The Woke Olympics

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like the “systemic bias” revolves around the idea that trans people are breaking some rules against obscenity (that others aren’t allowed to break) just by existing, which is quite an opinion to have

Some words and some statues for some reason are apparently obscene to some people just by existing. I'm a retired engineer - not a social scientist or other who dabbles in the fine definition of words that take on political context, so if my choice of words isn't quite the accepted definition, I suppose I have to ask forgiveness. When I chose "systemic bias" it was in the context that some behavior is accepted as the norm by some official stance - such as a legislative action. For example "hate crime" covers individuals that for some reason are not "average people" and doesn't protect all people equally.
Some words and some statues for some reason are apparently obscene to some people just by existing. I'm a retired engineer - not a social scientist or other who dabbles in the fine definition of words that take on political context, so if my choice of words isn't quite the accepted definition, I suppose I have to ask forgiveness. When I chose "systemic bias" it was in the context that some behavior is accepted as the norm by some official stance - such as a legislative action. For example "hate crime" covers individuals that for some reason are not "average people" and doesn't protect all people equally.

Well yeah, the majority typically isn't a protected class. Most of the laws protecting minorities are intended to safeguard against the "tyranny of the majority" that James Madison (among others) described. So are our Electoral College and Congress that don't treat every vote equally
Well yeah, the majority typically isn't a protected class. Most of the laws protecting minorities are intended to safeguard against the "tyranny of the majority" that James Madison (among others) described. So are our Electoral College and Senate that don't treat every vote equally

You and many others tend to forget that the Electoral College was far more to do with compromise and to form a union of equal states. As a nation, we are a union of states - not a union of individual people, but one person's vote counts the same as that of another in the state. The House was designed as a chamber to represent each person - that's as good as you are going to get on "equal representation" ... and a special good luck on the "representation" bit.
Gold medals are what count, and we're trailing by 7.

Thanks Ricky Bobby.

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Lol you're a fan because of a personal connection, not because "i AlWaYs ChOoSe #1", so thanks for proving my point. I don't blame you for going way off the deep end with your analogy given how wrong you are, but we're talking about the United States which no one (except maybe you?) is saying is a **** hole.

If you lived in a place that became the equivalent of UT football over the past 15 years, and you had the means to move, you are saying you wouldnt.

That is borderline retarded.
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If you lived in a place that became the equivalent of UT football over the past 15 years, and you had the means to move, you are saying you wouldnt.

That is borderline retarded.

Lol you’re lost in the ocean somewhere trying to find the point but thanks for admitting that you (like everyone) make a number of decisions based on personal preference and connections as opposed to objective #1 and nothing else
Well yeah, the majority typically isn't a protected class. Most of the laws protecting minorities are intended to safeguard against the "tyranny of the majority" that James Madison (among others) described. So are our Electoral College and Congress that don't treat every vote equally

The problem is that you want a country different from this country, but aren't willing to go elsewhere. You and I weren't around in the beginning, so we weren't involved in determining the rules. Now, Abe Lincoln had words about if your government isn't suiting you, then you have a right to rise up against it, so there's always that ... but it didn't go well the last time. You'd likely find it much easier finding a place that suited you if the feds hadn't decided to take over what was rightfully state decisions.
Awful lot of people saying "If you don't like it here, then move," who have been very vocal about other people who don't like it where they are doing the same thing.

I personally stay places long after I've worn out my welcome and try to make change from inside, but that's just me.
Lol you’re lost in the ocean somewhere trying to find the point but thanks for admitting that you (like everyone) make a number of decisions based on personal preference and connections as opposed to objective #1 and nothing else

Yes, my personal preference is to not live in mediocrity. And to also not put my choice of residence on the same level as my choice of football team. Hell, they arent in the same galaxy in my world.

To two of you on here, they are the same level. Thus, since you havent switched football teams, you're also saying you wouldnt switch living spaces if you found yourself living in mediocrity. Again, it is about as stupid a choice as I can imagine.

It is like some idiot that lives in a trailer park or ghetto staying there, when he could leave, but doesnt cause he doesnt want to lose his homies. Lol.
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Yes, my personal preference is to not live in mediocrity. And to also not put my choice of residence on the same level as my choice of football team. Hell, they arent in the same galaxy in my world.

To two of you on here, they are the same level. Thus, since you havent switched football teams, you're also saying you wouldnt switch living spaces if you found yourself living in mediocrity. Again, it is about as stupid a choice as I can imagine.

It is like some idiot that lives in a trailer park or ghetto staying there, when he could leave, but doesnt cause he doesnt want to lose his homies. Lol.

You're working hard to rationalize this dumbassery. Maybe you do believe the crap you're spewing. Geezus, you're dumber than I previously thought.
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The problem is that you want a country different from this country, but aren't willing to go elsewhere. You and I weren't around in the beginning, so we weren't involved in determining the rules. Now, Abe Lincoln had words about if your government isn't suiting you, then you have a right to rise up against it, so there's always that ... but it didn't go well the last time. You'd likely find it much easier finding a place that suited you if the feds hadn't decided to take over what was rightfully state decisions.

Everyone should want us to be better. MLK "wanted a country different from this country and didn't want to leave," so he changed it for the better. I certainly wouldn't describe that as a problem.
You're working hard to rationalize this dumbassery. Maybe you do believe the crap you're spewing. Geezus, you're dumber than I previously thought.

Having a preference for the U.S. because your family/life is here is now somehow being compared to being tethered to a trailer park. I thought this was the pro-America crowd.
Awful lot of people saying "If you don't like it here, then move," who have been very vocal about other people who don't like it where they are doing the same thing.

I personally stay places long after I've worn out my welcome and try to make change from inside, but that's just me.

There's nothing wrong about that. There is a problem with people wanting to change rules because the short term outcome doesn't work for them or because they believe their interests are more important than others. At one time I thought the Electoral College was all wrong ... I was barely in HS and didn't really understand the reasons; it's a normal reaction until "the more you know" kicks in. The point is we have the system we have so that we can be Tennesseans or Californians or whatever; we aren't forced to be what a few metropolitan areas would otherwise dictate - or what mob rule (a simple democracy which we aren't) would dictate. Those are the rules, and there's a clear path to changing the rules ... if you can get enough people to go along.

The Olympics is actually a good example. Countries get to decide which people represent them - it's not a world decision who goes. I have no doubt you know all this, but since I was guilty of suggesting someone might be happier elsewhere, I'll defend my comment.
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You're working hard to rationalize this dumbassery. Maybe you do believe the crap you're spewing. Geezus, you're dumber than I previously thought.

Personal attack is your best option. You cant possibly defend that idiotic analogy.
Personal attack is your best option. You cant possibly defend that idiotic analogy.

You've failed to posit a cogent defense of such terrible take, mockery of your inability to recognize that undisputed fact is sport for me.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and waive off. You completely sh*t the bed and your pride is getting the better of any sensibilities you have left.
You've failed to posit a cogent defense of such terrible take, mockery of your inability to recognize that undisputed fact is sport for me.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and waive off. You completely sh*t the bed and your pride is getting the better of any sensibilities you have left.

See ya junior. Go come up with some more dumb analogies. I know you're capable.
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See ya junior. Go come up with some more dumb analogies. I know you're capable.

You know, the analogy was used to help you figure out why your first take was such a train wreck. I suppose it shouldn't have come as any surprise you couldn't reconcile the more easily digestible analogy. Maybe next time I'll draw you a picture with crayons on construction paper. No more favors after that kiddo.

Pride and ignorance, you're a double threat.
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