The Woke Olympics

Then you’ve never competed in anything substantial on the highest level.

Never said I did except in business.

But I’d wager most silver medalist aren’t happy and kick themselves for not getting the gold.
Depends on expectations. Someone not expected to compete for a medal is extremely proud to win a bronze or silver

Would you agree we look a little silly bragging we have more silver and bronzes than China? Ok, I get being happy we lead the overal medal count but to specifically say they may lead us in golds, but we lead them in silver and bronze reeks of desperation. It's sorta obvious if we lead the medal count.
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You don't go to the Olympics expecting anything other than Gold
Unfortunately, you've misspoken. I know a young lady who worked her tail off to get to go. She knew her best would be to get into the semis with a chance at the finals. She was over the moon to get the invite, and will proudly wear her uniform. You want to look down on her, go ahead but she has something to brag about to her grandchildren.
You don't go to the Olympics expecting anything other than Gold

If you don't go into your training without that mindset you're shorting yourself. Having said that it's sometimes not realistic. Just as an example during Bolt's heyday everyone else was competing for the silver. Sure, you could have the "hope" Bolt would screw up or get injured but you (whoever that may be) knew going in your best was simply not close to his.

Expectations are a tough thing. If you really, really, no really go into something like the Olympics with a "Hero or Zero" mentality I think it can rob yourself of a lot of appreciation for just being there.
What some of you are missing with this whole you're pulling against the USA stuff is some people are just not going to support people they view as hateful or divisive regardless of how much we want them too. I'm not. People have a right to or not to.

There are family members some people won't deal with if they believe they are toxic to others in the family. Although sometimes we have to look in the mirror and not exclude ourselves if we're being honest in that assessment.

I'm pulling for anyone I view as being proud to represent USA and not trying to make a mockery of this great country on the world stage. It just so happens the vast majority of the athletes are there to make themselves, their teammates, their familes and their country proud win or lose.

The others can shove it and it's fitting that hubris starts to fade with losing. Period.
Oh, I am certainly not dumb. I get to live in what I believe is the best place. If others arent doing that, and are able, they are dumb.

Where is it you'd prefer to live if you could eliminate all the excuses from stopping you?
I’m just waiting to hear this magical specific country that’s better
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Lol who’s been more exceptional?

"More exceptional?" That's a subjective ask, in what regard?

I've already cited numerous examples of relevant areas where the U.S. lags behind our first world counterparts. In those area's we're obviously not "most exceptional."

Again and again I've asked if you could point out the relevant areas where the U.S. is "da best" with any sense of quantitative evidence or any metric that wasn't based on your opinion. And you haven't.

I've given you a list here and asked that if you don't agree, to point out why. And you haven't.
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