The Virginia Gov race

It is difficult to fathom given he was the worst candidate in the modern era.
McAuliffe is close. Granted, at least he can speak, but he's a gaffe machine that doesn't seem to know what the word salad he blasts out means.
What we need is a way for people to enter a deceased person's name and see if they voted in the last election after they died. Should be a pretty simple thing to implement. My dad was a die hard democrat, I'd like to know how many times he voted from heaven.
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What we need is a way for people to enter a deceased person's name and see if they voted in the last election after they died. Should be a pretty simple thing to implement. My dad was a die hard democrat, I'd like to know how many times he voted from heaven.
I have toyed with idea of asking that my tombstone read “Now that I’m gone, I guess I am now voting Democrat” 😂

Sounds like discrimination based on race here.

So what is the solution Kommissar McAuliffe? The only way to change the ratio without waiting decades for attrition is obviously to begin FIRING white teachers. How do we go about that, maybe decimation? Randomly pick every 10th white teacher‘s name from a fish bowl and send them packing? I guess you could also increase the number of minority teachers by a MASSIVE hiring surge (assuming you could convince already struggling taxpayers to foot an even larger local/state tax bill). Of course then you would have to make sure to only hire minority teachers for the new positions which is blatantly illegal under NUMEROUS pieces of legislation.
Not that I would have expected Obergruppenführer McAuliffe to have actually made the necessary effort to fire enough of his scarce neurons to have anything that could be called a „thought“ to begin to address these basic questions. 🙄
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‘Not About Trump’: Terry McAuliffe Shifts Communication Strategy Days Before Election

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe shifted his communication strategy away from Donald Trump the weekend before Tuesday’s election.

'Not About Trump': McAuliffee Shifts Comms Strategy Days Before Election

Trump Praises Republican Glenn Youngkin on Election Day Eve: ‘Flood the System and Get Out and Vote’

Former President Donald Trump weighed in on the eve of Virginia’s highly anticipated gubernatorial election, urging Virginians in a statement on Monday to “flood the system and get out and vote” for Republican Glenn Youngkin.

Trump Praises Youngkin on Election Day Eve: ‘Flood the System and Get Out and Vote’

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