The Woke Olympics

I feel bad for those on the team who inevitably disagree with Rapinoe, or at least disagree with the manner in how she gets her message across.
I don't necessarily feel bad for them. In America, we're not required to believe, think, feel, etc. in the same manner. It's what makes our country the greatest of all. Inevitably, members of sports teams are going to disagree ideologically. The only people who have a problem with it are people who don't watch because they're more concerned about the ideology of the players, making some ignorant claim it offends their false sense of patriotism. Great teams don't give a damn about their personal ideological differences.
I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.
My dad just wants to nap, watch tv, and be left alone when he isn’t running his company or going to church.
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I don't necessarily feel bad for them. In America, we're not required to believe, think, feel, etc. in the same manner. It's what makes our country the greatest of all. Inevitably, members of sports teams are going to disagree ideologically. The only people who have a problem with it are people who don't watch because they're more concerned about the ideology of the players, making some ignorant claim it offends their false sense of patriotism. Great teams don't give a damn about their personal ideological differences.
I meant in the context of there are a bunch of Americans who want them to lose purely because Rapinoe is a vocal leftist, but I guarantee you not everybody on the team feels that way. I don't really understand wanting your team to lose because you disagree with the politics of one of the players. If that is how you roll then I guess you can't root for Tennessee either.
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I don't necessarily feel bad for them. In America, we're not required to believe, think, feel, etc. in the same manner. It's what makes our country the greatest of all. Inevitably, members of sports teams are going to disagree ideologically. The only people who have a problem with it are people who don't watch because they're more concerned about the ideology of the players, making some ignorant claim it offends their false sense of patriotism. Great teams don't give a damn about their personal ideological differences.
I hoped they would win especially with Canada having a male on the team but the USWNT are not that likeable as a team.
Why do you hate America?

Who do you actually hate from the team besides Rapinoe? Are we so petty, disagreeable, and tainted by politics that we want the whole thing to burn because of a couple distastefuls? You definitely are.

I'm game for this question...

Why do you give a pass to athletes who disrespect their country on the international stage? This is the very same country that afforded them the opportunity to compete at the biggest levels.

So, I ask why you hate America so much you allow them to get away with this behavior.
I meant in the context of there are a bunch of Americans who want them to lose purely because Rapinoe is a vocal leftist, but I guarantee you not everybody on the team feels that way. I don't really understand wanting your team to lose because you disagree with the politics of one of the players. If that is how you roll then I guess you can't root for Tennessee either.
I'll never understand the thought of pulling for a team to lose because of politics.
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I'm game for this question...

Why do you give a pass to athletes who disrespect their country on the international stage? This is the very same country that afforded them the opportunity to compete at the biggest levels.

So, I ask why you hate America so much you allow them to get away with this behavior.

Because I don't view kneeling as a sign of disrespect.

China afforded Chinese athletes opportunities, too, so....

"I'm game for this question" and proceeds to avoid the question and asks his own.
I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.
My parents are the same way, maybe not as extreme. I blame the news. In their case they have FOX News on 24/7. It gotten to the point where they couldn’t really speak with friends who have opposing view points. CNN is even worse. I saw a report that CNN and MSNBC ratings before Trump were pretty mediocre, maybe ranked as the 30th most popular cable channel. They shot up to number 1 during the Trump years, everything was about Trump non stop and that’s what got the ratings. Now that Biden is in office their ratings are plummeting. I bet someone at CNN is thinking 🤔 how do we get Trump back in office without appearing to want him back.
I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.

The media and the politicians salivate for people like this. I hope you can get your parents back. I hope they will turn off the "news" and facebook. I hope they will find outlets which will fill their retirement with purpose.
I'll never understand the thought of pulling for a team to lose because of politics.

Your point is spot on, but it's how people react when said athlete(s) inject politics into the sport(s). When you make your sport your stage, it won't always go well.
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The media and the politicians salivate for people like this. I hope you can get your parents back. I hope they will turn off the "news" and facebook. I hope they will find outlets which will fill their retirement with purpose.

They did cancel Fox News (which they told me several times) because it wasn't friendly enough to Trump but it's back on their TV now (with no explanation of why they're back).
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Without the advent of social media, it probably wouldn't be such a polarizing issue
There have been a handful of world-famous athletes who "put their thumb in the eye of America". Muhammed Ali being the most pronounced example I can think of.

But once that stuff was fully played out in the news cycle the country moved on.
Without the advent of social media, it probably wouldn't be such a polarizing issue

True, and there was a time when athletes on such stages, Olympic or Professional, were more professional about public appearance over personal injections. Goes back to rasing. Even now, Greg Luganis conducts himself in a manner you can only respect professionally.
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True, and there was a time when athletes on such stages, Olympic or Professional, were more professional about public appearance over personal injections. Goes back to rasing. Even now, Greg Luganis conducts himself in a manner you can only respect professionally.
"Goes back to rasing". Not necessarily. Not even likely
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What is a patriot these days?

The definition I've taught my children is anyone who dedicates themselves to the ideals found in the Preamble, Constitution, and all amendments through personal sacrifice for the benefit of their fellow citizen and the country. I have also taught them to measure their definitions and actions against nationalism and jingoism, which can masquerade as patriotism but are just another form of control.
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Unfortunately this country is so divided, and it goes both ways. This is just an extreme example. People would rather see this country burn than show any type of support that might be viewed as non partisan.
US women’s soccer team not excluded
I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.

Sorry to hear it but look at what the news covers and our leaders talk about - the message is always about conflict and us/them; one side good, the other evil. It's hard to avoid it and it inevitably creeps into the psyche of some more than others.

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