The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Honest question, who buys these type of books? I've never understood it. They're filled with half truths, "anonymous sources" that can't be corroborated by anything, and nutball theories that fill the space between conjecture and reality. Do the people that buy them think they're actually the truth, or is it just a version of political fiction that they enjoy?

I normally don't, but Woodward is solid. He wrote a book on the Bush Doctrine that ended up being pretty darn accurate.
It's not clear that trump was considering an attack. But if he had been, I'd be glad to know there are enough sane people left to stop him.
What is the issue with his credibility lately?
Well for one the claims on Trump’s comments on US troops with a large number of people with first hand knowledge saying it never happened. Which Woodward never quashed.

Woodward is selling another book. That is the only reason we are even hearing about this now.
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It's not clear that trump was considering an attack. But if he had been, I'd be glad to know there are enough sane people left to stop him.

There is zero proof he was going to attack China or anyone for that matter but I understand why the military industrial complex was against him. He was bad for their business in terms of military escalations.
It's not clear that trump was considering an attack. But if he had been, I'd be glad to know there are enough sane people left to stop him.
It’s called the 25th amendment and was put in place long before Trump and has nothing to with justifying illegal unilateral actions of subordinates to the President
Well for one the claims on Trump’s comments on US troops with a large number of people with first hand knowledge saying it never happened. Which Woodward never quashed.

Woodward is selling another book. That is the only reason we are even hearing about this now.

Is there a link? Genuinely interested. I'm a fan of Woodward, and when he is wrong he will generally come out and say it.
Milley should be publicly shamed and rebuked. Then he needs to do the right thing and retire.

He’ll be fine. Lionized by the Left, with a lifetime of paid appearances on CNN.
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Is there a link? Genuinely interested. I'm a fan of Woodward, and when he is wrong he will generally come out and say it.
It’s all over this forum if you search. The case I am mentioning specifically referenced a discussion about WWI ceremonies celebrating the victory in Europe. Several people whom were in the room stated on the record it never happened. Woodward has been loose with sourcing claims in his last few books. I did hear discussion on this particular book that all sources are once again anonymous which would make me discount it completely except for the Milley call they apparently have a copy of the call transcript. Without that I’d discount this whole claim completely

Edit: correction WWI. Belleau Wood
Is there a link? Genuinely interested. I'm a fan of Woodward, and when he is wrong he will generally come out and say it.
You know what? I think I got that specific case wrong. The comment was about the “suckers and losers” claim made I think by the Atlantic and for this case I think they pointed to the recounting in Woodward’s book as having referenced the meeting and made no mention of the hyperbolic “suckers and losers” claim.
Trump is mentally off in some way. I don't have a diagnosis but the man is not right upstairs. Milley did the right thing by keeping an eye on him but he shouldn't have talked about it.
I think Biden is mentally off as well, but I also 100% don't believe in any way he could launch nukes without multiple people involved. The people who think this is possible have seen one too many Bond movies. A general claiming he saved the world from a maniac is just a fantasy of his own making.
When did Trump show undue aggression to any nation that possessed Nukes? If anything he was less war mongering than the Democrats who cling to the idea of the Russian “Bogey” man. Those would be the people drawing us nearer to a nuclear disaster.
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I think Biden is mentally off as well, but I also 100% don't believe in any way he could launch nukes without multiple people involved. The people who think this is possible have seen one too many Bond movies. A general claiming he saved the world from a maniac is just a fantasy of his own making.
I don't know the protocols for launching nukes but I believe it is designed where it can be initiated pretty quickly if necessary. I understand your opinion of Biden but he's just an old guy. My father in law was a mentally sharp mathematics professor who recently died at 94. His reactions were a little slow and he showed the signs of his age but his mind was as sharp as ever. If you just looked at him shuffling around you might think he was a senile old man.
When did Trump show undue aggression to any nation that possessed Nukes? If anything he was less war mongering than the Democrats who cling to the idea of the Russian “Bogey” man. Those would be the people drawing us nearer to a nuclear disaster.
I'm not going to look it up but I seem to remember something about annihilating NK in a fiery something or other. And he made some pretty strong insinuations about Iran. I don't hold that against him but he could come on pretty strong rhetorically.
I don't know the protocols for launching nukes but I believe it is designed where it can be initiated pretty quickly if necessary. I understand your opinion of Biden but he's just an old guy. My father in law was a mentally sharp mathematics professor who recently died at 94. His reactions were a little slow and he showed the signs of his age but his mind was as sharp as ever. If you just looked at him shuffling around you might think he was a senile old man.
There are plenty of elderly people who still have a sharp mind. Biden is not one of those people. I'm not basing anything on how he moves or how frail he looks. Listening to him talk it seems like it takes everything he has to stay on track. I would note though I watched the 9/11 thing on Netflix and even during Obama's terms Biden looked much healthier than he does now.
I'm not going to look it up but I seem to remember something about annihilating NK in a fiery something or other. And he made some pretty strong insinuations about Iran. I don't hold that against him but he could come on pretty strong rhetorically.
I wouldn’t really consider that unwarranted aggression. Both of those countries have been rather public about their hope to one day annihilate us. And up until Trump we’ve pretty stuck our heads in the sand and ignored it. Trump has done more than anyone in attempting to deescalate tensions with North Korea ( and he was ridiculed for it). Iran, I’m not sure what else can be done to keep those Muslim fanatics in check other than the possibility of absolute destruction. Trump taking a hard line on Iran might have reduced the odds of nuclear disaster through resource deprivation ( of course Biden’s done a 180). Again I’d say that Trump is perhaps the least war mongering president that we’ve had in well over a hundred years.
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Should we allow military leaders,with no training to determine cognitive ability, to determine a sitting President's unspoken intent just because he thinks it is "the right thing to do"? What about the next military "leader" who thinks this way? No matter a person's political leanings in no way should anyone be comfortable with this if true.
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When did Trump show signs of wanting to nuke someone? And Biden often shows signs of having lost his mental faculties. When did this General get approval to do such things? Where does he have such authority granted to him? You want to live in a military junta as long as they have your best interest at heart.

Didn't he threaten North Korea on Twitter?
Should we allow military leaders,with no training to determine cognitive ability, to determine a sitting President's unspoken intent just because he thinks it is "the right thing to do"? What about the next military "leader" who thinks this way? No matter a person's political leanings in no way should anyone be comfortable with this if true.

Interesting that you say that since many on this forum have determined Joe to be mentally unfit based on sound bites and video clips. Milley worked directly with Donny, didn't he?

I wonder if the same people grousing about Milley would have a problem if one of Joe's top military commanders did the same thing if Joe went off the rails.
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