The Woke Olympics

Oh I was just asking you to explain what you meant by “I accept you for you,” but I’m not surprised you backed away from it

What did I back away from?

You honestly lost me.

Are you offended that I may assumed you may be a white person who is of the LGBTQ community and that if you were I still accepted you?

Really not following what I dodged.
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I can’t stand the “America we are the best at everything!” Mentality either. These people are brainwashed. Sure we are great at some things but many things we lag behind in tremendously. We have the worst most corrupt healthcare system imaginable, people die due to illness bc they can’t afford the prices the joke of our healthcare system provides. Political money is deep in this area, they get rich off of this. America is also heavily closed minded, people here really think religion should be forced in schools, speaking of schools our school system is horrible as well. Several countries have better education than us.
A student praying individually has never been banned. Nuance and distinction are lost with the Republican party. "Bring back prayer in schools" is a stance that's derived from an ignorant narrative. No one has ever told a kid they couldn't pray
A student praying individually has never been banned. Nuance and distinction are lost with the Republican party. "Bring back prayer in schools" is a stance that's derived from an ignorant narrative. No one has ever told a kid they couldn't pray
Exactly. I see nothing wrong with letting someone do it individually or even having a elective course for religion, but my problem comes when they try to force everyone to dig into their BS I’ll be homeschooling my children or sending them to a private school public school system is a joke
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You definitely can honestly think that if you aren’t a trash human being. Did you choose to be straight to get ahead in life?
No because being normal and not mentally ill isn’t a choice. However falling in societal normalcy rules do apply. I can’t pretend to be a cat just not to pay taxes either
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The riff comes in when the participants take a knee or turn their back on the flag. Personally, I quit watching the olympics this year because of what I saw from the hammer thrower and the womens soccer team. These people turned me and a lot of others away from watching and everyone else that was a patriot suffered.
I can’t stand the “America we are the best at everything!” Mentality either. These people are brainwashed. Sure we are great at some things but many things we lag behind in tremendously. We have the worst most corrupt healthcare system imaginable, people die due to illness bc they can’t afford the prices the joke of our healthcare system provides. Political money is deep in this area, they get rich off of this. America is also heavily closed minded, people here really think religion should be forced in schools, speaking of schools our school system is horrible as well. Several countries have better education than us.
Lol imagine thinking that the great majority of American issues aren’t because of people’s personal choices and decision making in life
No because being normal and not mentally ill isn’t a choice. However falling in societal normalcy rules do apply. I can’t pretend to be a cat just not to pay taxes either

Then neither one would be a choice, Beautiful Mind. Trans people aren't breaking any "normalcy rules", you just don't like them
Then neither one would be a choice, Beautiful Mind. Trans people aren't breaking any "normalcy rules", you just don't like them
I have nothing against them and many I’ve met are fine people. But they are deviant and they aren’t the other gender biologically no matter how they want to be in their messed up heads. Just like the psych patient I used to deal with years ago who thought he was a woman who had his period by bleeding out of his anus. He was delusional and suffering from mental illness
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I can’t stand the “America we are the best at everything!” Mentality either. These people are brainwashed. Sure we are great at some things but many things we lag behind in tremendously. We have the worst most corrupt healthcare system imaginable, people die due to illness bc they can’t afford the prices the joke of our healthcare system provides. Political money is deep in this area, they get rich off of this. America is also heavily closed minded, people here really think religion should be forced in schools, speaking of schools our school system is horrible as well. Several countries have better education than us.

Which countries have the best healthcare? Politics is a problem but not just in relation to healthcare. Our school system isn’t as bad as you’re making out. You get out what you put in which is very little by many. The rise of liberalism will only make it worse. Hopefully the free states don’t cave to the “woke” bs.
Imagine me saying Tennessee is actually the best football team and we're only 6-6 because of size and diversity and personal choices and poverty and bad leadership and wasted money and bad grade school teachers
Imagine me saying Tennessee is actually the best football team and we're only 6-6 because of size and diversity and personal choices and poverty and bad leadership and wasted money and bad grade school teachers
The analogy is actually saying Alabama”s football program isn’t exceptional or number 1 because they don’t have the number of Rhodes scholars that Vandy has
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