The Woke Olympics

Have you ever been out of the country for anything but a weeks vacation? If you had you would know people of color, LBGT people have more opportunities here than anywhere else. And I probably have a different view on mental health than the Doc, IMO depression isn’t a mental illness.

I consider you a good man, but your last statement is pure trash.

Love you anyway.
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It’s really not, and you can look this up. Many countries don’t have as much of a religious opposition as we do, many countries allow trans people to amend their birth certificates which is about a 50-50 state-by-state shot here, many countries were way ahead of us on gay marriage, many countries have a lower percentage of hate crimes against LGBT people, many countries have more tolerant laws than ours, there’s no basis for saying we’re #1 except the cheerleader complex so many Americans have
Religious opposition is not government opposition. People have the right to have their own opinion, even if you or I find it ignorant. If the LGBTQIA+ community is protesting because not everyone accepts them, they're fighting a losing battle. They have their civil rights, but everyone liking their lifestyle is not a civil right. It sucks, but that's life. And I personally believe in live and let live. I have family that belongs to the gay community. But I'd tell them the same thing I'll tell you, don't be afraid to be who you are, but don't expect everyone to accept it. And that applies to more than just sexual orientation. People will always butt heads over something.
I’m amused that people got this argumentative over me simply saying we are not #1 in something that we are clearly, objectively, not #1 in. The blind America worship knows no bounds.
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I’m amused that people got this argumentative over me simply saying we are not #1 in something that we are clearly, objectively, not #1 in. The blind America worship knows no bounds.
Clearly and objectively there is no way to say who is #1. That's a mythical designation. What people are trying to say is it's not as bad as some would like to paint it. Not as rosy either. The truth is somewhere in the middle. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have pride in our country.

Patriotism does not equal blind American worship.
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Clearly and objectively there is no way to say who is #1. That's a mythical designation. What people are trying to say is it's not as bad as some would like to paint it. Not as rosy either. The truth is somewhere in the middle. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have pride in our country.

Patriotism does not equal blind American worship.

Yeah, this is the same “both sides” take you always have, but no one is saying we shouldn’t have pride in our country. I’m literally saying there are other countries better than us in gay rights, in race relations, in mental health issues, and we should strive to be more like them instead of breaking our hands patting ourselves on the back for not being at the very bottom of the list. It shouldn’t be controversial if Americans weren’t raised to think we’re #1 in every single thing there is
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(Incoming “we’re not the WORST in everything either #bothsides” even though I’ve never said that)
The “we’re #1 in everything” crew better not watch this, heads will explode

I'm just curious why you feel the need to trash America? Is there a particular reason to it, or are you just trying really hard to be right? I honestly don't get it. So we're not "#1". We're also not even close to last. Ask me what end of the spectrum we're on, and I'd say we're closer to #1 than we are #194.
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Yeah, this is the same “both sides” take you always have, but no one is saying we shouldn’t have pride in our country. I’m literally saying there are other countries better than us in gay rights, in race relations, in mental health issues, and we should strive to be more like them instead of breaking our hands patting ourselves on the back for not being at the very bottom of the list. It shouldn’t be controversial if Americans weren’t raised to think we’re #1 in every single thing there is
Even if we were #1, every country, every people should always continue striving to be better, so I'm not seeing your point. Who said we should be complacent?
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Clearly and objectively there is no way to say who is #1. That's a mythical designation. What people are trying to say is it's not as bad as some would like to paint it. Not as rosy either. The truth is somewhere in the middle. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have pride in our country.

Patriotism does not equal blind American worship.

And you can definitely clearly and objectively say that some countries are friendlier to gay people than others, through law, policy and safety, and we aren’t the friendliest. It’s a fact. You don’t see me bringing up Saudi Arabia and saying, “oh, there’s no way of knowing, so let’s say they’re #1.” They’re not.
You can appreciate what you have while working to make it better.
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I'm just curious why you feel the need to trash America? Is there a particular reason to it, or are you just trying really hard to be right? I honestly don't get it. So we're not "#1". We're also not even close to last. Ask me what end of the spectrum we're on, and I'd say we're closer to #1 than we are #194.

I’m not trashing America, I’m trashing the people who think we’re #1 in every aspect just because, and shout down anyone who suggests improvement. That holds us back.
And you can definitely clearly and objectively say that some countries are friendlier to gay people than others, through law, policy and safety, and we aren’t the friendliest. It’s a fact. You don’t see me bringing up Saudi Arabia and saying, “oh, there’s no way of knowing, so let’s say they’re #1.” They’re not.
What does our government currently do to discriminate against gay people?
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Even if we were #1, every country, every people should always continue striving to be better, so I'm not seeing your point. Who said we should be complacent?

The people who love to constantly compare us to the worst/least humane countries in the world so they can pat themselves on the back and yell at people to shut up and be thankful, rather than comparing us to the BEST countries in each of these aspects so we can actually do better
I’m not trashing America, I’m trashing the people who think we’re #1 in every aspect just because, and shout down anyone who suggests improvement. That holds us back.
The problem is, lots of people say we need improvement yet offer no solutions on how to improve. So how are you helping the situation? Simply insulting people for believing there country is great doesn't seem productive.
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The problem is, lots of people say we need improvement yet offer no solutions on how to improve. So how are you helping the situation? Simply insulting people for believing there country is great doesn't seem productive.

Maybe read the actual thread if you think I’m “insulting people for thinking America is great” lol
The people who love to constantly compare us to the worst/least humane countries in the world so they can pat themselves on the back and yell at people to shut up and be thankful, rather than comparing us to the BEST countries in each of these aspects so we can actually do better

I want to know what exactly is being done that is oppressive to POC and the LGBTQIA+ community? All these protests about "oppression", how are they being oppressed? Is our government somehow oppressing them, robbing them of their civil rights on some massive scale? I've not seen it. Are there instances? Sure. Like I said, no country is perfect. And yes, we should always strive to be better. But what about our country is so oppressive?
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Maybe read the actual thread if you think I’m “insulting people for thinking America is great” lol
I've read the thread. You seem really pissed off because most people don't see things your way. You come across very bitter and angry. Maybe that's your intention, maybe it's not, but I keep waiting for you to put forth a legitimate argument and have yet to see it. I've asked you to explain what exactly is so oppressive about this country, but you haven't answered.
(Incoming “we’re not the WORST in everything either #bothsides” even though I’ve never said that)

I'm just curious why you feel the need to trash America? Is there a particular reason to it, or are you just trying really hard to be right? I honestly don't get it. So we're not "#1". We're also not even close to last. Ask me what end of the spectrum we're on, and I'd say we're closer to #1 than we are #194.

Lol perfect
I'm just curious why you feel the need to trash America? Is there a particular reason to it, or are you just trying really hard to be right? I honestly don't get it. So we're not "#1". We're also not even close to last. Ask me what end of the spectrum we're on, and I'd say we're closer to #1 than we are #194.
He hasn’t trashed America once. You obviously aren’t getting it.
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I've read the thread. You seem really pissed off because most people don't see things your way. You come across very bitter and angry. Maybe that's your intention, maybe it's not, but I keep waiting for you to put forth a legitimate argument and have yet to see it. I've asked you to explain what exactly is so oppressive about this country, but you haven't answered.

Lol on just gay rights, I’ve said we aren’t the best, listed reasons why we aren’t the best, listed countries who are better than us, pointed to Google and linked websites where people can read more about it and you’re still playing blind as a bat, so I’m not interested in bad faith “wHaT dO yOu MeAn” responses
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He hasn’t trashed America once. You obviously aren’t getting it.
Then have him actually explain it rather than dodging around the questions.

And I'm sorry, someone saying America "isn't that great" is kind of trashing it IMO.

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