This is not normal: Trump's tweet storm

When did American citizens lose their scepticism of political leaders? Any slimball who has made a career of holding public office should not be trusted; McCain included.
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Would it be more appropriate if he spit on his grave instead?
No... that would be even more petty and immature. Someone who is the President of the United States should be above airing grievances against someone who is no longer around to either listen to them or defend himself... it's a reflection of how insecure Trump is that he has a need to do this.
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When did American citizens lose their scepticism of political leaders? Any slimball who has made a career of holding public office should not be trusted; McCain included.
Any slimeball who has built a paper empire of unsecured debt shouldn't be trusted either. Take a look at Trump's relationship with Deutsche Bank... it merits scrutiny - and it's finally getting it now from the House Oversight Committee.
McCain should be praised for his sacrifice in service to his country.

That does not give him a lifetime pass for some of his behavior.

His promulgation of the Steele dossier reflects poorly on his character, just as Trump's reaction to McCain's role in it does as well.

Neither gets a pass, shame on them both.

Sen. John McCain's role in Trump dossier intrigue detailed in deposition
There is much irony in your choice of words here... Trump looks incredibly small for taking swipes at him now. It's ridiculous.
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Any slimeball who has built a paper empire of unsecured debt shouldn't be trusted either. Take a look at Trump's relationship with Deutsche Bank... it merits scrutiny - and it's finally getting it now from the House Oversight Committee.
I wish you could lift the blinders from your left eye, too.
You don't get a general vibe from about 50%-75% of the posters who make politicians into cult of personalities?
Nope, it's the internet, people get stupid on it and generally don't talk that way in person.

luther isn't the only troller around here.
There is much irony in your choice of words here... Trump looks incredibly small for taking swipes at him now. It's ridiculous.
Irony in your case is in the eye of the beholder. He's being criticized for what he did during his lifetime that came out after his death. He isn't the only one that has had that done to them. History can be cruel when you get exposed posthumously.

But I agree, Trump does look "small" (ironic?) for how he reacts to this and many other things. That's who he is, not many are surprised.
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McCain was a piece of trash RINO

Played a key role in the fake dossier
We still have obamacare because of him
We almost had amnesty for illegals because of him
This seems like you are, to some extent, disagreeing about semantics.

IMO, what you’re describing is not “freedom.” In a vacuum, I have the right to make as much noise as I damn well please and screw you and your desire to be free from such noise, unless you can stop me.

However because such disputes are counter-productive, and/or because I don’t particularly value my “right” to do certain things, and/or because, in your example, there would likely be enough people annoyed by the noise to stop me, I’m willing to voluntarily surrender a certain degree of freedom in order to cohabitate in a community with other people.

It doesn’t make me or the community more free, but it might still provide a net benefit.
I guess I can agree.
Same thought with water or air pollution. Where does your right to dump whatever you wish into the creek that runs through your property infringe on the rights of the person next door who also has land through which the creek runs? Or the town's whose water supply is fed by the creek?
There is much irony in your choice of words here... Trump looks incredibly small for taking swipes at him now. It's ridiculous.

It's much more than taking a swipe at McCain. It's about keeping his base engaged and America divided. Vlad is laughing his arse off.
No... that would be even more petty and immature. Someone who is the President of the United States should be above airing grievances against someone who is no longer around to either listen to them or defend himself... it's a reflection of how insecure Trump is that he has a need to do this.
Meh... I'm really getting tired of these idealistic standards that we have placed on POTUS. Trump tweets are far less damaging or sinister than just about anything most other presidents have been guilty of doing.

Meh... I'm really getting tired of these idealistic standards that we have placed on POTUS. Trump tweets are far less damaging or sinister than just about anything most other presidents have been guilty of doing.


How are you getting tired of them? There haven't been any in the last two years.

And do you think his tweet about the military, police and biker gangs wasn't sinister?
Meh... I'm really getting tired of these idealistic standards that we have placed on POTUS. Trump tweets are far less damaging or sinister than just about anything most other presidents have been guilty of doing.

You call expecting a President to adhere to norms of decency as being "idealistic"? I guess expecting a President to not payoff strippers just before an election with campaign funds is being "idealistic" as well? Trump is a lowlife.
You just described an entire generation of weak spined teenagers and young professionals, along with their Liberal mentors.
Not your every day run of the mill narcissist but he suffers from full blown narcissistic personality disorder.....i.e..... (cray cray)
Throw in the antisocial personality disorder and you have quite the toxic mix which renders one beyond incapable of functioning as POTUS.

So, refusing to be the establishment b**** makes him cray cray. It may be childish, but I think quite to the point. He calls them out, and they can't handle it.
How are you getting tired of them? There haven't been any in the last two years.

And do you think his tweet about the military, police and biker gangs wasn't sinister?
Not familiar with the tweet you are talking about... but I'm fairly certain it didn't result in someone's death or the loss of liberties or property.
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