The Woke Olympics

According to medical professionals until they decided it was hurting feelings. Of course it doesn’t take a medical professional to it figure out.
If medical professionals want to take "feelings" out of everything and operate on pure science, then religion would be seen as mental illness as well. It would be considered a delusion.
Can you read? And why would it bother me to say my home country is the best country? People really struggle with reading comprehension and processing things other than homerism
America has tons of faults. But we are still the greatest country. Just because we “rank 7th” in some made up category doesn’t mean anything more than opinion. Our country has 380 million people of more diverse backgrounds, faces, religions than any other country and have more freedom. Our country overall is the best. Period. It’s not blind patriotism.
There are several reasons that every other country has thousands of people trying to immigrate here yearly
Unfortunately, yes. Several states have passed "conscience based permission to deny services".

Gay and need an appendectomy? A surgeon can pass you off to another surgeon. Gay and need trauma therapy after losing a parent? A therapist can send you packing once they find out your sexual orientation.

Just off the top of my head, this is the law of the land in at least Tennessee, Arkansas, and Ohio. I'll check for the rest of the states later.
Doctors routinely refuse to see patients all the time for a variety of reasons. Including pregnant women, people who refuse to pay people who are belligerent, people who abuse drugs or are mentally ill or lots of other reasons. This isn’t really a big deal and happens with several subgroups daily
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I'll be blunt: if someone is in a medical/psychological services field and has a list of people they won't treat for religious reasons, they need to gtfo for failure to honor their oath.
Doctors can see who they choose unless they work in emergency trauma
America has tons of faults. But we are still the greatest country. Just because we “rank 7th” in some made up category doesn’t mean anything more than opinion. Our country has 380 million people of more diverse backgrounds, faces, religions than any other country and have more freedom. Our country overall is the best. Period. It’s not blind patriotism.
There are several reasons that every other country has thousands of people trying to immigrate here yearly

You didn’t say anything, which isn’t surprising because no one ever does. We have a lot of different people, “more freedom” and tons of faults, and we have immigrants like every other country. Best by a mile!!!!! It’s homerism.
Hold on.

So you're fine if an EMT says "I refuse to give chest compressions because this heart attack victim is gay."

Two things.

Most ambulance service contracts with cities require all emergency treatment which I agree with in life or death situations.
However there are several EMTs who don’t take immediate care of people they seem as too violent or belligerent or they just shot a kid etc
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You didn’t say anything, which isn’t surprising because no one ever does. We have a lot of different people, “more freedom” and tons of faults, and we have immigrants like every other country. Best by a mile!!!!! It’s homerism.

I like all countries that I have visited or lived in. Which one do you like best?
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You didn’t say anything, which isn’t surprising because no one ever does. We have a lot of different people, “more freedom” and tons of faults, and we have immigrants like every other country. Best by a mile!!!!! It’s homerism.
Name a country who is better overall. In all categories combined
America has tons of faults. But we are still the greatest country. Just because we “rank 7th” in some made up category doesn’t mean anything more than opinion. Our country has 380 million people of more diverse backgrounds, faces, religions than any other country and have more freedom. Our country overall is the best. Period. It’s not blind patriotism.
There are several reasons that every other country has thousands of people trying to immigrate here yearly

Touting diversity is also a bit disingenuous when we’re constantly criticizing everyone who doesn’t speak English, is Muslim, is trans, etc.
I like all countries that I have visited or lived in. Which one do you like best?

Not sure. I think I’d rather live here than live somewhere else, but my entire life is here and I don’t think we are better by some wide margin compared to other “first world” countries that largely have the same advantages
Touting diversity is also a bit disingenuous when we’re constantly criticizing everyone who doesn’t speak English, is Muslim, is trans, etc.
So is bragging about how you wish the US was like countries who do “better” because they are made up of older healthier white people who were rich off oil and don’t have “diversity” in their very very small populations
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Touting diversity is also a bit disingenuous when we’re constantly criticizing everyone who doesn’t speak English, is Muslim, is trans, etc.
Who’s criticizing people who don’t speak English? Or Muslims (outside of those who tolerantly execute gays and women). And trans? I love trans people like any other person suffering from mental illness. I hope they get better
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Not sure. I think I’d rather live here than live somewhere else, but my entire life is here and I don’t think we are better by some wide margin compared to other “first world” countries that largely have the same advantages

I don’t think we are better either but I appreciate many great things this country has to offer. There are pros & cons all over the globe. Go travel the world and gain some perspective.
There is a push for that. At least towards Christianity.
Touting diversity is also a bit disingenuous when we’re constantly criticizing everyone who doesn’t speak English, is Muslim, is trans, etc.

And when nearly any accommodation for the diverse individuals we do have is seen as an attack on white people and Christianity
I don’t think we are better either but I appreciate many great things this country has to offer. There are pros & cons all over the globe. Go travel the world and gain some perspective.

I haven’t said otherwise, people are just defensive which in some ways is my point. I’ve traveled plenty.
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