This is not normal: Trump's tweet storm

I'm curious as to why that is.....not really.

Both Canada and Germany place severe restrictions on free speech, Germany the press and both on firearms so neither have 1 iota of concern for individual liberty.
This is a somewhat nuanced issue, IMO.

McCain was a Republican that supported good policy even if it meant personal loss, like the law that Citizens United struck down. He was someone that both sides respected because he voted on principle and not down party lines (which is something that would be required of way more than 1 guy if a utopian individual liberty government is an actual ideal).

His Obamacare vote in August 2017 was 100% consistent with the above qualities. I’m not a fan of Obamacare, and I never have been, but this administration has shown time and time again that they don’t have the capacity to dictate clear expectations or policy guidelines to Congress. You saw it with the tax bill which was largely hammered out by Ryan and McConnel and you saw it with the wall and the emergency declarations where republicans reach a compromise and think they’ve satisfied Trump and he comes out and says no I’ve changed my mind. What they were planning to do was to remove a significant portion of regulatiory code regarding health insurance and they had no plan for how to fix it. It would have been a complete disaster for the Republican Party, they would have gotten absolutely destroyed in the 2018 midterms where they already got abused by the idea that they wanted to take away healthcare.

The reason he gets defended by the left, I assume, is because he was respected, and it’s sad to see people denigrate a respectable man in favor of somebody like Donald Trump. The fact that so many are so ready to choose Trump over McCain and to believe easily disprovable ******** like that meme is support for the liberal/never trump theory that Trump is having a negative impact on basic human decency and supports the idea that that harm will continue beyond his presidency.

McCain did not support good policy, he was a warmonger that used his office for personal gain (he was worth over $200 million when he died). He was not the "maverick" he claimed to be, he was not a good person the press made him out to be and it's time to stop fawning over the man and actually look at his record.
You seem to be overly fixated on the fascism angle.
What do you call a proper blending of individual and societal freedoms and rights?

There is no such thing as "societal freedom or rights" there is only freedom and rights for the individuals who make up society so if you strip freedom and rights from the individual the society in which they live is not free.
There is no such thing as "societal freedom or rights" there is only freedom and rights for the individuals who make up society so if you strip freedom and rights from the individual the society in which they live is not free.
Are we back to pretending Canadians and Europeans aren’t free?
McCain did not support good policy, he was a warmonger that used his office for personal gain (he was worth over $200 million when he died). He was not the "maverick" he claimed to be, he was not a good person the press made him out to be and it's time to stop fawning over the man and actually look at his record.
The quintessential "public servant".
McCain did not support good policy, he was a warmonger that used his office for personal gain (he was worth over $200 million when he died). He was not the "maverick" he claimed to be, he was not a good person the press made him out to be and it's time to stop fawning over the man and actually look at his record.
Not going to address everything you posted but I will this part in bold because it implies corruption - which is false... The fact is McCain's source of wealth comes from marrying really well. His wife Cindy was the daughter of Jim Hensley who was a major shareholder in Anheuser-Busch. If you were to be honest, I believe your biggest beef with McCain at this moment, is simply the fact that he did not like Donald Trump. I also believe that it is extremely petty of the President of the United States to be Twitter fighting with a person who died over 6 months ago. He should have better things to do. It is symptomatic of what a hyper-sensitive and insecure person he truly is.
Not going to address everything you posted but I will this part in bold because it implies corruption - which is false... The fact is McCain's source of wealth comes from marrying really well. His wife Cindy was the daughter of Jim Hensley who was a major shareholder in Anheuser-Busch. If you were to be honest, I believe your biggest beef with McCain at this moment, is simply the fact that he did not like Donald Trump. I also believe that it is extremely petty of the President of the United States to be Twitter fighting with a person who died over 6 months ago. He should have better things to do. It is symptomatic of what a hyper-sensitive and insecure person he truly is.
I doubt if you would be a McCain fan if he was a Democrat trying to take your candidate down by peddling a fake dossier.
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Free is a relative term.
While it’s fair to disagree with Europe’s anti-gun and anti-hate speech laws (and I do as well), it has to be mentioned that this is out of popular support and not government tyranny. It certainly does not mean their people aren’t free.
McCain did not support good policy, he was a warmonger that used his office for personal gain (he was worth over $200 million when he died). He was not the "maverick" he claimed to be, he was not a good person the press made him out to be and it's time to stop fawning over the man and actually look at his record.

What about his record? The fact that he supported the Iraq war?
Not going to address everything you posted but I will this part in bold because it implies corruption - which is false... The fact is McCain's source of wealth comes from marrying really well. His wife Cindy was the daughter of Jim Hensley who was a major shareholder in Anheuser-Busch. If you were to be honest, I believe your biggest beef with McCain at this moment, is simply the fact that he did not like Donald Trump. I also believe that it is extremely petty of the President of the United States to be Twitter fighting with a person who died over 6 months ago. He should have better things to do. It is symptomatic of what a hyper-sensitive and insecure person he truly is.

I my disdain for McCain began years ago, well before he even made his pathetic run for president so it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Cindy McCain's father owned a beer distributorship in AZ that distributes AHB so take her inherited wealth out of the equation and lets focus on his individual net worth of over $16 million.
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While it’s fair to disagree with Europe’s anti-gun and anti-hate speech laws (and I do as well), it has to be mentioned that this is out of popular support and not government tyranny. It certainly does not mean their people aren’t free.

It absolutely does. How could it mean anything else?
I my disdain for McCain began years ago, well before he even made his pathetic run for president so it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Cindy McCain's father owned a beer distributorship in AZ that distributes AHB so take her inherited wealth out of the equation and lets focus on his individual net worth of over $16 million.
Maybe he found a bank to lend him money and they didn't care if he paid it back? Shouldn't concern you anymore than Trump's relationship with Deutsche apparently does... and my point to this is how incredibly petty it is to be publicly airing a grievance with someone who has been dead for over 6 months. Good lord this looks small.
There is no such thing as "societal freedom or rights" there is only freedom and rights for the individuals who make up society so if you strip freedom and rights from the individual the society in which they live is not free.
You may understand it better if I give you an example. Where does your right to make noise in your apartment meet your neighbor's right to not be subjected to the noise?
If you still do not understand, let me know and I'll come up with another example.
Because the people have ability to change the laws with popular support. They just choose not to.

Again with the group think. If the mob controls the rights of the individual the society isn't free. Why is that a hard concept for you to understand?
Maybe he found a bank to lend him money and they didn't care if he paid it back? Shouldn't concern you anymore than Trump's relationship with Deutsche apparently does... and my point to this is how incredibly petty it is to be publicly airing a grievance with someone who has been dead for over 6 months. Good lord this looks small.

I have not defended Trump on this because I agree with you, it is petty. I have simply pointed out that McCain isn't the person he is made out to be and never was.

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