The Woke Olympics

Sour? LOL.

I'll keep shining the light on your dumbass argument for as long as you'll keep scurrying out from behind the refrigerator.

Why are you still a Vol? Using your ridiculous logic... I mean the Vols are not 'da best' by any metric. What kind of moron would choose not to be a fan of the best?

I'll wait here while you you figure out how to dance.

You couldnt help yourself, the insecurity you possess caused you to pursue a conversation that had ended.

I've already stated how stupid your analogy of the sports team is in relation to a person's residence. Or your now taking on an additional stupid stance. That a sports team affiliation is equivalent to one's choice of residence. Dumb, but from you not surprising.

But you continue to enjoy this fantasyland. The one that is awesome, yet you cant make a living there and it isnt good for your family.
Sour? LOL.

I'll keep shining the light on your dumbass argument for as long as you'll keep scurrying out from behind the refrigerator.

Why are you still a Vol? Using your ridiculous logic... I mean the Vols are not 'da best' by any metric. What kind of moron would choose not to be a fan of the best?

I'll wait here while you you figure out how to dance.

"It's not the same, you gotta understand I'm selective about when this matters"
I've already stated how stupid your analogy of the sports team is in relation to a person's residence. Or your now taking on an additional stupid stance. That a sports team affiliation is equivalent to one's choice of residence. Dumb, but from you not surprising.

He's right that you're dancing; "It's stupid" is just blatantly dodging the question. If "you only have one life" and "it's stupid to not choose the best" blah blah blah, then the fact that a living situation is more important than a choice of sports team wouldn't change that underlying logic. Shockingly, there's more that goes into one's choices than "always choose the objective best and consider nothing else"
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The riff comes in when the participants take a knee or turn their back on the flag. Personally, I quit watching the olympics this year because of what I saw from the hammer thrower and the womens soccer team. These people turned me and a lot of others away from watching and everyone else that was a patriot suffered.

You have a pretty asinine idea of patriotism.
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He's right that you're dancing; "It's stupid" is just blatantly dodging the question. If "you only have one life" and "it's stupid to not choose the best" blah blah blah, then the fact that a living situation is more important than a choice of sports team wouldn't change that underlying logic. Shockingly, there's more that goes into one's choices than "always choose the objective best and consider nothing else"

Lol. Using his assinine logic, if your place of residence fell into disrepair and complete dysfunction, you know like a football program, you would continue to live there. Because, well, because choice of residence and sports teams you root for are the same.

If someone published a Kama Sutra book of stupid positions to take, you and your hero would be intertwined in the centerfold.
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Lol. Using his assinine logic, if your place of residence fell into disrepair and complete dysfunction, you know like a football program, you would continue to live there. Because, well, because choice of residence and sports teams you root for are the same.

If someone published a Kama Sutra book of stupid positions to take, you and your hero would be intertwined in the centerfold.

That’s still a dodge, we’re talking about the front end. You’re saying you’re a Tennessee fan solely because they were the best team when you chose a team?

Also weird that you went to the Kama Sutra when thinking of us lmaooo
He's right that you're dancing; "It's stupid" is just blatantly dodging the question. If "you only have one life" and "it's stupid to not choose the best" blah blah blah, then the fact that a living situation is more important than a choice of sports team wouldn't change that underlying logic. Shockingly, there's more that goes into one's choices than "always choose the objective best and consider nothing else"

He knows how stupid his argument is and likely regrets stepping on his di*k, but his pride won't let him capitulate. Instead he does what he always does when a logical argument fails him - he claims victory, peacocks around and calls people stupid. His playbook is painfully thin.
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Lol. Using his assinine logic, if your place of residence fell into disrepair and complete dysfunction, you know like a football program, you would continue to live there. Because, well, because choice of residence and sports teams you root for are the same.

If someone published a Kama Sutra book of stupid positions to take, you and your hero would be intertwined in the centerfold.

Take a lap.
You think this is unique to VN? Welcome to social media and the dumbing down of America.

For years I thought the internet and the ability to research and learn was perhaps one of our greatest accomplishments - if not the greatest. Now I'm questioning if it should ever have existed; I don't think I've ever seen any technology go so wrong. For every good aspect, it seems to uncover something worse. I guess it all goes back to "to err is human, but to really screw things up it takes a computer."
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That’s still a dodge, we’re talking about the front end. You’re saying you’re a Tennessee fan solely because they were the best team when you chose a team?

Also weird that you went to the Kama Sutra when thinking of us lmaooo

Good grief you are dense. I am a UT fan because I have 2 degrees from the school.

You're saying your choice of residence is equal to your choice of sports team. Given that, you're saying you would stay in a place that became a **** hole. Goodness that is stupid.
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Then neither one would be a choice, Beautiful Mind. Trans people aren't breaking any "normalcy rules", you just don't like them

You are completely missing the point. Most of us don't care really what another person believes; if it matters and we are offended, we distanced ourselves. Perhaps I speak only for myself, but the issue is one of being forced not just to tolerate but to worship "diversity". It goes against all the rules we put in place over the years about workplace and public displays of sexual or other unwanted/uninvited behavior. If those rules are considered the norm for normal heterosexual behavior, then they should be applied evenly to everyone else. I'll spare everyone the picture of the ugly trans in drag who makes up part of the Biden administration, but seeing that while everyone pretends he's normal and sane is disturbing and offensive - I couldn't care less what he does in the privacy of his home, but on the national political stage it is a mockery of the rules that apply to normal people.
Well to give you a idea my inhaler medication with insurance used to run me around 50 bucks. Now I have covid and they put me in another prescription for it so it doesn’t reach me lungs. I have the same insurance and now it’ll cost me 275$ so after covid they increased the price bc they knew people would need it. So im taking
It both ends I pay every week for insurance and I still have to pay out the ass for my medicine. You don’t think the shareholders are in on this? Give me a break

Remember those companies bought congress for a reason. Campaign finances are bribes, and favored regulation/legislation is the payback. Any individual or company should be able to profit from what he or it produces, but there are ethical limits that test the bounds of factors that exclude competition to set what would be free market pricing. Trump pushed hard to stop the pricing crap that was going on with insulin (and alternatives) and EpiPen type devices that inject plain ole epinephrine. Biden just rolled that back. Congress and regulatory agencies have let drug companies merge into noncompetitive giants with aggregated names that would make legal firms turn green with envy.
China won another women's freakin' canoe!


China has a cast of billions, and except for India nobody even breaks the upper millions in population. Enough canoes manned by enough Chinese and you have an armada. You may make a mosquito insignificant, but if it's carrying one of those dreaded diseases, it can still win.
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You are completely missing the point. Most of us don't care really what another person believes; if it matters and we are offended, we distanced ourselves. Perhaps I speak only for myself, but the issue is one of being forced not just to tolerate but to worship "diversity". It goes against all the rules we put in place over the years about workplace and public displays of sexual or other unwanted/uninvited behavior. If those rules are considered the norm for normal heterosexual behavior, then they should be applied evenly to everyone else. I'll spare everyone the picture of the ugly trans in drag who makes up part of the Biden administration, but seeing that while everyone pretends he's normal and sane is disturbing and offensive - I couldn't care less what he does in the privacy of his home, but on the national political stage it is a mockery of the rules that apply to normal people.

The existence of trans people is in no way an attack on you, nor does it "force" you to do one single thing. You sound mad that you can't bully them and have it be socially acceptable
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Good grief you are dense. I am a UT fan because I have 2 degrees from the school.

You're saying your choice of residence is equal to your choice of sports team. Given that, you're saying you would stay in a place that became a **** hole. Goodness that is stupid.

Lol you're a fan because of a personal connection, not because "i AlWaYs ChOoSe #1", so thanks for proving my point. I don't blame you for going way off the deep end with your analogy given how wrong you are, but we're talking about the United States which no one (except maybe you?) is saying is a **** hole.
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The existence of trans people is in no way an attack on you, nor does it "force" you to do one single thing. You sound mad that you can't bully them and have it be socially acceptable

I might see a bit of your point if we ignored other people who are offended by words and statues. Goose and gander. Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no intention to bully someone else for being different - socially acceptable or not. The point is in systemic equality - if government rules unequally because of race, sex, gender, or any other factor then it is guilty of systemic bias.
I might see a bit of your point if we ignored other people who are offended by words and statues. Goose and gander. Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no intention to bully someone else for being different - socially acceptable or not. The point is in systemic equality - if government rules unequally because of race, sex, gender, or any other factor then it is guilty of systemic bias.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like the “systemic bias” revolves around the idea that trans people are breaking some rules against obscenity (that others aren’t allowed to break) just by existing, which is quite an opinion to have

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