The Woke Olympics

Lol on just gay rights, I’ve said we aren’t the best, listed reasons why we aren’t the best, listed countries who are better than us, pointed to Google and linked websites where people can read more about it and you’re still playing blind as a bat, so I’m not interested in bad faith “wHaT dO yOu MeAn” responses

You're throwing around a bunch of BS. So we weren't the first to allow gay marriage. We do allow gay marriage now. Your reasons have been other places did things first. Okay, that doesn't make them better, nor does it discount that we do them now. What does our government currently do that is oppressive to the LGBTQIA+ community? If anyone is arguing in bad faith, it's you. I'm offering you chance after chance to answer the question, yet you keep dodging.
You're throwing around a bunch of BS. So we weren't the first to allow gay marriage. We do allow gay marriage now. Your reasons have been other places did things first. Okay, that doesn't make them better, nor does it discount that we do them now. What does our government currently do that is oppressive to the LGBTQIA+ community? If anyone is arguing in bad faith, it's you. I'm offering you chance after chance to answer the question, yet you keep dodging.

I’ve answered the question several times, and it’s very easy to look up. Do you think we’re the best country in the world in terms of gay rights? If so, you’ve provided zero support for that stance, and if not, you’re agreeing with me and arguing for no reason so spare me
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The “we’re #1 in everything” crew better not watch this, heads will explode

It’s funny he mentioned Canada and Australia in the same breath as the word “freedom”. I was talking to two guys from each of those places earlier and they both said all the commonwealth countries are going to s**t. My buddy in Canada is always complaining about Canada’s stupid gun laws. He’s always complaining about the “free healthcare”. Tonight he was talking about how Trudeau was trying push some bs law to punish people that say certain things on social media. The Covid lockdowns have been a joke up there. Same in Australia. The Australian guy said he can’t visit his son 25 miles away. Something about if he does his ex wife’s family has to completely quarantine for two weeks so best he can do is try and talk on the phone. He said they're trying to pass one law where nobody can own more than 5 acres of land. How absurd is that? These are just a few issues but yea let’s get up in arms here about some mentally ill dude crying to have his birth certificate changed to play along with his delusion.
I’ve answered the question several times, and it’s very easy to look up. Do you think we’re the best country in the world in terms of gay rights? If so, you’ve provided zero support for that stance, and if not, you’re agreeing with me and arguing for no reason so spare me
If you've answered it several times, then it really shouldn't be too hard to answer it again. What does our government currently do to oppress the gay community? This isn't about who did what and when, we're talking about right now.
If you've answered it several times, then it really shouldn't be too hard to answer it again. What does our government currently do to oppress the gay community? This isn't about who did what and when, we're talking about right now.

Lol now who’s dodging? I’ve said we’re not #1, you’re (apparently but not explicitly) saying we are. I’ve offered support, reasons, other countries we can emulate, you’ve offered literally not one single thing and you want ME to repeat myself 7 more times
Lol now who’s dodging? I’ve said we’re not #1, you’re (apparently but not explicitly) saying we are. I’ve offered support, reasons, other countries we can emulate, you’ve offered literally not one single thing and you want ME to repeat myself 7 more times
I didn't say we were #1. I said it's impossible to know who #1 is. It's a mythical designation.

What I want is for you to simply answer what our government currently does that is oppressing the gay community?
I didn't say we were #1. I said it's impossible to know who #1 is. It's a mythical designation.

What I want is for you to simply answer what our government currently does that is oppressing the gay community?

So #1 could be Saudi Arabia? We can safely say it’s not them, and similarly, it’s not us either. The idea that it’s impossible to evaluate countries in this way is preposterous.

Country Ranking | Rainbow Europe

LGBT Rights by Country

LGBTQ+ Travel Safety – 150 Best & Worst Countries Ranked (2021)

The whole “oppression” angle is an attempt to define a dichotomy where either (1) you’re thrown in jail for being gay or (2) meh, the country is close enough to #1, which is the exact complacency you were struggling to find earlier.
So #1 could be Saudi Arabia? We can safely say it’s not them, and similarly, it’s not us either. The idea that it’s impossible to evaluate countries in this way is preposterous.

Country Ranking | Rainbow Europe

LGBT Rights by Country

LGBTQ+ Travel Safety – 150 Best & Worst Countries Ranked (2021)

The whole “oppression” angle is an attempt to define a dichotomy where either (1) you’re thrown in jail for being gay or (2) meh, the country is close enough to #1, which is the exact complacency you were struggling to find earlier.
So no one is being oppressed?
Have you ever been out of the country for anything but a weeks vacation? If you had you would know people of color, LBGT people have more opportunities here than anywhere else. And I probably have a different view on mental health than the Doc, IMO depression isn’t a mental illness.
As a person engaged to a woman with major depression, your last statement is trash
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So no one is being oppressed?

Plenty of people are. Trans people constantly are. But “oppressed” is a subjective term which makes this more bad faith absolute garbage when you have objective measures littered through this thread
I'm game for this question...

Why do you give a pass to athletes who disrespect their country on the international stage? This is the very same country that afforded them the opportunity to compete at the biggest levels.

So, I ask why you hate America so much you allow them to get away with this behavior.
While you’re at it…..Don’t forget how much Huff loves his cheap made in China sweatshops S too
Plenty of people are. Trans people constantly are. But “oppressed” is a subjective term which makes this more bad faith absolute garbage when you have objective measures littered through this thread

I don't believe a woman born a man should be able to compete with the women. I don't see that as oppression. I see that as science. The male physique has certain natural advantages. I don't see it as fair sportsmanship. Yet if a man wants to become a woman or vice versa, I have no problem with it. As long as they employ honesty before engaging in a relationship. I think there needs to be a mutual respect going both ways.

I don't consider doing something first as an actual measurement of anything. We weren't first, that doesn't mean we haven't followed suit.
I don't believe a woman born a man should be able to compete with the women. I don't see that as oppression. I see that as science. The male physique has certain natural advantages. I don't see it as fair sportsmanship. Yet if a man wants to become a woman or vice versa, I have no problem with it. As long as they employ honesty before engaging in a relationship. I think there needs to be a mutual respect going both ways.

I don't consider doing something first as an actual measurement of anything. We weren't first, that doesn't mean we haven't followed suit.

You're just going to pretend like the conversation was even remotely "hey what do you guys think of trans women competing with women" rather than "are we #1 in gay rights", and then also going to pretend like the only objective measurement is who had gay marriage first while ignoring that bucketful of links that you yourself quoted, as well as the entirety of available information on the Internet. Like I said, bad faith
I’m amused that people got this argumentative over me simply saying we are not #1 in something that we are clearly, objectively, not #1 in. The blind America worship knows no bounds.

You have yet to provide 1 solid argument that we are not.
So #1 could be Saudi Arabia? We can safely say it’s not them, and similarly, it’s not us either. The idea that it’s impossible to evaluate countries in this way is preposterous.

Country Ranking | Rainbow Europe

LGBT Rights by Country

LGBTQ+ Travel Safety – 150 Best & Worst Countries Ranked (2021)

The whole “oppression” angle is an attempt to define a dichotomy where either (1) you’re thrown in jail for being gay or (2) meh, the country is close enough to #1, which is the exact complacency you were struggling to find earlier.

Can you please tell us what rights gays are denied in the US?
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It’s funny he mentioned Canada and Australia in the same breath as the word “freedom”. I was talking to two guys from each of those places earlier and they both said all the commonwealth countries are going to s**t. My buddy in Canada is always complaining about Canada’s stupid gun laws. He’s always complaining about the “free healthcare”. Tonight he was talking about how Trudeau was trying push some bs law to punish people that say certain things on social media. The Covid lockdowns have been a joke up there. Same in Australia. The Australian guy said he can’t visit his son 25 miles away. Something about if he does his ex wife’s family has to completely quarantine for two weeks so best he can do is try and talk on the phone. He said they're trying to pass one law where nobody can own more than 5 acres of land. How absurd is that? These are just a few issues but yea let’s get up in arms here about some mentally ill dude crying to have his birth certificate changed to play along with his delusion.

America tends to follow the trends of these countries. As they do Europe.
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