The Woke Olympics

It's pathetic that you get enjoyment out of seeing a USA team lose all because the players' political opinions conflict with yours. It's not surprising, though, as you've made it very clear on multiple occasions that you view anyone with political opinions contrary to yours as "filth".

The media and politicians love people like you. They constantly seek to divide us and you fall right in line.

I know the point you are trying to make but the bolded seems to be a variation of the theme - you consider someone with a different viewpoint than you to be pathetic.

It's not just you - it's all through this thread; if one holds a different view on this issue they are not just wrong, they are a bad person.

The "they" in they constantly seek to divide us is us.
I thinking basing this on your local community is dangerous.

If someone lives on a golf course, surrounded by million dollar homes, and has kids who ride a golf kart to the pool that thinks everyone in the world makes a few 100k a year then their local community is completely different than someone who lives in the ghetto surviving off welfare who has children avoiding crack dealers on their way home from school every day.

I think a true Patriot realizes our country is more than the few sq blocks we dwell in and we are only as strong as our weakest part.

I could have read your post wrong though.

I'm not saying it has to be based on your local community. I'm saying that patriotism can describe your attitude towards local, state, or national community. I do not see fielty to one as inherently superior to the others. My position is in response to the reality that people mostly associate patriotism with their national community, and the lines get blurred as people use "patriot" when nationalist of jingoist are more appropriate.
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I think it's pretty cringey to be at an Olympics with people from African nations, war torn parts of the middle east, even the refugee delegation that basically has no home, and complain about how bad things are in your country. Maybe we'll see a rash of minority American athletes seek asylum in Japan to escape our state sponsored genocide but I somehow doubt it.
I always wonder why we accept refugees as asylum seekers from socialist countries, if socialist countries are held up as examples by many in this country.
Didn't the women's soccer team create the divide on this specific topic?

It is kinda weird that the most talented team on the field got wiped out and their heads seemed to be not in the game.
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We're losing the Olympics to China. They have 7 more gold medals than we do,

I always cheer for Team USA, even when they bring their politics into their sports. I don't believe they should be doing that, no matter what side of the political spectrum they fall on, but unfortunately, they do.
There's a variety of reasons actually...

1. Because, again, this nation afforded them the opportunity to compete at THE highest level and to represent this nation with honor and dignity.

2. Most protesting are doing it for pure attention whore reasons and will change nothing save people getting aggravated over their actions.

3. Most, if not all have never lived in a foreign country for an extended period of time and don't realize, despite having a few problems, we're still the greatest country on this earth and extremely tolerant of that freedom of speech thing.

3A. They certainly wouldn't be allowed to do such a thing if they were from another nation.

4. Last, but certainly not least, as stated, I expect our athletes to show the world some dignity. If they want change, it's best not to alienate people by doing what they do.

Hope that answers your question.

It's an interesting balance to hold, isn't it? You (we) wouldn't want them to feign forced patriotism like dictators and communists demand. On the other hand, we want them to publicly demonstrate their love of country. And, we want this to come from young people who typically don't have the experience or wisdom to fully form their ideology. Many are coming from college campuses which have poured derision in their heads for 4 or more years.
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It's an interesting balance to hold, isn't it? You (we) wouldn't want them to feign forced patriotism like dictators and communists demand. On the other hand, we want them to publicly demonstrate their love of country. And, we want this to come from young people who typically don't have the experience or wisdom to fully form their ideology. Many are coming from college campuses which have poured derision in their heads for 4 or more years.

Valid point.
It's an interesting balance to hold, isn't it? You (we) wouldn't want them to feign forced patriotism like dictators and communists demand. On the other hand, we want them to publicly demonstrate their love of country. And, we want this to come from young people who typically don't have the experience or wisdom to fully form their ideology. Many are coming from college campuses which have poured derision in their heads for 4 or more years.

This recurring theme just isn't as true as people want it to be.

I swear, the kids are indoctrinating each other. How can we (professors) indoctrinate them when we have to beg and plead and slash their grades just to get them to read the damn syllabus?
This recurring theme just isn't as true as people want it to be.

I swear, the kids are indoctrinating each other. How can we (professors) indoctrinate them when we have to beg and plead and slash their grades just to get them to read the damn syllabus?

You took my sentence further than I intended because it was poorly crafted. College campuses was meant to encompass all the elements of the college experience and not just professors or instructors.
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I know the point you are trying to make but the bolded seems to be a variation of the theme - you consider someone with a different viewpoint than you to be pathetic.

It's not just you - it's all through this thread; if one holds a different view on this issue they are not just wrong, they are a bad person.

The "they" in they constantly seek to divide us is us.
Seems like he's exhibiting the same behavior he's condemning.
I just visited my parents and my Dad has completely lost it. Every conversation turns into politics. I couldn't say anything without my parents turning it into a gripe about the left, BLM, or critical race theory. Literally, the most innocuous statement, like "I'd like to visit Japan." turns into a negative political anecdote. Out of nowhere, my Dad asked me if I think I'd have an easier time finding a job if I were black (I'm employed, BTW, so the comment had nothing to do with anything other than what is constantly rattling around in his brain). My parents who decry cancel culture are canceling Subway, the MLB, their university's athletic department, and more. It's hard to keep track. Their lives are completely poisoned and it's all-consuming. The crazy part is they obsess so much about the topic of race and it has no impact on them whatsoever. Literally none. They live in a town that's like 95% white and race is not a problem for whites there. They are retired, so they can't get canceled. All this time and bad feelings for no reason at all.

Same here, except for me it's more of the Q stuff about the pope being a hologram and Trump still being in control behind the scenes, or something. Not sure how but hopefully they take a step back from the anger politics at some point
Sports are supposed to bring us together. When athletes and fans bring their politics to sports, it does the opposite. I'm just of the opinion everyone should leave their politics out of sports.

Now let's crush the communists!
It's an interesting balance to hold, isn't it? You (we) wouldn't want them to feign forced patriotism like dictators and communists demand. On the other hand, we want them to publicly demonstrate their love of country. And, we want this to come from young people who typically don't have the experience or wisdom to fully form their ideology. Many are coming from college campuses which have poured derision in their heads for 4 or more years.

Maybe some of them will learn the lesson, if you want to be controversial and make statements you better win.

Sprinkles are for winners.
Didn't the women's soccer team create the divide on this specific topic?

It is kinda weird that the most talented team on the field got wiped out and their heads seemed to be not in the game.
I see their performance correlated with their political ideology.
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Same here, except for me it's more of the Q stuff about the pope being a hologram and Trump still being in control behind the scenes, or something. Not sure how but hopefully they take a step back from the anger politics at some point
All politics are now anger politics. It's not limited to Trump or Republicans. Biden and Democrats practice the same. How angry you feel depends on which side you choose to fall on.
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Sports are supposed to bring us together. When athletes and fans bring their politics to sports, it does the opposite. I'm just of the opinion everyone should leave their politics out of sports.

Now let's crush the communists!
How many versions of Ping Pong does the Olympics run to let China get so many medals?
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Same here, except for me it's more of the Q stuff about the pope being a hologram and Trump still being in control behind the scenes, or something. Not sure how but hopefully they take a step back from the anger politics at some point
Thats true. Pope Hologram, along with Tupac, Elvis, Hitler, & Biggie Holograms are all living in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.
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All politics are now anger politics. It's not limited to Trump or Republicans. Biden and Democrats practice the same. How angry you feel depends on which side you choose to fall on.

Sure, I couldn't think of an ideal term for it, but was referring to the "poison" Huff referenced where every conversation turns into a political rant. I don't think it's exclusive to one side in general, but I would say in my family it is
Sure, I couldn't think of an ideal term for it, but was referring to the "poison" Huff referenced where every conversation turns into a political rant. I don't think it's exclusive to one side in general, but I would say in my family it is
I just get tired of both parties acting as if it's the other party that's the problem when both parties are very clearly the problem. Neither side remembers what it is to compromise and put America first.
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It's pathetic that you get enjoyment out of seeing a USA team lose all because the players' political opinions conflict with yours. It's not surprising, though, as you've made it very clear on multiple occasions that you view anyone with political opinions contrary to yours as "filth".

The media and politicians love people like you. They constantly seek to divide us and you fall right in line.

I’m glad to see my thread is serving it’s intended purpose.
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We're losing the Olympics to China. They have 7 more gold medals than we do,

I always cheer for Team USA, even when they bring their politics into their sports. I don't believe they should be doing that, no matter what side of the political spectrum they fall on, but unfortunately, they do.
We have more medals overall, so no, we're not "losing" the Olympics to them
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