i thought the episode was alright. definitely not top 10 and definitely not bottom 10. just kind of in the middle.
I really like that they didn't hold back on the brutality of Lucille's beatings. That image of Glenn's smashed-in head trying to talk to Maggie was perfect and needed to be there. Just heartbreaking. Gonna miss him.
Also loved the hatchet scene (NOT where Rick has to go get it), but once they got back and Rick is put in the position to have to cut Coral's arm to save everyone. Even though I had a good idea it was going to end the way it did (replacing an arm, let alone Carl's [dude just lost an eye for pete's sake] would be a bit too much more effort, time, and money), I was still on the edge of my seat anticipating about the several ways it could have played out. Really intense scene there.
Non-verbal acting by Andrew Lincoln is phenomenal. His verbal acting was just ok, a little rough at one point. Maggie was actually kind of cringe-worthy to be completely honest. JDM is good, I think he's doing alright with what he is given.
Not really shocked at the outcome. Granted, I was well aware of the main rumor (Glenn first, Abe second after retaliating), but even still, it wasn't really all that surprising. It basically still kept completely to the comics (obviously by killing Glenn, but even Lucilling Abe isn't that much of a departure since he got the arrow through the eye like 2 issues prior). Abe dying first pretty much sealed the deal that there were going to be multiple deaths lol I don't mind his character that much, but a lot of the screentime/dialogue he was getting last season with Sasha, was ****ing dreadful. his death had absolutely no effect on me.
season finale gimmick they pulled last year is still garbage and was completely not needed. it really didn't serve any purpose in making this moment/episode any more impacting than it would have had they not done it.
oh well, on to a new season! to the diehards and critics of the board, here. we. go.