The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Honest question, who buys these type of books? I've never understood it. They're filled with half truths, "anonymous sources" that can't be corroborated by anything, and nutball theories that fill the space between conjecture and reality. Do the people that buy them think they're actually the truth, or is it just a version of political fiction that they enjoy?
He'd be stupid to admit it because if true, he absolutely should be court-martialed. It doesn't matter that it was Trump and the left hates Trump. He was the lawfully elected President. The military is not allowed to usurp Presidential powers under any condition.
And no where in the 25th amendment does it allow the military to remove the president from office.
Only a woke military which will of no use to the citizens could Milley not face court martial after this admission.
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Honest question, who buys these type of books? I've never understood it. They're filled with half truths, "anonymous sources" that can't be corroborated by anything, and nutball theories that fill the space between conjecture and reality. Do the people that buy them think they're actually the truth, or is it just a version of political fiction that they enjoy?
It was evidence enough for a bunch of Twitter to convict Milley of treason.
It was evidence enough for a bunch of Twitter to convict Milley of treason.
Every single one of these books is held out as gospel truth. If Milley actually did what is claimed, it's a military officer conspiring behind the back of a duly elected president while also usurping authority he has no right to. There's enough bad **** in the real world happening currently, we don't need fanfic about a brave woke general saving the planet from Hitler 2.0 and his plans to nuke the world. This to me seems like a brainstorming session that got way out of hand but I guess we'll see what the man himself has to say, if anything.
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Trump is mentally off in some way. I don't have a diagnosis but the man is not right upstairs. Milley did the right thing by keeping an eye on him but he shouldn't have talked about it.
Do you think it should be investigated and prosecuted if it turns out true?
If he violated "the rules" he should be held to account.

This does rais an interesting issue: Why would a president ever order a pre-emptive nuclear strike without Congressional approval (formal or informal)?
If he violated "the rules" he should be held to account.

This does rais an interesting issue: Why would a president ever order a pre-emptive nuclear strike without Congressional approval (formal or informal)?

He didn't. He couldn't. Ordering a nuclear strike is extremely complex and requires multiple fail safes to be approved, the entire premise of this is idiotic. It isn't World War II and he isn't Harry Truman.
If he violated "the rules" he should be held to account.

This does rais an interesting issue: Why would a president ever order a pre-emptive nuclear strike without Congressional approval (formal or informal)?
I can think of only one reason. And even if the reason was absolute, I am not sure whether a strike would be ordered.
Reason: an emergency retaliatory strike after another country launched against us.
See, this is a problem in delegating so much power to the executive.

The executive must have the power to control our military in an emergency. Congress needs to wrestle the powers to declare war back from the executive.
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See, this is a problem in delegating so much power to the executive.

Harry Truman had no choice regardless of what the bleeding hearts of the World imply. Research Operation Downfall and ask yourself how many Americans/Japanese citizens would have died as a result of it. It would have been in the millions.
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