They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

Keeping up with the Jones' isn't accumulating wealth and that is the focus of most advertising.

Some countries have pretty much legalized/decriminalized the majority of recreational drugs. HTF can you not know this?
Some countries have not - HTF can you not know that?
Keeping up with the Jones' is 100% about wealth envy.
Are our drug laws that different from other countries?
Wealth envy is the lifeblood capitalism. Are you wanting to make marketing and advertising illegal?

Lol you blame marketing and advertising for the drug problem? Please draw that straight line for me from advertising to drug addiction
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You accuse me of continually lying...."When do you plan on manning up? Or are you going to continue lying about Sweden"
I asked what mistake I did not own up to. (How am I continually lying) And this is what you came up with?????
That's a pretty harsh accusation to make with no ability to back it up.....but you do you.

The very first paragraph of my link......
As the 2020 campaign for the presidency of the United States gets underway, candidates have announced a raft of new tax proposals, including increases in the top marginal income tax rate, the creation of a broad wealth tax, and reversing recent cuts to the U.S. estate tax. All three proposals are what economists term “progressive” taxes, meaning they would fall most heavily on wealthier taxpayers, in contrast with “regressive” taxes, which more directly affect lower-income citizens.

Just proving that your unsupported claim was not an accepted fact.

I think in your mind you’ve made a point, and honestly it’s cute. Really.

But a higher tax rate in general (Sweden, the example you continually brought up, not me) is not the same as progressive. And you’ve still yet to show me who has a more progressive system.

Honestly, why the childish behavior?

It most certainly is one element of a progressive tax structure.
I've stated several times in this thread that I believe Sweden should have a more graduated scale like the US and that the US should have a higher top end rate like Sweden.

It's really not that hard to follow - absent a sever head injury or some other mental issue.

So…you’ve still yet to name anyone with a more progressive tax structure than our own?

From the article.........
Sweden, often cited as the most progressive tax regime in the OECD, maintains a top statutory income tax rate of 57.1 percent.

The man literally says he wishes Sweden had a more progressive tax system like the US. Then when asked who has a more progressive tax system he says….Sweden.

Lmfao 🤣
Okay. So after adjusting for inflation the average income for 1980 is about 1/3 what it is today.

So how were people better off in 1980?
Income has gone up about 30% from 1980 to 2020, not 300% (in 2020 dollars)
Personal debt has gone up at a much higher rate.
Income has gone up about 30% from 1980 to 2020, not 300% (in 2020 dollars)
Personal debt has gone up at a much higher rate.

Given record inflation, it’s hard to argue people are worse off due to personal debt. If anyone is worse off it’s those without debt (no home, no car, etc).

Just to be clear though you are claiming (falsely) that people were better off financially in 1980?

If you really look at the data what you seem to be suggesting is Americans today are in worse shape because they own a home than Americans in 1980
The man literally says he wishes Sweden had a more progressive tax system like the US. Then when asked who has a more progressive tax system he says….Sweden.

Lmfao 🤣
The man (me) literally said he wishes Sweden had a more graduated scale like the US while also wishing the US had a higher top end rate like Sweden..

Then when asked who has a more progressive tax system provided a link which stated that many experts considered Sweden to have the most progressive system.

LMFAO....(capitalized and bolded which means I am laughing harder)
Never read or at least I don't remember reading Marx. I simply look at history. Certainly don't believe in communism, but pure capitalism ain't the answer either.

Because better is a relative term. The wealthy are taking a larger and larger percentage of the pie each year. It becomes unacceptable after a period of time.
Wealthy aren’t “taking” anything
Some countries have not - HTF can you not know that?
Keeping up with the Jones' is 100% about wealth envy.
No, keeping up with the Jones's is about the appearance. Not the actual wealth. You buy the big house, even if you cant afford to furnish it. Or you buy the nice car if you cant afford the nice house or to drive the car anywhere.

If it was actual wealth envy you would go beyond the displays of wealth.

To use a poster here, unfairly or not, @marcusluvsvols brought up a good case of wealth earlier. He pays for his kids to go to private school. That takes wealth. But it doesnt show up in the stat sheet for the Jones's. He even brought up how the system punishes his use of wealth to better his kids with the tax rates. Something else that doesnt show up on the stats. The system, taxes and returns, reward people for having kids they cant afford or houses they cant, or cars, or whatever.

It's all designed for appearances and not actual wealth. If it shifted we would be far better.
Not giving the government all your money to waste is not “taking”

I was actually referring to the fact that the folks on the ground floor providing the labor are getting a smaller and smaller slice of the corporate pie while those at the top are taking a larger and larger slice.
The man (me) literally said he wishes Sweden had a more graduated scale like the US while also wishing the US had a higher top end rate like Sweden..

Then when asked who has a more progressive tax system provided a link which stated that many experts considered Sweden to have the most progressive system.

LMFAO....(capitalized and bolded which means I am laughing harder)

So your issue is that you don’t understand a graduated tax system is what a progressive tax system is? Why do you hide behind such weak games?

Just admit you are wrong. It’s a basic fact that they have a less progressive tax system than our own because they tax the middle class (70k) the same as the highest earners
Again, you are assigning positions to me that I haven't taken. And you give me perhaps the most asinine article ever. The average american is richer that JDR because they have AC. GTFOH with that trash.

I have no intent of misrepresenting your position. Feel free to state it so there’s no confusion.
And yet we have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
And yet we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.
And yet we have the highest percent of population suffering from substance abuse in the world.

Having more stuff today than people had 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, in no way means that people are better off.
Quality of life is measured by happiness not stuff.
Some of you have been indoctrinated to believe that stuff = happiness.
Again so what. You think drug addicts and felons and the mentally ill will suddenly be happy and content if they had a million dollars?
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And yet we have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
And yet we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.
And yet we have the highest percent of population suffering from substance abuse in the world.

Having more stuff today than people had 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, in no way means that people are better off.
Quality of life is measured by happiness not stuff.
Some of you have been indoctrinated to believe that stuff = happiness.
Is that why so many poor people play the lottery?
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