The Woke Olympics

I can see your point, even though it’s veiled in sarcasm, but he did lead to the deaths of approximately 45 million Chinese.

It’s kinda like having a pin of Andrew Johnson on your uniform.

But at the end of the day it is their leadership history.
Jackson, not Johnson.
Jackson, not Johnson.


Took over for Lincoln after he was assassinated and his leadership majorly lead to Jim Crowe and the fate of the African American community.

But Jackson did lead to the trail of tears too so I guess we are both correct.
twerking on the actual field while being surrounded by other athletes is not a good global look.

Sorry you can’t see that.
Yes we have lost our world standing. We will no longer be looked upon as military, economic, and freedom leader. Her twerking ended it. We are doomed. Her actions will lead to economic failure and military defeat. People will talk for centuries about how this moment signaled the doom and downfall of America.

Like i said. Y'all are ridiculous.
Allies are those of us willing to stand next to our friends and relatives who identify as something other than cisgendered heterosexual because we believe that they are humans just like us and worthy of being treated with dignity just like us. Allies love our neighbors.
What's cisgender? Seriously. I have not a clue
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Why would that need a term at all?

I only use it during discussions about or with LGBTQIA individuals as a way to clarify. Otherwise, it's not part of most anyone's daily talk.

I also have He/Him/His in my email signatures, but that's because I am tired of being referred to as MrsG. I was named after Mr Wilkes in Gone with the Wind, a name that has since joined Kelly and Shannon and Leslie and others in being appropriated by the fairer sex.
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Why would that need a term at all?

Because while I'm sure this group would endorse it, defining the groups as trans people and "regular"/"standard" people is problematic for obvious reasons. The U.S. is majority white and majority English speaking, but framing it as "Black people vs. regular people" or "Spanish speakers vs. normal people" obviously isn't great
Because while I'm sure this group would endorse it, defining the groups as trans people and "regular"/"standard" people is problematic for obvious reasons. The U.S. is majority white and majority English speaking, but framing it as "Black people vs. regular people" or "Spanish speakers vs. normal people" obviously isn't great

It’s not problematic at all. Definitely no more problematic than being expected to call a “he” a “she”.
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Because while I'm sure this group would endorse it, defining the groups as trans people and "regular"/"standard" people is problematic for obvious reasons. The U.S. is majority white and majority English speaking, but framing it as "Black people vs. regular people" or "Spanish speakers vs. normal people" obviously isn't great
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