Another "closet-breaker". Consider the following....
Although it will probably change in the next few years, public bathrooms are separated by gender for modesty (remember that word?) and privacy's sake. This has and is done b/c of the natural attraction between male and female. Considering some (less than 2% of total population) of men are attracted to men, then shouldn't they have their own bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. for modesty and privacy's sake? If you're heterosexual, would you want a man glaring at your manhood? What about your pre-teen or teenage son - who leaves your dinner table at a restaurant b/c nature calls. Would you want a non-heterosexual glaring at him at the stand-up urinal? I'm not saying that all homosexuals behave in this fashion, but I'm not naive, gullible and stupid enough to believe none of them do either (just like a few heterosexual men glaring at hooters at Hooters). So open-minded, accepting of all, nothing-is-outside-the-boundaries thinkers - what do we do now?
Although he is certainly free to declare his sexuality and practice his passions with any of like-mindedness (thanks to many US military personnel and their sacrifices - just try this in Russia, Iran, Irag, Turkey, etc. etc...), I cannot accept it as "natural". Why?
Genitalia sharing between humans, insects, animals, etc. is for pro-creation. Assuming evolution is correct and survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle and further, since homosexuals can't pro-create, do we presume that they are genetic misfits (since they are "born that way" and not made)? If true, proudly admitting that you're homosexual is a bit oxymoronic (proudly admitting you're a genetic misfit). However, if "made", then professions like this are testaments to child-rearing, environment, etc. and if made, then it can be "un-made" as well. Further, if this is to be lumped into the same category as other maladies caused by poor child rearing and/or environment, do we consider it similarly as alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, poor lifestyles/habits, poverty, etc.?
Either way, I can't accept it as "normal", despite Hollywood's, TV's, media, etc. efforts to convince me otherwise. Do I respect these people and wish them well? Yes, not because they're homosexual, but because they're human. It is possible to disapprove but not disrespect. Fire away - those of you awash in political correctness.