@Tin Man ... I saw where you tagged me a few weeks ago and I know I didn't respond and I apologize for that.
I have PTSD from my time in Iraq and since my back has gotten worse, it's really came on full force. I know it's because I know I can't keep on reclaiming barns. My back just can't take it.
The reason I reclaim barns is because of my ptsd. It keeps me away from people and make good money. I can't work a regular job. If someone said the wrong thing or pisses me off, let's just say I'm not a nice person.
Reclaiming barns literally saved my life. And now that I know I can't continue, it has shoved me right back.down that dark hole. Today was the first day I've worked in a week and half. I've been holed away from the world which is what I do. Self isolation is one of the symptoms, obsessive behavior is another as well as insomnia. I will.go 2 days without sleep.
Another of it has to do with the fact that I have no idea what I'm going to do for work. I'm trying to save as much money as I can so at least I'll have some seed money to start over once I figure out what I'm going to do.
I'm not telling you this for sympathy. I'm telling you this because I see you as one of the few friends I have on here and out in the world. I'm a very private and closed off person. I didn't want to ignore you, but it's just what happens when the ptsd surfaces.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update. And thank God that bama monkey is off our back. I think UT had a great chance to go all the way.