The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Interesting that you say that since many on this forum have determined Joe to be mentally unfit based on sound bites and video clips. Milley worked directly with Donny, didn't he?

I wonder if the same people grousing about Milley would have a problem if one of Joe's top military commanders did the same thing if Joe went off the rails.

I would.

You were in the military and know damn well if these accusations are true he should be prosecuted.
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Interesting that you say that since many on this forum have determined Joe to be mentally unfit based on sound bites and video clips. Milley worked directly with Donny, didn't he?

I wonder if the same people grousing about Milley would have a problem if one of Joe's top military commanders did the same thing if Joe went off the rails.
The thing is Joe or anyone else can't go off the rails. That's why we have a system with multiple parts. I don't care if Biden has a total nervous breakdown and wants to nuke Estonia, he can't do it unilaterally. I don't worry about it, nor did I worry about it under Trump or any other president in my lifetime.
Interesting that you say that since many on this forum have determined Joe to be mentally unfit based on sound bites and video clips. Milley worked directly with Donny, didn't he?

I wonder if the same people grousing about Milley would have a problem if one of Joe's top military commanders did the same thing if Joe went off the rails.

Do think what Milley did is acceptable?
Yep, "muh laws". Without them I'm not so sure someone wouldn't have punched your ticket by now.

He allegedly told the Chinese he wouldn't follow those orders if given. How can you not see the problem with our highest ranking military officer taking it upon himself to tell an enemy he wouldn't follow lawful orders.
If Trump wasn't contemplating an attack, and Milley told the Chinese we weren't going to attack, what's the problem?

Again, IF these quotes are true, he wasn’t just simply relaying that the US wasn’t planning an attack.

“Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time," Milley added, as reported by the book, "Peril," which is set to be released next week. "It's not going to be a surprise."
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Interesting that you say that since many on this forum have determined Joe to be mentally unfit based on sound bites and video clips. Milley worked directly with Donny, didn't he?

I wonder if the same people grousing about Milley would have a problem if one of Joe's top military commanders did the same thing if Joe went off the rails.

I would. Surprised you wouldn't or don't here.
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Jennifer Griffin is reporting that the Woodward book quotes are not accurate as refuted by people she has talked to in DoD. She is also saying Esper had similar discussions and that all of the communications were done by procedure.

Remember Woodward has claimed to have a transcript but has not produced it.

So if that account is true then we’re back to Woodward just creating more stir for his latest book. What an asshat if that’s the case
Jennifer Griffin is reporting that the Woodward book quotes are not accurate as refuted by people she has talked to in DoD. She is also saying Esper had similar discussions and that all of the communications we’re done by procedure.

So if that account is true then we’re back to Woodward just creating more stir for his latest book. What an asshat if that’s the case

I hope this is true and Miley should take legal action against Woodward.
Jennifer Griffin is reporting that the Woodward book quotes are not accurate as refuted by people she has talked to in DoD. She is also saying Esper had similar discussions and that all of the communications were done by procedure.

Remember Woodward has claimed to have a transcript but has not produced it.

So if that account is true then we’re back to Woodward just creating more stir for his latest book. What an asshat if that’s the case

What it does do is expose all the people praising Milley for taking matters into his own hands regardless of laws, rules or procedures.
What it does do is expose all the people praising Milley for taking matters into his own hands regardless of laws, rules or procedures.
That will all quickly go *poof* like a fart on the wind if Woodard winds up being a journalistic hack… again.
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Jennifer Griffin is reporting that the Woodward book quotes are not accurate as refuted by people she has talked to in DoD. She is also saying Esper had similar discussions and that all of the communications were done by procedure.

Remember Woodward has claimed to have a transcript but has not produced it.

So if that account is true then we’re back to Woodward just creating more stir for his latest book. What an asshat if that’s the case
That would be a completely unexpected outcome from an LG thread. His predictions are usually right on the money
Maybe because Miley reached out to his counterpart without authorization and in clear violation of standing US laws?

I heard it reported that it was at the direction of Esper in order to "turn down the temperature" so that small conflict didn't escalate.
If Trump wasn't contemplating an attack, and Milley told the Chinese we weren't going to attack, what's the problem?

You tell me, what would be the problem with a very high ranking member of the US military calling an adversary and discussing possible military action towards it? In virtually everyone's book, outside of yours and progressives, it would be considered treason.
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Woodward/Costa book: Worried Trump could 'go rogue,' Milley took secret action to protect nuclear weapons - CNNPolitics

General Milley met with top military brass and, convinced that Trump had completely lost it, ordered them not to let Trump do something nutty.

Got to keep Trump out of the WH in 2024, for the sake of the World and humanity.
Are you sure this isn't a case of a politically partisan high ranking military official flirting with treason?

If this is true he can no longer serve in any military capacity.
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If Trump wasn't contemplating an attack, and Milley told the Chinese we weren't going to attack, what's the problem?

A lot has to do with 1) context then and 2) how it is characterized now.

As to # 1, context at the time, the Chinese were genuinely and gravely worried that Trump would in a fit of egomaniacal rage launch an attack on them. Given that Trump was desperate at the time to delegitimize the election and Biden, and given that he bought into the far right conspiracy theories from his fanbase on this, it is not that far fetched that the Chinese would be concerned that Trump would attack them and use that to try to bootstrap in an argument that the election result was indeed flawed.

Evidently Milley saw this concern as not unfounded and, witnessing Trump firsthand, thought he needed to both reassure the Chinese and make sure that the people in the process did not yield to pressure from Trump calling on them to do something stupid militarily, and outside normal process. Recall, Trump in his state of anxiousness was showing a lot of willingness at the time to go outside the process for a lot of things. Again, in context, this was reasonable.

As to # 2, how it is characterized now, Milley is now viewed by the Trump cult as the ultimate traitor. From inside the administration he has confirmed the worst suspicions and concerns about Trump, which is a reflection on the rest of the Trump cult and the GOP as they are now fully coopted by him. Milley has confirmed that Trump is not fit to be President. And so despite the gravity of the situation their response is, not surprisingly, to lash out at the Milley as having done something wrong by acknowleding now what really occurred then.

And so calling the Chinese and reassuring them that things were under control and the regular processes were in place has turned into characterizing it as Milley promised to give them advance warning of any attack. It is very hard to believe it was exactly as the Trump cult is now spinning it for their attack on Milley. So we really need to know exactly what he said to calm their fears and reduce tensions. For example did he merely say that the controls were in place? Did he say that if there was cause for concern he would convene the principles and try to address it? Did he say he wanted to keep open a channel for deescalation?

The bottom line is this. For the upteenth time a former Trump official or associate has told the truth. And for the upteenth time he has been attacked as deserving to go to jail for daring to tell the truth. Regardless of the specifics of each of these instances, there is a pattern here that ought to signal to the cult members that, hey, maybe there is something to this complaint that Trump has no business being anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and is better left to be the carnival barker he is and to just be used generate some funding for GOP causes.

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