The Woke Olympics

Disgusting. Damn shame this mentally ill “thing” represents the US.

Did I understand the situation correctly? My understanding is she stood for the US anthem and did this during the Chinese anthem.
Djokovic has always been a baby. I know he will have more majors than Fed when all is said and done but I’d much rather watch Fed play. Don’t get me wrong, Djokovic has become an incredible player and likely will be considered the GOAT when his career is over but he has never been likable.

He is a tantrum thrower. He likely will be the GOAT. I dont think Fed has another major in him. Nadal's might not either, not sure. Novak could still reel off a couple.
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He is a tantrum thrower. He likely will be the GOAT. I dont think Fed has another major in him. Nadal's might not either, not sure. Novak could still reel off a couple.
I do give him credit. Early in his career once a thing or two didn’t go his way he would melt down and usually lose the match. I think it was after he got with Agassi that his mentality changed. I might be wrong on the catalyst for change but something certainly changed and now he doesn’t get derailed easily. He works through the tough moments most of the time now. He does call for the trainer an awful lot when losing though.
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Finally watched one even with my wife today. They way it was edited, the event (diving) consisted of only Chinese and American contestants. I felt so bad for the dozens of other competitors from the rest of the world. With multicasting, there is no excuse for not showing an entire event from start to finish
I know you keep posting this, as to incenuate that it's a bad thing. However compliance isn't ALWAYS a negative term. The rules are the rules and if I were an elite athlete fortunate enough to represent my country in the Olympics, I would do whatever I had to do in order to compete! And I damn sure wouldn't let something like a weave or an afro stand in my way. Not EVERYTHING has to be made into a political fight. Cut your hair and move on! It'll grow back! The more time and energy someone devotes to fighting something as silly as this, the less time and focus they devote to their training. Plus, last time I checked, you're part of the swim TEAM! Stop making it all about YOU! Your team is relying on you and raising a stink over something like this not only affects your focus, it affects your team's focus.
Again, has there been any study to show that the cap gives the swimmer an unfair advantage?
I’m smiling this morning.

The United States women's national team were knocked out of Olympic gold medal contention after losing 1-0 to Canada in the semifinals on Monday.

Why do you hate America?

Who do you actually hate from the team besides Rapinoe? Are we so petty, disagreeable, and tainted by politics that we want the whole thing to burn because of a couple distastefuls? You definitely are.
Why do you hate America?

Who do you actually hate from the team besides Rapinoe? Are we so petty, disagreeable, and tainted by politics that we want the whole thing to burn because of a couple distastefuls? You definitely are.
I feel bad for those on the team who inevitably disagree with Rapinoe, or at least disagree with the manner in how she gets her message across.
I liked Rapinoe's responses following the loss. Taking responsibility for their execution. Don't see enough of that.
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Finally watched one even with my wife today. They way it was edited, the event (diving) consisted of only Chinese and American contestants. I felt so bad for the dozens of other competitors from the rest of the world. With multicasting, there is no excuse for not showing an entire event from start to finish

Most of the events are shown live. If you flip around to CNBC, NBCSN, or USA you'll see stuff airing live pretty much 24/7. The issue is that some stuff airs in the wee hours in the states.

I will agree that NBC's edited primetime coverage is awful.
Most of the events are shown live. If you flip around to CNBC, NBCSN, or USA you'll see stuff airing live pretty much 24/7. The issue is that some stuff airs in the wee hours in the states.

I will agree that NBC's edited primetime coverage is awful.
I always fondly remember watching the Olympics on ABC as a child. Jim McKay always made the events seem real and interesting. All about the sports themselves without all the fluff. And I actually LEARNED something each time
Why do you hate America?

Who do you actually hate from the team besides Rapinoe? Are we so petty, disagreeable, and tainted by politics that we want the whole thing to burn because of a couple distastefuls? You definitely are.
Unfortunately this country is so divided, and it goes both ways. This is just an extreme example. People would rather see this country burn than show any type of support that might be viewed as non partisan.
Unfortunately this country is so divided, and it goes both ways. This is just an extreme example. People would rather see this country burn than show any type of support that might be viewed as non partisan.

I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.

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