The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Quit making things up and quit being completely wrong about everything you say. I doubt any reasonable person would read anything I’ve said to indicate that I’ve read more than excerpts from the book or that I think the book gave full context (because I literally said the opposite). But you do you.

You are a human cartoon. You haven't read excerpts either
You are a human cartoon. You haven't read excerpts either

Sometimes I definitely feel like I’m living in a cartoon.

Where do you think this story came from? It was literally excerpts from the book that were published by news outlets including Woodward and Costa’s own publication in an article written by them.

Is there some reason why I should take anything else you have to say about this seriously since you’re not even familiar with the origin of the story?
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Nothing written in any book can be slander. None of the excerpts I’ve read from this book were defamatory towards Milley. None of the excerpts I’ve read were even “teetering on the line” of defamation.

The book didn’t convey the full context of the situation. People supplemented/altered facts or assumed the context to support whatever hysteria they were predisposed to.

You are correct it’s not slander, I was using the wrong word. Defamation would be the correct term aNd yes Woodward walked right up to that line if not crossed it.
Sometimes I definitely feel like I’m living in a cartoon.

Where do you think this story came from? It was literally excerpts from the book.

Is there some reason why I should take anything else you have to say about this seriously since you’re not even familiar with the origin of the story?

I'm very familiar with the origins of the story. You didn't write it and its origins have nothing to do with the fact that you haven't read a single word from the book yet you continually downplay it. I agree we are living in a cartoonish era when a bumbling senile man is the leader of the US and mindless lemmings support the drivel that he mumbles on about each day simply because he has a D beside his name
Gen. Mark Milley Admits Leaking to Book Authors About Donald Trump


Gen. Mark Milley confirmed Tuesday he leaked extensive details of President Donald Trump’s presidency to several journalists writing books about his administration.

Under questioning from Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Milley confirmed he spoke to the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward for his book Peril, coauthored with Robert Costa, as well as Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker for their book I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year, and the Wall Street Journal’s Michael Bender for his book Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost.

Gen. Mark Milley Admits Leaking to Book Authors About Donald Trump

Biden has to fire him.
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I'm very familiar with the origins of the story. You didn't write it and its origins have nothing to do with the fact that you haven't read a single word from the book yet you continually downplay it. I agree we are living in a cartoonish era when a bumbling senile man is the leader of the US and mindless lemmings support the drivel that he mumbles on about each day simply because he has a D beside his name
I literally quoted the excerpts earlier in this thread, so I’ll take this as a “no” and let you finish yelling at clouds.
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You are correct it’s not slander, I was using the wrong word. Defamation would be the correct term aNd yes Woodward walked right up to that line if not crossed it.
Libel also works.

When this story was first published, multiple people pointed out that the allegations that were actually attributable to the book required more context to even decide whether they were bad. The ones who jumped to conclusions of treason etc. kept having to use embellishments to make it seem worse. By the end of that same day, Fox had a story out that added some of that context and made it seem like it wasn’t what it was being spun up to be.

In light of all that, this seems like petty blamecasting; like you’re embarrassed to be in that latter category and are looking for somebody else to lay it off on. But maybe I’m just a cynic.
You are correct it’s not slander, I was using the wrong word. Defamation would be the correct term aNd yes Woodward walked right up to that line if not crossed it.
When pressed just now Milley refuted the book quote. He wouldn’t say the quote was inaccurate he just referenced his earlier testimony on what would have occurred prefaced by “let me tell you what I said”
I literally quoted the excerpts earlier in this thread, so I’ll take this as a “no” and let you finish yelling at clouds.

As I stated earlier, you are a human cartoon. I agree with you, "quoting excerpts" is the extent of your knowledge on virtually every subject. You become more like Luther each day. It must be difficult living life without a single original thought ever occurring in your head
As I stated earlier, you are a human cartoon. I agree with you, "quoting excerpts" is the extent of your knowledge on virtually every subject. You become more like Luther each day. It must be difficult living life without a single original thought ever occurring in your head
Get it all out, yet?
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After all this consternation from the right, what we are left with is this:

1) Part of Milley's responsibilities are to regularly consult with military counterparts in other countries to de-escalate tensions and avoid unintended military conflict spiraling out of control.

2) The US had intelligence that the Chinese military believed that Trump planned to attack China. (We can debate whether their fear was justified or not, but for this issue it does not matter as they had that concern warranted or not).

3) With full knowledge of top administration officials, and with many witnesses, Milley called his counterpart in China to assure him that their intelligence was incorrect and that Trump was not planning to attack them.

4) Credible rumors circulated amongst top Congressional and administration officials that Trump was prone to do something reckless. Pelosi heard these rumors. Again, we can debate whether they were legitimate or not; that is not the point. It is no secret that a lot of people, including people within the administration, were expressing concern that Trump was unstable and lashing out at everyone.

5) Pelosi called Milley to express these concerns, as she should have. Milley, as he should have, assured her that Trump was the sole authority on use of nuclear weapons and Commander in Chief, but he also reassured her that there were many steps within the communication process and that such would prevent any sort of hasty, unilateral action by Trump.

This is how I think all of us should hope that the process would work when we have the situation at hand as in December and January. No attack was launched, we cooled tensions, and allayed rumors and fears. It is time you Trumpsters set aside you loyalty to him and instead see the bigger picture that this was handled well and appropriately under all of the circumstances.
Libel also works.

When this story was first published, multiple people pointed out that the allegations that were actually attributable to the book required more context to even decide whether they were bad. The ones who jumped to conclusions of treason etc. kept having to use embellishments to make it seem worse. By the end of that same day, Fox had a story out that added some of that context and made it seem like it wasn’t what it was being spun up to be.

In light of all that, this seems like petty blamecasting; like you’re embarrassed to be in that latter category and are looking for somebody else to lay it off on. But maybe I’m just a cynic.

You're something alright.

Woodward has lost all credibility as a journalist and should never be taken seriously again.
After all this consternation from the right, what we are left with is this:

1) Part of Milley's responsibilities are to regularly consult with military counterparts in other countries to de-escalate tensions and avoid unintended military conflict spiraling out of control.

2) The US had intelligence that the Chinese military believed that Trump planned to attack China. (We can debate whether their fear was justified or not, but for this issue it does not matter as they had that concern warranted or not).

3) With full knowledge of top administration officials, and with many witnesses, Milley called his counterpart in China to assure him that their intelligence was incorrect and that Trump was not planning to attack them.

4) Credible rumors circulated amongst top Congressional and administration officials that Trump was prone to do something reckless. Pelosi heard these rumors. Again, we can debate whether they were legitimate or not; that is not the point. It is no secret that a lot of people, including people within the administration, were expressing concern that Trump was unstable and lashing out at everyone.

5) Pelosi called Milley to express these concerns, as she should have. Milley, as he should have, assured her that Trump was the sole authority on use of nuclear weapons and Commander in Chief, but he also reassured her that there were many steps within the communication process and that such would prevent any sort of hasty, unilateral action by Trump.

This is how I think all of us should hope that the process would work when we have the situation at hand as in December and January. No attack was launched, we cooled tensions, and allayed rumors and fears. It is time you Trumpsters set aside you loyalty to him and instead see the bigger picture that this was handled well and appropriately under all of the circumstances.

I'm fine with this and Miley's actions now that most of the story is out. Well except for his leaking, gotta be fired for that.

It's Woodward that has lost all credibility and should never be taken seriously again.
I'm fine with this and Miley's actions now that most of the story is out. Well except for his leaking, gotta be fired for that.

It's Woodward that has lost all credibility and should never be taken seriously again.

Someone else posted that Woodward made it seem like Milley did this all on his own. That he unilaterally called China and didn't tell anyone until after it was over.

We can't know for sure because we weren't there to hear how Milley characterized it to Woodward when interviewed. But it sure does seem like maybe Woodward was primed to make it look that way because its a much more interesting read if you say "Oh my gosh! The general had to take this extraordinary measure all on his own to stop WW III !"

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that the underlying genesis of all of this is correct. That is, given Trump's histrionics a lot of people around the world were worried that he'd do something stupid to China to try to justify hanging onto power. I don't think that is so far fetched.

But his capability to do so on the offensive and unchecked is more limited than maybe we believed before. Which is a good thing absent a sudden need to defend ourselves.
Someone else posted that Woodward made it seem like Milley did this all on his own. That he unilaterally called China and didn't tell anyone until after it was over.

We can't know for sure because we weren't there to hear how Milley characterized it to Woodward when interviewed. But it sure does seem like maybe Woodward was primed to make it look that way because its a much more interesting read if you say "Oh my gosh! The general had to take this extraordinary measure all on his own to stop WW III !"

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that the underlying genesis of all of this is correct. That is, given Trump's histrionics a lot of people around the world were worried that he'd do something stupid to China to try to justify hanging onto power. I don't think that is so far fetched.

But his capability to do so on the offensive and unchecked is more limited than maybe we believed before. Which is a good thing absent a sudden need to defend ourselves.

Yeah LG it's far fetched to think Trump would have started WWIII to stay in office.
Milley is a political hack and has no business still being in the military. He needs to walk away and sign his book deal where he tells the world how great he is and how Trump almost started WW3 if it wasn't for him and how Biden was a great president.
Someone else posted that Woodward made it seem like Milley did this all on his own. That he unilaterally called China and didn't tell anyone until after it was over.

We can't know for sure because we weren't there to hear how Milley characterized it to Woodward when interviewed. But it sure does seem like maybe Woodward was primed to make it look that way because its a much more interesting read if you say "Oh my gosh! The general had to take this extraordinary measure all on his own to stop WW III !"

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that the underlying genesis of all of this is correct. That is, given Trump's histrionics a lot of people around the world were worried that he'd do something stupid to China to try to justify hanging onto power. I don't think that is so far fetched.

But his capability to do so on the offensive and unchecked is more limited than maybe we believed before. Which is a good thing absent a sudden need to defend ourselves.

Okay, why do something stupid to China?

What point did that make or solve?
Someone else posted that Woodward made it seem like Milley did this all on his own. That he unilaterally called China and didn't tell anyone until after it was over.

We can't know for sure because we weren't there to hear how Milley characterized it to Woodward when interviewed. But it sure does seem like maybe Woodward was primed to make it look that way because its a much more interesting read if you say "Oh my gosh! The general had to take this extraordinary measure all on his own to stop WW III !"

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that the underlying genesis of all of this is correct. That is, given Trump's histrionics a lot of people around the world were worried that he'd do something stupid to China to try to justify hanging onto power. I don't think that is so far fetched.

But his capability to do so on the offensive and unchecked is more limited than maybe we believed before. Which is a good thing absent a sudden need to defend ourselves.

You are out of your mind...We are not talking some proxy war with a nation, we would be talking end of the world stuff. End of DC and such. But Trump would be nuts enough to inflict that on the world. Unreal dude as you have lost all rational thinking and it forms this massive bias that is inescapable from any logic.

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