The Woke Olympics

Job and licensure considerations aren't "feelz" you walking MAGA word generator

You are truly lost, what is the MAGA reference? Like your knee jerk reaction to take attention away from your stupidity?

So there is a better place to go live, but you cant because it doesnt meet your job needs? Not sure you are comprehending any of this, at this point.
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You are truly lost, what is the MAGA reference? Like your knee jerk reaction to take attention away from your stupidity?

So there is a better place to go live, but you cant because it doesnt meet your job needs? Not sure you are comprehending any of this, at this point.

Sure. Maybe you don't want to go to another few years of school to be a lawyer in another country. Maybe you're an NFL scout and prefer to be in the U.S. for obvious reasons. Those things have nothing to do with which country is "better", but you are welcome to keep telling on yourself by reducing everything beyond selfish individualism to "feelz"
Sure. Maybe you don't want to go to another few years of school to be a lawyer in another country. Maybe you're an NFL scout and prefer to be in the U.S. for obvious reasons. Those things have nothing to do with which country is "better", but you are welcome to keep telling on yourself by reducing everything beyond selfish individualism to "feelz"

I believe America is best and thus choose to live here.

You believe it isnt, and choose to live here.
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Because they're from here too, have established lives, work and family? Just because American exceptionalism is a titanic myth doesn't mean people (including me) don't think it's a swell place to live beyond that.

I suspect you'd agree but are too prideful to let me get the better of you again so you keep digging. Frankly, if you didn't agree - you wouldn't be a Vol, we're certainly not #1, yet a Vol you remain.

You seem to be one of the group seeing to it that the US no longer remains exceptional.
Saying we're #1 doesn't make the U.S. more exceptional any more than Dooley's orange overalls made the Vols a good team

What people before you did made this country pretty exceptional. What it does now is up to us - actually probably far more toward the younger generations. Dooley wasn't up to the standards of most of the coaches he followed; therefore, we didn't follow a better trajectory. In the old days back in school we were required to memorize poems, passages, etc - most were worthy of remembering. It's still easy to recall lines from "In Flanders Fields":

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

The WW2 generations honored the hopes of the WW1 generations; I have sincere doubts about today.
What people before you did made this country pretty exceptional. What it does now is up to us - actually probably far more toward the younger generations. Dooley wasn't up to the standards of most of the coaches he followed; therefore, we didn't follow a better trajectory. In the old days back in school we were required to memorize poems, passages, etc - most were worthy of remembering. It's still easy to recall lines from "In Flanders Fields":

The WW2 generations honored the hopes of the WW1 generations; I have sincere doubts about today.

Every generation ever has thought the country was going downhill, I'm not worried about it. According to this thread the subsequent generations and current youth have kept us #1 in everything by 1000 miles so you can't have it both ways
Every generation ever has thought the country was going downhill, I'm not worried about it. According to this thread the subsequent generations and current youth have kept us #1 in everything by 1000 miles so you can't have it both ways

Coasting down doesn't mean keeping up. Most other countries have their own problems - fortunately for us they've played more with liberal fire than we have. I'd say we are still pretty good at medicine, but suck at education, so how long will we remain good at medicine with mediocre education - things are all relative and time dependent ... never static.
Oh, I am certainly not dumb. I get to live in what I believe is the best place. If others arent doing that, and are able, they are dumb.

Where is it you'd prefer to live if you could eliminate all the excuses from stopping you?

It's hard to watch you push through what amounts to a galacticaly stupid take, but I will continue.
I will take that as your usual "I got nothin".

I've taken a hot steamy one on your low iq troll, watching you make a fool of yourself isn't even effort in this thread. Definitely not your finest effort. Hell, Im already to the point where I feel bad about continuing on.

Which is bad because I never feel pity in here.
Yes it's totally Joe and Kamala's fault

It's obviously a lack of focus from all the athletes in every event

We're leading in silver and bronze
, and we're second in golds, yet you still render your pissy complaints.

Seriously, you could've left that comment out. Geez.
I've taken a hot steamy one on your low iq troll, watching you make a fool of yourself isn't even effort in this thread. Definitely not your finest effort. Hell, Im already to the point where I feel bad about continuing on.

Which is bad because I never feel pity in here.

More of "I got nothin".
What people before you did made this country pretty exceptional. What it does now is up to us - actually probably far more toward the younger generations. Dooley wasn't up to the standards of most of the coaches he followed; therefore, we didn't follow a better trajectory. In the old days back in school we were required to memorize poems, passages, etc - most were worthy of remembering. It's still easy to recall lines from "In Flanders Fields":

The WW2 generations honored the hopes of the WW1 generations; I have sincere doubts about today.

Do yourself a favor and abandon trying to rationalize rooting against U.S. athletes with your twisted political narrative.

Who could not snicker at the soccer team? I beat they weren't taking that knee on the medal stand.
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Thanks. A great reminder that he cited the pledge as I knew it first and discussed the flag I knew first - the one with 48 stars. In those days we had people who reminded us what it was to be American and to be proud of it. Now it's rare - much more often that people tell us we are nothing to write home about. I guess that points out the change that's happened in the decades during which septic says we became unexceptional. I'd probably say the downturn started with the Viet Nam War protesters - the rise of the left - the people who saw their view as more important than tradition.
Can we get to the winter Olympics yet? I need my fill of people flying through the air with planks in their feet and people skating in circles with blades on their feet.

And hopefully commentors who will shut up and get out of the way.

Don't forget people slowly pushing rocks with shoes on their feet.
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