The Woke Olympics

Simone Biles BACKS silver medalist shot putter who crossed arms above head: IOC launches investigation into Raven Saunders for most high-profile protest yet in Tokyo

Simone Biles has become embroiled in the controversy over an American athlete who launched a protest from the Olympic medal winner’s podium.

Shot putter Raven Saunders raised her arms above her head on the podium and formed an 'X' with her wrists on Sunday night as she claimed her silver medal.

But Simone, 24, has risked becoming under more scrutiny by supporting the protest.

The troubled six times Olympic medalist, who is experiencing mental health issues in Tokyo has decided to back Saunders protest today.



She posted a picture of the athlete with her arms crossed on the podium to her 6.5 million Instagram followers

Under the photo were the words; ‘Gave everything for this.

‘If you are black, LGBTQIA+ Or mentally struggling, this one is for you.

‘Shout out to all my fighters’

Simone Biles has become embroiled in the controversy over Raven Saunders | Daily Mail Online
Was this directed at other countries?
It is China's philosophy.

1st place or die trying.

Ours is atleast we tried.

One country is on a fast trajectory upwards and the other is spiraling down like a falling star.

At one time, the people of Rome thought they would always be on top too.
I felt bad for the Chinese girl who fell on her ass in the uneven bars. They probably chucked her parents off a bridge or something.
If you can please point me to another country's athletes that kneel during their anthem at the Olympics to protest "injustice" in their country, I'd appreciate it.


Setting aside the fact that Team USA wasn't kneeling during the anthem, why on Earth would this matter? Why is your entire argument based on what other countries with different values think of us?
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Maybe a stupid question, but how is being black like being LGBTQIA+? Does this comparison bother people of color? And, even further: how is being black or LGBTQIA+ construed as similar to those who struggle with mental health? Is that the message the LGBT or black community wants to spread?
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Maybe a stupid question, but how is being black like being LGBTQIA+? Does this comparison bother people of color? And, even further: how is being black or LGBTQIA+ construed as similar to those who struggle with mental health? Is that the message the LGBT or black community wants to spread?

Reaching hard. Saunders is all three and that's why she discussed all three. That was easy.
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Maybe a stupid question, but how is being black like being LGBTQIA+? Does this comparison bother people of color? And, even further: how is being black or LGBTQIA+ construed as similar to those who struggle with mental health? Is that the message the LGBT or black community wants to spread?
I'm still trying to figure out why letters keep getting added to this "group" it used to be just LGBT, then they added Q which stands for queer and I have no idea what a queer is. In my day it was a name for homosexuals. Now we have LGBTQIA+, so someone tell me what IA+ stands for? Maybe I should identify as as a OWALOFI, someone tell me what that stands for?
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I'm still trying to figure out why letters keep getting added to this "group" it used to be just LGBT, then they added Q which stands for queer and I have no idea what a queer is. In my day it was a name for homosexuals. Now we have LGBTQIA+, so someone tell me what IA+ stands for? Maybe I should identify as as a OWALOFI, someone tell me what that stands for?
Thank you for asking the question that has been rattling around in my head since I read his post. I have no idea what this alphabet soup is anymore.
Thank you for asking the question that has been rattling around in my head since I read his post. I have no idea what this alphabet soup is anymore.

Only 19 to go...ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Can always add ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ though
Then she should be thankful and proud that she’s an American. Few other countries would have afforded a person like her the opportunity to be on the world stage.

Yes all marginalized groups should accept whatever treatment they get because they’re lucky to have any rights at all, great take
Reaching hard. Saunders is all three and that's why she discussed all three. That was easy.
I see. I don't know the story. So, which one of her qualities/conditions is she being oppressed for? Or, do you have to have some combination? Like, if you're gay and black but just a happy-go-lucky fella, are you oppressed? Or what if you're white and straight but suffer from OCD... Does that count?
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Yes all marginalized groups should accept whatever treatment they get because they’re lucky to have any rights at all, great take

Where in the hell did you get that from my post? The woman earned a spot on the US Olympic team how in the heck has she been marginalized? Looks to me that she was afforded (an took advantage of) opportunities here that she wouldn’t have had almost any other place in the world.
TBH, if I could add my two cents: if these athletes want to make the most of their brief spotlight in a way that will actually help others, they should advocate for better mental health access and care in the U.S. The system blows, right now.
Where in the hell did you get that from my post? The woman earned a spot on the US Olympic team how in the heck has she been marginalized? Looks to me that she was afforded (an took advantage of) opportunities here that she wouldn’t have had almost any other place in the world.

You in the 60s: “Black Olympians can’t complain about segregation; look, they’re in the Olympics! Let’s all pat ourselves on the back because we treat them better than the worst countries on Earth, and tell them to shut up and be thankful”

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