The Weightlifters Thread

If you're bodybuilding, you need carbs. It's a good way to crash diet if you're relatively inactive, but if you work out regularly in any capacity beyond walking, carbs are a necessity. I tried it for three weeks, terrible decision.

Keto diet seems to work for a lot of people. I haven't tried it though.
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Just switched to a 4 day split with mucho cardio.

Did wide stance squats yesterday and got as low as I possibly could, my ass was about three or four inches from the ground. Holy hell. Should have done a better job stretching my hips beforehand.
Just switched to a 4 day split with mucho cardio.

Did wide stance squats yesterday and got as low as I possibly could, my ass was about three or four inches from the ground. Holy hell. Should have done a better job stretching my hips beforehand.

Three inches from the ground? How many did you do? Screw the hips, what did that do to your knees??
It's sort of a combo problem. I have chronic issues with the iliotibial band on both sides, so I have regular issues with both hip cramps and swollen knees. I've had a total of about half a year of physical therapy going back over the last four years, so I can usually manage it pretty well with a combination of stretching and tape I use to hold my patella in place when I work out my legs. Still hurts every now and then.
OK, that scares the crap out of me. One of my knees is jacked up. Wide leg squats and lunges is when I'm most likely to feel it. Occasionally during regular squats, but not as often. I'm sure my issue is nothing at all like yours (my biggest issue is age). But I don't wanna talk about knees or hips anymore.

What's your favorite move using weights?
Reason it sucks for me is because I'm only 24. God knows what shape I'll be in in another 20 years.

And my favorite lift? Dumb bell flat bench press, because when I'm amped enough I'll do a few sets of 8 reps with 115lb dumbbells and I feel like a total boss afterwards.

You should go visit the doctor about your knee. That could be a big issue going forward.
I just haven't done squats like that in a while, so I'm feeling it pretty good. A little knee pain always goes with that for me, but I manage.
I know. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 35. How much does that suck? I just try to work my muscles as much as I can so something can support my bones. :)

My favorite is stiff leg dead lifts. I don't use really heavy weights, normally. I do high rep, low weights. But there's a couple of workouts that use heavier weights and I kinda dig it.

I wish I could get into doing push ups. I know it's my form that is wrong. I hate them soooo much!!! And I refuse to do them on my knees. That's for girls. I can only do about 4 really good form on my toes push ups. I suck.
I would actually avoid normal push-ups if you have osteoporosis, they can be very hard on your wrists. If you do, use handle bases or some 25 pound weights, or do more bench press instead. The point is to move away from putting perpendicular stress on your wrists.

I'm sure you know what the recommendation is -- Calcium, when to take iron and high impact training.
Yes, Mom. Thanks. :)

I like doing chest flys and chest presses (sounds so stupid in plural form.) Those benefit the same as push ups?
They are much more isolated -- push ups are actually a full body workout. They get hip flexors, nearly all of your abs, pecs, most of your arms. You can target all of those individually with other workouts, though.

Definitely try them out with some handles next time, it might work out better.
OK, are you talking those "as seen on tv" things they sell?

I have a pull up bar that you put in a doorway, and when I do pull ups, I feel it in my lower abdomen more than anywhere else. And when I say I feel it, I mean I scream DAMMIT! WHAT WAS THAT??? lmbo!!
Have you always been into fitness volly or is this recent?

Started in 2007. I married my husband in 2005. His first wife passed away from a bizillion health issues...most as a result of not taking care of herself. I decided I couldn't let that happen to him again. So I started eating right and working out, to be fit and healthy.
Week 3 on C20. This will be the week that decides if I order the second bottle and complete the full 8 weeks. No significant effects up until this point.

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