The Woke Olympics

I don't believe a woman born a man should be able to compete with the women. I don't see that as oppression. I see that as science. The male physique has certain natural advantages. I don't see it as fair sportsmanship. Yet if a man wants to become a woman or vice versa, I have no problem with it. As long as they employ honesty before engaging in a relationship. I think there needs to be a mutual respect going both ways.

I don't consider doing something first as an actual measurement of anything. We weren't first, that doesn't mean we haven't followed suit.

Its a mental illness that our society is now encouraging
As a person engaged to a woman with major depression, your last statement is trash

Depression is not a mental illness. It occurs when your serotonin levels get to low and can be caused by stress, hormonal change such as women’s period, etc. It is a human emotion just like happiness.

Clinical depression can be a mental illness if it is chemical such as bi-bipolar. In a situation like this the body simply cannot get its lithium levels in check and causes the brain to have severe mood swings. This would be considered a mental illness. There are also people who simply cannot get the serotonin levels elevated and this is an illness. Normally the depression is a manifestation of something else though.

We shouldn’t paint all depression as mental illness because depreciation is a part of life for all people at some point, but what your partner appears to be going though (based on your statement) appears to be more of a chemical imbalance which is an illness.

I wish you the best.
You're just going to pretend like the conversation was even remotely "hey what do you guys think of trans women competing with women" rather than "are we #1 in gay rights", and then also going to pretend like the only objective measurement is who had gay marriage first while ignoring that bucketful of links that you yourself quoted, as well as the entirety of available information on the Internet. Like I said, bad faith
Actually if you go back to your original argument, you state that you could name 15 countries that you have been to that do a better job than our country. Also, and I am just going off of my memory here, but your argument of why they are better was that they allowed gay marriage before we did.
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You're just going to pretend like the conversation was even remotely "hey what do you guys think of trans women competing with women" rather than "are we #1 in gay rights", and then also going to pretend like the only objective measurement is who had gay marriage first while ignoring that bucketful of links that you yourself quoted, as well as the entirety of available information on the Internet. Like I said, bad faith
You've said a lot to say absolutely nothing. I attempted a conversation, you dodged at every chance. There was no "bad faith" on my part, just your own anger and bitterness.
China now has an 8 gold medal lead. I don't think we're catching them.
Track and Field just started, we'll surpass them there. Just about every event China is strong in is over.
Not so sure. Track and field has been going on the last two days at least and they've only increased their lead. I hope we catch and pass them, but don't think we will. We'll take the overall medal count, just not the gold.
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Track and Field just started, we'll surpass them there. Just about every event China is strong in is over.
China is very strong in diving. Not sure if its over or not, but they will certainly pick up a few golds there. I do agree that we should add some from track and field.
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China is very strong in diving. Not sure if its over or not, but they will certainly pick up a few golds there. I do agree that we should add some from track and field.

If diving isn't over it will be shortly.
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China is very strong in diving. Not sure if its over or not, but they will certainly pick up a few golds there. I do agree that we should add some from track and field.
The Chinese have killed it in diving, I was going to add a comment but I think maybe not.
The Chinese have killed it in diving, I was going to add a comment but I think maybe not.

They pretty much own diving, ping pong and badminton. They're strong in gymnastics and that's over now.
They pretty much own diving, ping pong and badminton. They're strong in gymnastics and that's over now.
Did you see the Chinese dude that won the women's shot put?

You've said a lot to say absolutely nothing. I attempted a conversation, you dodged at every chance. There was no "bad faith" on my part, just your own anger and bitterness.

Says the guy who had no discernible point, never disagreed with my point, never supported any argument and spent hours arguing anyway only to end up at "trans women shouldn't be competing with women in sports" lmao. You spent the whole time trying to force everyone into a different conversation because you were so wrong about the original one
Actually if you go back to your original argument, you state that you could name 15 countries that you have been to that do a better job than our country. Also, and I am just going off of my memory here, but your argument of why they are better was that they allowed gay marriage before we did.

I said "the majority" and I listed the countries, as well as like 7 different reasons why, and the response has been "well we eventually got around to gay marriage and we're still #1 because rah rah America"
Says the guy who had no discernible point, never disagreed with my point, never supported any argument and spent hours arguing anyway only to end up at "trans women shouldn't be competing with women in sports" lmao
Bless your heart.
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I said "the majority" and I listed the countries, as well as like 7 different reasons why, and the response has been "well we eventually got around to gay marriage and we're still #1 because rah rah America"
Actually, the response was, what does our government currently do that is oppressive to the gay community? You never answered, just continued to bob and weave. But whatever. I'm done trying.
Actually, the response was, what does our government currently do that is oppressive to the gay community? You never answered, just continued to bob and weave. But whatever. I'm done trying.

To the question of "are we at the top", that's not a response. It's a bad faith attempt to deflect and say "we're not oppressing anyone so we're good enough" and then your dumbass wonders where the complacency is
I said "the majority" and I listed the countries, as well as like 7 different reasons why, and the response has been "well we eventually got around to gay marriage and we're still #1 because rah rah America"
Fair enough....was my memory at least correct in your argument that they are better because they allowed gay marriage first?
Not so sure. Track and field has been going on the last two days at least and they've only increased their lead. I hope we catch and pass them, but don't think we will. We'll take the overall medal count, just not the gold.
Finals for track a field are coming in heavy tonight. We'll see but in some events we were supposed to be very strong in we've struggled more than expected.
To the question of "are we at the top", that's not a response. It's a bad faith attempt to deflect and say "we're not oppressing anyone so we're good enough" and then your dumbass wonders where the complacency is
You must not have actually read my posts since I clearly stated we should always be trying to get better.

When people are claiming oppression, I want to know how they're being oppressed.

I'm not the one acting like an angry dumbass.
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You must not have actually read my posts since I clearly stated we should always be trying to get better.

When people are claiming oppression, I want to know how they're being oppressed.

I'm not the one acting like an angry dumbass.

Actions speak louder than words. It's easy for everyone to broadly say "we should try to improve" but when faced with specifics, bristling at the notion that we aren't the world leader in a category where we are most certainly not the leader by any measure isn't the behavior of someone "trying to improve." The implication of your posts is that there's nothing material TO improve because "no one is being oppressed".

Creative use of the exact same insult though
Actions speak louder than words. It's easy for everyone to broadly say "we should try to improve" but when faced with specifics, bristling at the notion that we aren't the world leader in a category where we are most certainly not the leader by any measure isn't the behavior of someone "trying to improve." The implication of your posts is that there's nothing material TO improve because "no one is being oppressed".

Creative use of the exact same insult though
Actions? This is a message board. Everything is words.

Did I say we were #1? Nope. I said #1 is a mythical designation that can't be proven. I wouldn't call any country #1.

Implication of my post? I didn't imply anything. I clearly stated we should always be striving to improve. Do you not understand English?

You still haven't answered how anyone is being oppressed. We all know it's because you can't, but I tried to give you a chance to explain.

I'm off to a doctor's appointment, but feel free to continue to spout your nonsense.
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Actions speak louder than words. It's easy for everyone to broadly say "we should try to improve" but when faced with specifics, bristling at the notion that we aren't the world leader in a category where we are most certainly not the leader by any measure isn't the behavior of someone "trying to improve." The implication of your posts is that there's nothing material TO improve because "no one is being oppressed".

Creative use of the exact same insult though

You have yet to specify a right/privilege gays are denied here that is afforded them in those other countries.
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