The Virginia Gov race

I axed you what CRT was!!! Why did you give someone's opinion?

both proponents and opponents use the term loosely.

the more accurate descriptor of what's being taught and advocated is "anti-racism" of the Ibram X. Kendi/Robin DeAngelo variety.

still, the underlying philosophy of CRT shares much in common with anti-racism and in the larger perspective "critical theory" as a philosophical framework is that truths are social constructs rather than objective. It's about power dynamics. In the end, the anti-racism stuff that is being taught has the same underpinnings as the more narrowly defined CRT's use in legal analysis.
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both proponents and opponents use the term loosely.

the more accurate descriptor of what's being taught and advocated is "anti-racism" of the Ibram X. Kendi/Robin DeAngelo variety.

still, the underlying philosophy of CRT shares much in common with anti-racism and in the larger perspective "critical theory" as a philosophical framework is that truths are social constructs rather than objective. It's about power dynamics. In the end, the anti-racism stuff that is being taught has the same underpinnings as the more narrowly defined CRT's use in legal analysis.
Yeah the people arguing CRT “is being taught” aren’t necessarily helping their cause. Critical XYZ Theory in the general sense is an academic study involving the specific topic theory as applied to social power struggles and constructs. It belongs in academia… not in a secondary classroom. CRT is associated with the topics you mention and I’d submit the 1619 project also. None of these belong in any K - 12 classroom but the academics can go nuts who cares.
both proponents and opponents use the term loosely.

the more accurate descriptor of what's being taught and advocated is "anti-racism" of the Ibram X. Kendi/Robin DeAngelo variety.

still, the underlying philosophy of CRT shares much in common with anti-racism and in the larger perspective "critical theory" as a philosophical framework is that truths are social constructs rather than objective. It's about power dynamics. In the end, the anti-racism stuff that is being taught has the same underpinnings as the more narrowly defined CRT's use in legal analysis.
"There is no objective, absolute truth."

Except, of course, the objective, absolute truth that there is no objective, absolute truth.

These people have replaced God with meaningless words.
"There is no objective, absolute truth."

Except, of course, the objective, absolute truth that there is no objective, absolute truth.

These people have replaced God with meaningless words.

From equality to “equity”. Wonder why that happened?
Are you being ironic or actually asking for proof that the number of people in cemeteries has increased every year throughout the history of the human race? 😅😅😅😅😅
Asking for proof that dead people vote for Democrats, I know a couple of folks voted for trump after their spouses died.
I was making statement on the pathetic condition of American politics when the only expectation of an elected official is that they won't be embarrassing. I didn't vote for Trump or biden so I bear no responsibility for the actions of either of them and thus am not embarrassed by them. Actually I find them both to have great comedic value.
Asking for proof that dead people vote for Democrats, I know a couple of folks voted for trump after their spouses died.
You misunderstood my quote. I merely said that there were more dead people in 2020 than there were in 2012 (which is clearly true). YOU made the leap to the next point that that means more dead people voted for Biden than did. for Trump. Of course you are 100% correct in that assumption 😂😂😂. It is just more difficult to prove. Your „couple of folks“ is demonstrably anecdotal and cannot be used as counter evidence either.
But we ALL know deep down inside that the Democrats constantly use any means available, fair or Foul, to further their nefarious lust for power. Because the ends always justify the means (all for our own good of course).
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I don't have a dog in this fight, but I watched rallies from both of them last week. Terry isn't exactly anything to write home about. I met him on the campaign trail several years ago, and my thought was the same now as then. Youngkin went off on a theocratic rant during his rally, and would be an immediate no vote for me, regardless of his policies on anything else.

I'll be eating popcorn and watching from afar.
The Dems nominate another empty suit retread with a lot of empty promises, the GOP runs an all over the place guy bent on some kind of ill-defined mad at the world guy whose gonna do "something."

And the world spins.
The Dems nominate another empty suit retread with a lot of empty promises, the GOP runs an all over the place guy bent on some kind of ill-defined mad at the world guy whose gonna do "something."

And the world spins.
Youngkin made it clear in his rally last week that he is a theocrat. I'll take an empty suit over a theocrat any damn day.

But it ain't my thing. I'll be watching, with popcorn.
If one looks deeply into the history of the Democrat party they will notice how they have always used race and identity based politics to try and accomplish their political goals and maintain political power.

Lol. Trump and the modern day GOP aligned with him is built ENTIRELY on race and identity politics.
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Lol. Trump and the modern day GOP aligned with him is built ENTIRELY on race and identity politics.
Sounds like you need to take a break from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and The Washington Post.

Trump also lives rent free in your head.

Democrats always have and still to this day use race and identity based politics way more than Republicans. That's a known fact.
Youngkin made it clear in his rally last week that he is a theocrat. I'll take an empty suit over a theocrat any damn day.

But it ain't my thing. I'll be watching, with popcorn.
There's another candidate in the race. Princess Blanding of the Liberation Party. Seems to be very left leaning. Wonder how many votes, if any, it takes away from the democrat party.
There's another candidate in the race. Princess Blanding of the Liberation Party. Seems to be very left leaning. Wonder how many votes, if any, it takes away from the democrat party.

Who in heavens name names a child Princess, unless it some spoiled entitled child of participation trophy parents.
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There's another candidate in the race. Princess Blanding of the Liberation Party. Seems to be very left leaning. Wonder how many votes, if any, it takes away from the democrat party.
I thought you were just being an *******, but you right lol. She exists.

This is why I'm eating popcorn and staying out of this.

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