"They're out to get us!" The science behind conspiracy addicts, and a possible cure

Are you stating your first sentence as fact? If the virus came from a lab, it does not necessarily follow that it was created in the lab or manipulated or any other such thing. It could be, but people like to make the leap from A to B when the truth of A is not dependent upon the truth of B.

I'd touched on this earlier. Even accepting that one can parse the one (from a lab) from the other (GOF virus) they were both, particularly the latter, originally set upon as just this side of flat earth conspiracy. That has changed a LOT. The former could be damn near accepted as mainstream at this point and even the latter is upside down with a bunch of people laughingly dismissing it not long ago. Don't go forest for the trees on this one. The takeaway is that something absolutely viewed as saved for nutcases doesn't read that way at all these days.
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Huge difference because the people making the assertions were saying that it was created in a lab and then intentionally released to screw the world. In essence that China had created a bioweapon and launched an attack. It is the leaps in logic that make things conspiracy theories.
We can debate whether it was intentional or not, but we do know that it was created in a lab and that there seems to be evidence that it was released from the lab, purposefully or accidentally.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make by drawing a subtle distinction.
The corporate news audience is trained that when an event is labeled “conspiracy theory”, they can disregard the issue and that only wingnuts will have some belief in said issue.
Some actual “conspiracy theories”
-The Constitutional Convention
-Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
-Operation Mockingbird
-FBI harassment of Dick Gregory
-Operation Paperclip
-The Gulf of Tonkin
-FBI campaign to destroy MLK
-The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment
I gotta read up on those...

-Bombing of the USS Maine
-Sinking of The Lusitania
-FDR's death (possible poisoning)
-Death/suicide of James Forrestal
-Las Vegas shooting
-Death of Officer JD Tippit
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We can debate whether it was intentional or not, but we do know that it was created in a lab and that there seems to be evidence that it was released from the lab, purposefully or accidentally.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make by drawing a subtle distinction.

Nope, still don't know it was created in a lab. You continue with the leaps.
We can debate whether it was intentional or not, but we do know that it was created in a lab and that there seems to be evidence that it was released from the lab, purposefully or accidentally.
No we don't. Some evidence points to it, but we don't "know."
I'll put myself out there front and center and let you guys attack me for being a conspiracy theorist. But here is my angle:

1. I have no idea what the long term effect of the vaccines are. The CDC, FDA, Fauci, Biden and all of the flip-flopping and goalpost moving hasn't inspired confidence in a person that is already cynical to begin with.
2. The vaccines may be "safe and effective"... they very well could be, but on principle, even if they are, they should not be mandated. The reason why is that I can see this opening the door down the road for more vaccines later on and, as we've seen in New York and Biden's mandate, opens the door for your livelihood and freedom being controlled or taken from you based on a personal medical decision.
3. Mandating masks, in my opinion, isn't about stopping the spread of the disease because there are too many examples by now of mask wearing not having any effect on the spread of this virus. The masks are a way of getting compliance and obedience out of the people.

Yep, you would be labeled as a conspiracy nut. The best way to shut down debate is to call people conspircy nut, or homophobes or racists. So not matter hiw logically your thought process is, because you go against the state, youre a conspiracy nut.
Conspiracy theorists lack critical thinking skills: New study

Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of a situation – and requires a number of cognitive skills.

These include the ability to think systematically, see other perspectives, change your mind when new evidence arises, identify relevant versus irrelevant information, identify and discard logical fallacies, be aware of biases and avoid them, and look beyond the obvious.

Lets put that critical thinking towards transgenderism
To what end? You really think that a bunch of county heath department people and infectious disease specialists have been sitting around for years pining for the day when they could make people wear masks in Kroger?

Intentionally being obtuse?
Masks are like a gateway drug opening the path for further compliance mandates. Take away personal freedoms with something as seemingly innocuous as a mask using “public health and safety” as justification, use fear porn to create mask “Nazis” for compliance and public shaming and the next freedom removing thing you mandate using “public health and safety” is more readily accepted by the population from those who initially bought in, those publicly outed into compliance and those who want to avoid public outing so they just keep their heads down and go along with it. Rinse and repeat for as long as it takes to incrementally remove freedoms and gain total control.

I don't think you understand what I'm asking.

Is the "Russian Hoax" an implication that there was a belief in Russian interference or collusion (or both)?

In other words, what does the term "Russian hoax" refer to?
Yep, you would be labeled as a conspiracy nut. The best way to shut down debate is to call people conspircy nut, or homophobes or racists. So not matter hiw logically your thought process is, because you go against the state, youre a conspiracy nut.

You mean like Qanon guys?

Sometime a conspiracy nut is a conspiracy nut. Trying to act like victim by trotting out buzzwords like homophobe and racisms when one is being one of those things, is a viable retort. Not sure how or what caused you to drag these real issues into a conversation about conspiracy.

Normalizing far fetched, unproven theories is becoming more and more common through the use of gaslighting. The Arizona Audit thread in conjunction with Trumps lies about election fraud are prime examples.
There’s no evidence on a population level that masks or mask mandates are effective. And it does seem to be a new way of virtue signaling your compliance with authority.

I consider none of that a stretch

I was going to argue, but you are right. If you don't require effective masks and teach how to use them effectively; then you are very correct, mandates are useless. Anybody who has had CBR training and has had to use the equipment can tell you the first step is to teach people why the equipment works; the how to use it and why makes much more sense at that point.
The virus lab leak and created in the lab are two different things.

I'd bet you've reminded us many times about "coincidences" and the most likely cause. We've been brought up on stuff like "there are no coincidences". You have a big country, lots of reasonably healthy people with a lifetime habit of eating questionable stuff, infected bats with a disease never before transmissible to humans in a cave somewhere else, a secretive government, and the disease that's never before infected humans pops with a vengeance in the very city harboring a fugitive "lab" devoted to making that disease transmissible to humans - THAT IS NOT COICIDENCE. And it's sure not a conspiracy theory unless you want to deny the obvious. If you want to argue it was an accident rather than a state sponsored criminal act, OK - there's plenty of wiggle room on that aspect. When kids play with matches and the building burns, it's almost certainly related - the intent is debatable.
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Huge difference because the people making the assertions were saying that it was created in a lab and then intentionally released to screw the world. In essence that China had created a bioweapon and launched an attack. It is the leaps in logic that make things conspiracy theories.

That is the kids playing with fire and the direct comparison to lab rats creating a new disease to infect humans who supposedly have no natural immunity to the disease because in its natural state it does not infect humans. That they screwed up and created a pandemic is probable and almost certain; that they did so intentionally is very arguable. I'd argue that letting the Chinese off the hook had more to do with a panicked world wanting to take revenge on China more than anything else. Governments by their very nature always have to be right, and we are at the point that one government has to support others to avoid the collapse into doubt.

The biggest thing to me is that I fail to understand why the world as a whole isn't demanding payment by the Chinese for stupidity and probable duplicity. That, however, would ultimately bring out how many countries supported the Chinese research, and that leads back to coverup.
Nope, I haven't reminded you about any such thing. Bats are thought to be the source of other corona virus transmissions from bats to humans. Bat origin of human coronaviruses | Virology Journal | Full Text

Reaching ... a lot. That's a lot like kids and excuses for why they didn't finish an assignment. If corona viruses are so prevalent throughout the world, then why did it take so long to affect humans and why did it happen suddenly and virulently in the city where gain of function testing was taking place? Even if true (and there's a lot of doubt in medical "research" journals lately), then why did these other supposed outbreaks generally fizzle on their own while the synthesized version has lasted and spun off equally harmful mutants?

BTW, regarding the veracity of your source.

Springer, BMC retracting nearly 60 papers for fake reviews and other issues
Masks are like a gateway drug opening the path for further compliance mandates. Take away personal freedoms with something as seemingly innocuous as a mask using “public health and safety” as justification, use fear porn to create mask “Nazis” for compliance and public shaming and the next freedom removing thing you mandate using “public health and safety” is more readily accepted by the population from those who initially bought in, those publicly outed into compliance and those who want to avoid public outing so they just keep their heads down and go along with it. Rinse and repeat for as long as it takes to incrementally remove freedoms and gain total control.
You know you're right. Next thing we know the government will be implementing speed limits, building codes, restaurant inspections, and healthcare licensing, all under the guise of “public health and safety.”
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