I guess you have to be.

The irony in your post is amusing. You are no different than the hardcore Trumper, except slightly more sychophantic in your obsession with all things Democrat
You guys are insistent on ignoring the big picture.....but in a way, I guess you have to be.
If you really want to look at the big picture you would recognize that your dementia ridden leader and the democrat party is bought and paid for by the communists government of China.
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Trump's secret plan unknown to everyone in the defense department was to pull them out on Jan. 15th.
The withdrawal could have certainly been orchestrated better. (when has that not been the case?)
It also could have gone much worse.
Dems wouldn't have impeached Trump over something similar, they had a list of 20 better reasons.
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Calm down, you're jumping from argument to argument. What does this have to with Trump hate? You sound like a lunatic.
Not my fault you lack the intelligence to keep up with a simple conversation. Blame that on your Mom, lead paint, or Trump. Doesn't matter to me...the op of this thread dealt with Trump hate actually.
Trump's secret plan unknown to everyone in the defense department was to pull them out on Jan. 15th.
The withdrawal could have certainly been orchestrated better. (when has that not been the case?)
It also could have gone much worse.
Dems wouldn't have impeached Trump over something similar, they had a list of 20 better reasons.

It was so top secret that the entire DOD didn't know about but the guy who isn't really part of military tactical planning did know about it? Sounds legit
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If you really want to look at the big picture you would recognize that your dementia ridden leader and the democrat party is bought and paid for by the communists government of China.
You've been starring at a spiral again haven't you.
Not my fault you lack the intelligence to keep up with a simple conversation. Blame that on your Mom, lead paint, or Trump. Doesn't matter to me...the op of this thread dealt with Trump hate actually.

It's true, I'm not that bright - but you still sound like a nut.

Bobbing and weaving between arguments when it suits your position, making points to arguments that aren't being had. Truthfully - you aren't interesting enough and you don't rate high enough with me to pay attention to.
It's true, I'm not that bright - but you still sound like a nut.

Bobbing and weaving between arguments when it suits your position, making points to arguments that aren't being had. Truthfully - you aren't interesting enough and you don't rate high enough with me to pay attention to.

Ok. I'll bite. Point to where I bobbed and weaved. I simply stated the problem I had with what Milley allegedly did. You came back and I asked if you were ok with that. You are arguing in your own mind. When I awoke this morning I wondered if I rated high with an anonymous poster on a message board...good gracious the opinion you have of yourself.
That’s hilarious. Context matters when convenient for one’s political alignment.

Right? What's important here is that we fire and court-martial Milley based on a passage in a book written by an author that we summarily trashed as being untrustworthy when he released his last two books about Trump. It's also important that we ridicule those who believe context or facts are important.

Looks like we finally agree on something hutch.
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There are two types of democrats, the ones that know they're communist and the ones thatbare oblivious to it.
Put me in the thatbare oblivious category......whatever the hell that is.

See if you can rotate the spinning spiral in the opposite direction and undo some of the damage.

There are two types of republicans: the ones that are 10-30 years behind, and the ones that are over 30 years behind.
Anyone that criticizes Biden your go to is "But Trump". It's hilarious and pitiful all at the same time. More hilarious though.

I don't even like Biden you goof.

But lets play... Cite your source. My post history is an open book.

This should be easy since I'm the "king" of this - I'll wait here while you gather some examples.
Anyone that criticizes Biden your go to is "But Trump". It's hilarious and pitiful all at the same time. More hilarious though.
Get use to it. Trump is the face of an ugly period in America and always will be that face. Just as McCarthyism is still a negative term about a dark period even after 60 years, Trumpism will be a negative term about this dark period from this point forward.
People will forever say "wow, people actually fell for that".
Put me in the thatbare oblivious category......whatever the hell that is.

See if you can rotate the spinning spiral in the opposite direction and undo some of the damage.

There are two types of republicans: the ones that are 10-30 years behind, and the ones that are over 30 years behind.

It doesn't shock me that you were not able to get through that typo. Lol.

Your mash potatoes brain President appointee colluded with the enemy, communist China. You're POS President took money from China. He's bought and paid for by communist party of China.

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